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WELCOME TO NEW YORK CITY !. Click on the picture corresponding to the definition .

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  2. Click on the picturecorresponding to the definition. I symbolize the American Dream. I was an 1886 gift from France and I was made by A. Bartholdi and the French engineer G. Eiffel. I am now located on a small island South of Manhattan, and millions of visitors come to admire me everyday. E A D C F B

  3. Click on the picturecorresponding to the definition. I symbolize the American Dream. I was an 1886 gift from France and I was made by A. Bartholdi and the French engineer G. Eiffel. I am now located on a small island South of Manhattan, and millions of visitors come to admire me everyday. E WRONG! Pay attention to the words in red A D C F B

  4. Click on the picturecorresponding to the definition. I connect Manhattan island to the South Eastern part of New York. I have a separated roadway for cars and a pedestrian walk on my top, from where you can admire wonderful views of lower Manhattan. E A D C F B

  5. Click on the picturecorresponding to the definition. I connect Manhattan island to the South Eastern part of New York. I have a separated roadway for cars and a pedestrian walk on my top, from where you can admire wonderful views of lower Manhattan. E WRONG! Pay attention to the words in red A D C F B

  6. Click on the picturecorresponding to the definition. I am in the centre of Manhattan Island, and I represent a green haven in a forest of skyscrapers. During the day, New Yorkers can jog, roller-skate, pick-nick, or simply forget all about the city. E A D C F B

  7. Click on the picturecorresponding to the definition. I am in the centre of Manhattan Island, and I represent a green haven in a forest of skyscrapers. During the day, New Yorkers can jog, roller-skate, pick-nick, or simply forget all about the city. E WRONG! Pay attention to the words in red A D C F B

  8. Click on the picturecorresponding to the definition. I am one of the tallest skyscrapers in the world, and I reach 1,454 feet. People gave me the nickname of the Eighth Wonder of the World. From my top, you can see the entire island of Manhattan. E A D C F B

  9. Click on the picturecorresponding to the definition. I am one of the tallest skyscrapers in the world, and I reach 1,454 feet. People gave me the nickname of the Eighth Wonder of the World. From my top, you can see the entire island of Manhattan. E WRONG! Pay attention to the words in red A D C F B

  10. Click on the picturecorresponding to the definition. I have been the victim of a terrorist attack in September 2001. Two new towers are being rebuilt where the symbol of America's greatness was destroyed. E A D C F B

  11. Click on the picturecorresponding to the definition. I have been the victim of a terrorist attack in September 2001. Two new towers are being rebuilt where the symbol of America's greatness was destroyed. E WRONG! Pay attention to the words in red A D C F B

  12. Click on the picturecorresponding to the definition. I represent the core of New York City's night life for tourists. Giant screens display advertisement for musical shows or movies, and all kinds of stores are open at any time. E A D C F B

  13. Click on the picturecorresponding to the definition. I represent the core of New York City's night life for tourists. Giant screens display advertisement for musical shows or movies, and all kinds of stores are open at any time. E WRONG! Pay attention to the words in red A D C F B

  14. Getready for NEW YORK’S Big Challenge! Visit the followingwebsite and takeour quiz about the Statue of Liberty http://www.statueofliberty.org/statue_history.html Start the Quiz now!

  15. QUESTION 1 Score: 0 Where is the Statue of Liberty? A: On Ellis Island B: On Statue Island C: On Liberty Island D: In Liberty City

  16. QUESTION 2 Score: 10 Who gave the statue to the Americans? A: the French B: the Italians C: the Portuguese D: the Chinese

  17. QUESTION 3 Score: 20 Which architect built the statue? A: F. A. Bartholdi B: G. Eiffel C: A. Renoir D: J. F. Kennedy

  18. QUESTION 4 Score: 30 On which occasion was the statue built? A: the American president’s birthday B: the French Revolution C: the 100th birthday of American Independence D: there was no particular occasion

  19. QUESTION 5 Score: 40 Who made the design of the statue? A: G. Eiffel B: F. A. Bartholdi C: L. da Vinci D: A. Rodin

  20. QUESTION 6 Score: 50 When was it built? A: In 1776 B: In 1786 C: In 1876 D: In 1886

  21. QUESTION 7 Score: 60 Who inspired Bartholdi for the design of the statue? A: His little sister B: His wife C: His mother D: His imagination

  22. QUESTION 8 Score: 70 Who wrote a poem that can be read inside the pedestal? A: Ella Mazarus B: Emma Lazarus C: Stella Actarus D: Halle Zarus

  23. QUESTION 9 Score: 80 What metal composes the statue? A: Copper B: Silver C: Gold D: Platinum

  24. QUESTION 10 Score: 90 It symbolizes… A: the flames of victory B: a Greek goddess C: the liberty of thinking D: the American Dream

  25. QUESTION 11 Score: 100 How many rays are there on its crown? A: 5 B: 6 C: 7 D: 8

  26. QUESTION 12 Score: 110 In Which direction does the statue look? A: East, to welcome newcomers B: West, towards the New World C: North, towards Canada D: South, to contemplate the world

  27. QUESTION 13 Score: 120 You can go up to… A: The Statue’s hand B: The Statue’s crown C: The pedestal D: You can’t go up

  28. QUESTION 14 Score: 130 What date is written on the statue’s tablet? A: January 4th, 1776 B: July 4th, 1776 C: June 4th, 1776 D: there is no date, it is a poem

  29. FINAL QUESTION Score: 140 If New York is not the capital of New York State, then what is the state’s capital? A: Hungary B: Austria C: Albany D: Washington, D.C.

  30. SCORE: 150 CONGRATULATIONS! You answered all the questions correctly! Nowyoucanfly over the Big Apple! Click HERE

  31. Les Comparatifs et superlatifs Voyons d'abord les comparatifs. Comme leur nom l'indique, ils permettent de comparer deux personnes, ou deux choses. Ils fonctionnent cependant légèrement différemment du français. On doit tout d'abord faire attention à l'adjectif. Car s'il s'agit d'un adjectif court ou long, cela ne fonctionne pas de la même manière. Exemple: les adjectifs big, tall, long, short, nicesont des adjectifs courts, car ils ne possèdentsqu'UNE seule syllabe. On va aussi inclure dans la liste des adjectifs courts, tous les adjectifs de DEUX syllabes qui TERMINENT par Y, comme easy, funny, etc... Les adjectifs longs sont tous les autres adjectifs qui n'obéissent pas à cette règle. - Pour le comparatif de supériorité (plus que), cela va se construire comme suit: Adjectif court + -er + thanou bien more + adjectif long + than Exemple:New York isbiggerthanParis. Paris ismore beautifulthanNew York New York isfunnierthanParis - Pour le comparatif d'infériorité (moins que), la construction est la même quelle que soit la taille de l'adjectif: less + adjectif + thanExemple: New York islessbeautifulthanParis - Pour le comparatif d'égalité, on utilise as + adjectif + as, quel que soit l'adjectif Exemple: New York isas nice as Paris

  32. Les Comparatifs et superlatifs Les superlatifs fonctionnent presque comme les comparatifs, sauf qu'il n'existe que les superlatifs de supériorité et d'infériorité. Ils permettent de montrer qu'une personne ou une chose est supérieure ou inférieure à tout un groupe. - Pour le superlatif de supériorité, distinguez à nouveau les adjectifs courts des adjectifs longs. the + adjectif court + -est ou bien the most + adjectif long Ex: New York isthe nicestcity in the world New York isthe mostmulticulturalcity of the US - Pour le superlatif d'infériorité, utilisez the least à chaque fois: Ex: Central Park isthe least pollutedplace of New York Quelques exceptions (il y en a presque toujours): Le comparatif de supériorité de good donne better, et le superlatif de supériorité donne the best Le comparatif de supériorité de bad donne worse, et le superlatif de supériorité donne the worst...

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