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Couldn't be without it! A CERN, ESA, ESO, EMBL, ESRF, ILL, EFDA joint project for the European Science and Technology Week 4-11 Nov 02.
Couldn't be without it! A CERN, ESA, ESO, EMBL, ESRF, ILL, EFDA joint project for the European Science and Technology Week 4-11 Nov 02
We have arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. • (C. Sagan - A Demon Haunted World) • Today's high quality of life relies on the use of several devices which make life safer, easier and more enjoyable. • Few people in Europe know how these devices really work and even fewer understand their development from fundamental research.
Couldn't be without it! - Outline of the project To show in an attractive and effective way how strong are the links between pure research and technological applications Objective: General Public and schools Target: * Europe-wide survey * Dissemination * Creation of a Web space * Creation and distribution of teaching kits * Series of Webcasts * Consolidation Workplan:
Workpackages • Survey (Feb. => Nov. 02) • Web Space ( Feb. 02 => Jan. 03) • Dissemination (Feb. 02 => Jan. 03) • Educational Kits (Sept. 02) • Multilingual Webcasts (ESTW 02 - Nov. 7-8, live from CERN and then archived on website) • Consolidation (Dec. 02 => )
Couldn't be without it! - CERN's tasks: Coordination General coordination, EU Relations: P. Catapano Executive coordination, Website coordination& update: M. De Pasquale Financial Coordination (budget management): R. Menendez M. De Pasquale
Couldn't be without it! - Budget overview Total budget (according to the contract): 617,500 € EU contribution: 296,400 € ESA: 103,200 € ESO: 19,200 € EMBL: 19,200 € CERN: 154,800 €
What can you do for us • Help us select contestants for the Quiz Show Webcast Live: 2 teams of 2 persons each per Webcast, in Italian, French and English • Contribute to dissemination of website, live webcasts and teaching kits (Bookmarks, flyers, posters) • Organize school classes to follow Live Webcasts 7 (Italian at 10 am and French 15h00; English Nov. 8 at 15h00) • www.cern.ch/sci-tech