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Muttigrees. Muttigrees.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Muttigrees

  2. Muttigrees • Every Thursday we will spend some time after psychomotor learning about ourselves—what makes us special, what we do well, the many different feelings we(and other people) have, how we can be a good friend and think about other people’s feelings and how to make good decisions. But we are also going to be learning about DOGS!

  3. What is a muttigree? • Muttigrees are dogs awaiting adoption at an animal shelter. Shelters have muttigrees which are a mixture of at least two different dog breeds, as well as purebreds –all deserving of a loving home.

  4. What do you remember about muttigrees from last year?

  5. We can learn from dogs. What do you think this sign means? What else can we learn from dogs?

  6. Our Goal • in this series of lessons is to become calm, confident, and caring individuals who will grow up knowing that we make a difference in the lives of people, animals and the environment.

  7. How many dogs are there in the United States? • There are about 77.5 MILLION dogs owned as pets in the United States. • How many of you own a dog? • Can you tell you partner about your dog? • Many muttigrees live in shelters. Have you ever been to a shelter? • Let's go to a shelter

  8. Let’s make a Muttigree Mascot • Create your own muttigree, make it unique and special.

  9. Today • We learned what a muttigree is and what our goal is going to be as we spend time talking about the uniqueness of each other and the things that make us special. • Want to see some special dogs?

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