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Preservation Update

Preservation Update. USAIN Preservation Project. Phase VI completed in June 2009 Phase VII was submitted to NEH in 2007 and 2008 but was not funded in either round. What have we accomplished to date?. 6 phases of the project: 1996 to 2009 NEH Funding: $4,495,847

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Preservation Update

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  1. Preservation Update

  2. USAIN Preservation Project Phase VI completed in June 2009 Phase VII was submitted to NEH in 2007 and 2008 but was not funded in either round

  3. What have we accomplished to date? 6 phases of the project: 1996 to 2009 NEH Funding: $4,495,847 29 states completed the bibliographic portion of the project

  4. 25 states completed the preservation portion of the project • 23 states preserved material using preservation microfilming • 2 states preserved their material using digital imaging

  5. 4 additional states were interested in participating in Phase VII

  6. HARVEST: Access to Historical U.S. Agriculture Collections • Portal developed by Cornell as part of Phase VI to provide a single point of access to CHLA and the state level collections created by the University of Arizona and Colorado State University. • http://harvest.mannlib.cornell.edu

  7. Collaboration with CRL

  8. The initial print archive corpus will consist largely of the rich test bed of agricultural serials microfilmed and/or digitized under the USAIN program and maintained by libraries and other institutions participating in the USAIN program. These materials include the agricultural serials microfilmed by USAIN libraries in 23 states and the materials digitized and included in CHLA (Core Historic Literature of Agriculture) and HEARTH (Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition, and History

  9. Project Objectives • 1. Data mining of microfilm and digitization-related records • 2. Aggregate data for archives corpus • 3. Identify baseline “archiving” conditions and services • 4. Establish consensus on target archive conditions and services • 5. Develop and execute archiving agreements

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