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HOW TO INTERPRET YOUR LAB TESTS. Janice Price, M.Ed, RN Swedish Medical Center HIV Research Program. TESTS. CBC: Complete Blood Count Serum Chemistries Liver Function/ Amylase Lipids: Blood Fats Immune System: CD4 & Viral Load. CBC: Complete Blood Count. Red Blood Cells: RBC

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  1. HOW TO INTERPRET YOUR LAB TESTS Janice Price, M.Ed, RN Swedish Medical Center HIV Research Program

  2. TESTS • CBC: Complete Blood Count • Serum Chemistries • Liver Function/ Amylase • Lipids: Blood Fats • Immune System: CD4 & Viral Load

  3. CBC: Complete Blood Count • Red Blood Cells: RBC • White Blood Cells:WBC • Platelets: Plts • Serum/Plasma

  4. Blood Cell Types

  5. Bone Marrow • All Blood Cells made in bone marrow. • Bone Marrow is the spongy centers of bones sometimes seen in cuts of meat

  6. Stem Cells • Stem cells are young cells • All blood cells start as stem cells • They get “drafted” as RBCs, WBCs or platelets depending on the body’s needs

  7. Red Blood Cells • Called erythrocytes • “cytes” = cells • Shaped like bagel with hole covered over • Filled with hemoglobin that carries oxygen from the lungs to every cell in the body. Utah State University

  8. White Blood Cells • WBCs are disease fighters • Some make antibodies and some fight invaders directly • Divided into categories depending on function and what they look like.

  9. Types of White Cells • Lymphocytes: B and T cells. Agranulocytes • Granulocytes: polymorphonucleocoytes mostly neutrophils (55-80%), also basophils and eosonophils • Monocytes: mature into macrophages (big eaters)

  10. A macrophage attacking a bacteria with a cellular extension called a pseudopod

  11. Abbreviations • RBC = Red Blood Cell • WBC = White Blood Cell • HCT = Hematocrit • Hbg = Hemoglobin • ANC = Absolute Neutrophil Count

  12. CBC

  13. TESTS OF IMMUNE FUNCTION A human cell infected with a rhinovirus ruptures, relasing millions of new viruses

  14. A human T-helper cell is under attack by HIV virus

  15. Viral Load Tests • PCR: Most common. Usually expressed has HIV-1 PCR in copies per milliliter. Roche Amplicor • bDNA: values are different. Usually ½ of PCR value • NASBA: nucleic acid sequence based amplification. Values are also different

  16. UNDETECTABLE VIRAL LOAD DOES NOT MEAN NO VIRUS PRESENT Remember: there are other places for virus to hide

  17. Viral Load Expressed as Log 10 x = viral load

  18. Genotype/Phenotype

  19. Blood Types

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