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Respiration Physiology. The Respiratory System. Functions to supply the body O 2 and remove CO 2 Respiration: Ventilation Gas diffusion between alveoli and blood Transport of Gases in blood Gas diffusion between blood and tissue cells. Respiratory System Functions. Gas exchange
The Respiratory System • Functions to supply the body O2 and remove CO2 • Respiration: • Ventilation • Gas diffusion between alveoli and blood • Transport of Gases in blood • Gas diffusion between blood andtissue cells
Respiratory System Functions Gas exchange Regulation of blood pH Voice production Olfaction Protection
Respiratory System Divisions Upper tract Nose, pharynx Larynx Sinuses Lower tract trachea bronchi bronchiol Alveoli
Nose Functions Passageway for air Defense: - Filter and Clear the air particle - Secretion: Ig, Interferons Humidifies warms air to body temprature Smell Along with paranasal sinuses are resonating chambers for speech
Larynx Functions Maintain an open passageway for air movement Epiglottis and arytenoids prevent swallowed material from moving into larynx Vocal folds are primary source of sound production
Lung Nervous System Adrenergic:airway muscle, vessels, glands β2-adrenoceptors: relaxation in airways (Bronchodilation) Cholinergic:airway muscle, vessels, gland m3 –receptors: contraction (bronchoconstriction), Secretion in mucous Non Adrenergic- Non Cholinergic (NANC): - NANCi : dynorphin and VIPDilation in airways - NANCe : SPConstrictionin airways
Lungs Two lungs: Principal organs of respiration Right lung: Three lobes Left lung: Two lobes Divisions Lobes, bronchopulmonary segments, lobules
Pleura Pleural fluid produced by pleural membranes Acts as lubricant Helps hold parietal and visceral pleural membranes together
During Inspiration Alveolar Pressure Changes
Alveolar Pressure Changes During Expiration
Inspiration: 0 -1 0 Expiration: 0 +1 0 Alveolar Pressure Changes
Pleural pressure changes Inspiration: -5 -7.5 (cmH2O) Expiration: -7.5 -5 (cmH2O)
Comp= P=Transpulmonary pressure (Pleural Pressure) V= Tidal volume Compliance ΔV Comp=500/2.5 = 200ml/cmH2O ΔP Lung tissue itself =1/3 Surface tension = 2/3 Comp αelastic forces
Surface Tension & Surfactant Dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC) + Ca2+ + Surfactant Apoproteins (SP) Functions: - - drying of the alveoli - Alveolar Stabilizing T4, cortisol, beta-adrenoceptors: surfactant Compliance surface tension Respiratory work
Respiratory (inspiration) Work W= F .L 3-5 % total body energy Respiratory work divided to three fractions: 1- Compliance or elastic work: 65% 2- InelasticTissue (Viscous )resistance work: 7% 3- Airway resistance work: 28% W= F/A . LA W=P.V
65% 7% 28%
Pulmonary Volumes Tidal Volume (TV) Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV) Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) Residual Volume (RV)
Pulmonary Capacities Inspiratory Capacity (IC):TV+IR Functional Residual Capacity (FRC):ERV+RV Vital Capacity (VC): TV+IRV+ERV Total Lung Capacity (TLC):TV+IRV+ERV+RV
Minute and Alveolar Ventilation Minute Respiratory Volume: (MRV=RR.TV) Anatomic dead space: (VDA) Physiological dead space: Alveolar ventilation: VA= RR.(TV-VD)
گردش خون ريوي در مقايسه با شريانهاي سيستميك، ضخامت ديواره شريانهاي ريه كم ، طول كوتاه، قطر بزرگتر، كومپليانس مشابه( زیاد) دو شريان مهم ريه : 1- شريان برونشي: خونرساني به بافت ريه تا برونشيالهاي انتهايي. در انتها به درون وريد ريوي و دهليز چپ تخليه مي شود. 2- شريانهاي ريوي: انتقال خون نيمه اكسيژنه از قلب به ريه و خونرساني به برونشيال تنفسي و آلوئولها.