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We are at war!

“I may never march in the infantry, Ride in the cavalry, Shoot the artillery; I may never soar oe’r the enemy, But I’m in the Lord’s army.”. “I may never march in the infantry, Ride in the cavalry, Shoot the artillery; I may never soar oe’r the enemy, But I’m in the Lord’s army.”

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We are at war!

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  1. “I may never march in the infantry, Ride in the cavalry, Shoot the artillery; I may never soar oe’r the enemy, But I’m in the Lord’s army.”

  2. “I may never march in the infantry, Ride in the cavalry, Shoot the artillery; I may never soar oe’r the enemy, But I’m in the Lord’s army.” • That song implies that Christianity is like being in a battle.

  3. “The weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy the stronghold” (2 Cor 10:4, ESV).

  4. “The weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy the stronghold” (2 Cor 10:4, ESV). • Timothy was to “wage the good warfare” (1 Tm 1:18, ESV).

  5. “The weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy the stronghold” (2 Cor 10:4, ESV). • Timothy was to “wage the good warfare” (1 Tm 1:18, ESV). • “Fight the good fight of faith” (1 Tm 6:12).

  6. We are at war!

  7. Satan bombards us with temptations.

  8. Satan bombards us with temptations. • Yet, we must stand firm against these temptations.

  9. Satan bombards us with temptations. • Yet, we must stand firm against these temptations. • The armor of God helps us stand against these temptations.

  10. Vv 11-12 The purpose for the armor

  11. “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places”(vv 11-12, ESV).

  12. We need to put on this armor to stand against the devil’s schemes or wiles.

  13. We need to put on this armor to stand against the devil’s schemes or wiles. • The Gr term refers to scheming or craftiness.

  14. We need to put on this armor to stand against the devil’s schemes or wiles. • The Gr term refers to scheming or craftiness. • Satan has many schemes he uses against us.

  15. We need to put on this armor to stand against the devil’s schemes or wiles. • The Gr term refers to scheming or craftiness. • Satan has many schemes he uses against us. • He deceived Eve.

  16. We need to put on this armor to stand against the devil’s schemes or wiles. • The Gr term refers to scheming or craftiness. • Satan has many schemes he uses against us. • He deceived Eve. • He caused Peter to deny the Lord out of fear.

  17. We need to put on this armor to stand against the devil’s schemes or wiles. • The Gr term refers to scheming or craftiness. • Satan has many schemes he uses against us. • He deceived Eve. • He caused Peter to deny the Lord out of fear. • He used lust to conquer David.

  18. Our struggle is not against flesh & blood.

  19. Our struggle is not against flesh & blood. • We struggle against demonic forces.

  20. Our struggle is not against flesh & blood. • We struggle against demonic forces. • “Rulers, authorities, & cosmic powers” likely refer to a hierarchy of demons.

  21. We are locked in a real battle!

  22. Vv 13-17 The placement of the armor

  23. “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take up the helmet of

  24. “salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (vv 13-17, ESV).

  25. We shouldn’t be surprised that Paul uses the imagery of a soldier’s armor.

  26. We shouldn’t be surprised that Paul uses the imagery of a soldier’s armor. • Paul wrote this epistle from prison.

  27. We shouldn’t be surprised that Paul uses the imagery of a soldier’s armor. • Paul wrote this epistle from prison. • He saw soldiers’ armor daily!

  28. We must take up the whole armor of God.

  29. We must take up the whole armor of God. • Paul twice encourages the Ephesians to take up the whole of God’s armor (vv 11, 13).

  30. We must take up the whole armor of God. • Paul twice encourages the Ephesians to take up the whole of God’s armor (vv 11, 13). • The emphasis is that we cannot leave off part of the armor.

  31. We must take up the whole armor of God. • Paul twice encourages the Ephesians to take up the whole of God’s armor (vv 11, 13). • The emphasis is that we cannot leave off part of the armor. • Leaving off part of the armor will make Satan’s work much easier.

  32. We must take up the whole armor of God. • Paul twice encourages the Ephesians to take up the whole of God’s armor (vv 11, 13). • The emphasis is that we cannot leave off part of the armor. • Leaving off part of the armor will make Satan’s work much easier. • One out of every 400,000 babies is born with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease (SCID).

  33. We must take up the whole armor of God. • Paul twice encourages the Ephesians to take up the whole of God’s armor (vv 11, 13). • The emphasis is that we cannot leave off part of the armor. • Leaving off part of the armor will make Satan’s work much easier. • One out of every 400,000 babies is born with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease (SCID). Leave the body unable to fight off infection.

  34. We must take up the whole armor of God. • Paul twice encourages the Ephesians to take up the whole of God’s armor (vv 11, 13). • The emphasis is that we cannot leave off part of the armor. • Leaving off part of the armor will make Satan’s work much easier. • Paul refers to this armor as the “armor of God,” i.e., the armor God provides his people.

  35. We must take up the whole armor of God. • Paul twice encourages the Ephesians to take up the whole of God’s armor (vv 11, 13). • The emphasis is that we cannot leave off part of the armor. • Leaving off part of the armor will make Satan’s work much easier. • Paul refers to this armor as the “armor of God,” i.e., the armor God provides his people. • “The evil day” likely refers to a time of temptation.

  36. We are to stand, i.e., be in a position to fight.

  37. We are to gird our waists with truth.

  38. We are to gird our waists with truth. • The belt was used to keep the soldier’s clothing from getting in the way as he ran.

  39. We are to gird our waists with truth. • The belt was used to keep the soldier’s clothing from getting in the way as he ran. • Our belt is truth.

  40. We are to gird our waists with truth. • The belt was used to keep the soldier’s clothing from getting in the way as he ran. • Our belt is truth. • “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth” (Jn 17:17).

  41. We are to gird our waists with truth. • The belt was used to keep the soldier’s clothing from getting in the way as he ran. • Our belt is truth. • “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth” (Jn 17:17). • Scripture helps us overcome temptation.

  42. We are to gird our waists with truth. • The belt was used to keep the soldier’s clothing from getting in the way as he ran. • Our belt is truth. • “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth” (Jn 17:17). • Scripture helps us overcome temptation. • “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you” (Ps 119:11, ESV).

  43. We are to gird our waists with truth. • The belt was used to keep the soldier’s clothing from getting in the way as he ran. • Our belt is truth. • “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth” (Jn 17:17). • Scripture helps us overcome temptation. • “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you” (Ps 119:11, ESV). • Jesus used Scripture to overcome his temptations.

  44. We must know scripture!

  45. Have you applied the belt of truth? We must know scripture!

  46. We are to wear the breastplate of righteousness.

  47. We are to wear the breastplate of righteousness. • Covered the soldier from the neck to the thighs.

  48. We are to wear the breastplate of righteousness. • Covered the soldier from the neck to the thighs; used to protect the heart.

  49. We are to wear the breastplate of righteousness. • Covered the soldier from the neck to the thighs; used to protect the heart. • Righteousness refers to right living.

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