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八年级英语下册教材分析及教学建议. Part 1 General analysis I. Teaching / learning content I) Theme-based 1. Module Topics (input) 1) Hobbies 2 ) Friendship 3)On the radio 4) New technology 5)Problems 6)Entertainment

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  1. 八年级英语下册教材分析及教学建议

  2. Part 1 General analysis • I. Teaching / learning content • I) Theme-based • 1. Module Topics (input) • 1) Hobbies 2)Friendship 3)On the radio • 4) New technology 5)Problems 6)Entertainment • 7) Time off 8) Public holidays 9) Heroes • 10) My perfect holiday

  3. 2. Module Tasks (output) • 1)Making a hobby questionnaire • 2)Making a poster about friendship • 3) Making a school radio programme • 4) Writing instructions • 5) Writing a problem page for a magazine • 6) Writing an entertainment review • 7) Writing a leaflet for a trip • 8) Writing about a Chinese holiday • 9) Writing about a hero • 10) Writing about your perfect holiday

  4. II) Multi-syllabus • 1. Vocabulary • Book 4 269 • Book 1-3 1328 • Book 1-4 1597 (1533words, 164phases) • 2. Grammar • 1) Part of speech and sentence components • 2) Objective Clauses • 3) The use of infinitive and gerund • 4) Adverbial clause of condition (1) • 5) Adverbial clause of condition (2) • 6) Direct and indirect speeches (indicative) • 7) Direct and indirect speeches (questions and instructions) • 8) Adverbial clause of time • 9) Adverbial clause of cause, purpose and result • 10) The use of would for imaginary situations

  5. 3. Pronunciation • 1) Pronunciation training 2) Intonation training 3) Speaking practice • 4. Strategy (Learning to learn) • 1) Vocabulary learning: changing forms and similar meanings • 2) Reading skill: the focus in a reading passage • 3) Reading skill: sequence of events in a story • 4) Writing skill: the way to make instructions clear • 5) Structure learning: learning through comparison • 6) Solving understanding problems: the use of reported speech • 7) Writing skill: the beginning and the end a letter • 8) Reading skill: the way to get more information about a topic • 9) Listening skill: general comprehension of a listening passage • 10) Writing skill: the scaffolding to construct an article

  6. 5. Culture (Around the world) • 1) An interest in history • 2) Pen friends • 3) The clock work radio • 4) An Intemet caf~ • 5) Problem page • 6) New pop stars • 7) The Lake District National Park • 8) Public holidays • 9) A famous British nurse • 10) People going on holiday

  7. 6. Colloquialism (Everyday English) • 1) Expressions to call attention • 2) Giving advice, suggestion, precaution and encouragement, etc • 3) Inquiry • 4) Expressing opinions • 5) Expressing wishes and excitement

  8. II. New characteristics • In general • 1. Less language knowledge • Vocabulary grammar items • Book 1 284+ 189 10 • Book 2 428 8 • Book 3 435 6 • Book 4 269 5 • 2. More language skill training • 3. More frequent consolidation practice • 4. More scientific tips of learning strategy • 5. More useful information about culture

  9. Unit 1 • 1. Complicated but idiomatic dialogues • 2. Frequent repetition of key structures • 3. Practice through imitation • Unit 2 • 1. More practical reading materials • 2. More systematic training of reading strategies • 3. More effective training of writing skills • Unit 3 • 1. Full of grammar and vocabulary practice • 2. Plenty of listening and reading training • 3. Well-designed module tasks

  10. Workbook • 1. Grammar practice focusing on consolidation • 2. Vocabulary practice in more situational context • 3. Listening and pronunciation practice to cultivate the language • 4. Reading, speaking and writing to train integrated ability • 5. Self-assessment to improve learning strategy

  11. III. Teaching ! learning skills • Unit 1 • 1. Listening comprehension from general to detailed • 2. Introduction of the main structures through repetition • 3. Command of the key structures through communication • 4. Reproduction of the conversation through imitation • Unit 2 • 1. General comprehension of the passage through fast reading • 2. Good consolidation of the passage through reading aloud • 3. Sentence level output through questions and answers • 4. Passage level output through retelling or oral composition • 5. Careful study of language points through self-teaching • 6. Frequent practice of key points through substitution • 7. Writing tasks of similar topics through imitation

  12. Unit 3 • 1. Revision of the target language learned in previous units • 2. Consolidation of structures through oral and written practice • 3. Listening and speaking practice to improve integrated ability • 4. Reading and writing practice to improve integrated ability • 5. General use of the target language through the module task

  13. Workbook • 1. All exercises can be done at the proper time in the learning process to meet the need of the content of each unit. • 2. Exercises for grammer and vocabulary can be done before classs and must be check in class, and any kind of mistake is to be corrected. • 3. It’s better to do listening and reading practice in class and results must be discussed on the spot. • 4. Speaking and writing practice can be prepared before class and must be checked in class.

  14. ⅴ. Preparation for tests • I) Knowledge learning • 1. Vocabulary • 1) Learning words on different levels • Mastery level boldface 222 • Understanding level normally-printed 47 • Not included in the Curriculum Standard 24 • believable creative fighting newsreader playback romantic teenage waterfall • bet dishonest microphone outdoor professional solo unpaid workshop • Cable enjoyment mobycard pirate resolution ssh untidy wow • 2) Learning various meanings of words • 3) Learning various functions of words

  15. Grammar • 1) The command of objective clause: kinds, tenses and word order • 2) The command of direct speech and indirect speech: indicative, interrogative and imperative • 3) The command of infinitive and gerund: verbs followed by to do, verbs followed by doing • verbs followed by to and doing • 4) The command of adverbial clause: • 5) The use of modal verb would

  16. II) Skills training • 1. Listening • 1) Strict training to improve hearing • time, condition, cause, purpose and result • 2) Careful analysis for accurate comprehension • 3) Instant reproduction to improve pronunciation and intonation • 2. Speaking • 1) Practicing functional patterns • 2) Learning idiomatic expressions • 3) Creating authentic conversations

  17. 3..Reading • 1) Strict~ training to improve reading skills • 2) Careful study to command language points • 3) Reproduction practice to learn writing strategies • 4. Writing • 1) Sentence level to consolidate structures • 2) Passage level to improve writing strategies • 3) Self evaluation to correct mistakes

  18. III) Strategy forming • 1. Discussion of the learning notes • 2. Practical use in the learning process • 3. Periodical summary for further development • IV) Culture accumulating • 1. Comprehension of the cultural notes • 2. Discussion of similar topics in real life' • 3. Attempt to solve problems with the help of cultural knowledge

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