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A Dodecahedron Book report

A dodecahedron is any polyhedron with twelve faces, but usually a regular dodecahedron is meant: a Platonic solid composed of twelve regular pentagonal faces, with three meeting at each vertex. It has twenty (20) vertices and thirty (30) edges. Its dual polyhedron is the icosahedron. To the ancie

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A Dodecahedron Book report

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Presentation Transcript

    1. a Dodecahedron Book report reported by Rachel A. 5th Grade, Mrs. Mendelsohn published February, 2009

    2. A dodecahedron is any polyhedron with twelve faces, but usually a regular dodecahedron is meant: a Platonic solid composed of twelve regular pentagonal faces, with three meeting at each vertex. It has twenty (20) vertices and thirty (30) edges. Its dual polyhedron is the icosahedron. To the ancient Greeks, the dodecahedron was a symbol of the universe.

    3. Hanging Dodecahedron Book reports

    4. Title

    5. Main Idea

    6. Character Description

    7. Character Description

    8. Important Event

    9. Conflict

    10. Poem

    11. illustration

    12. Summary

    13. Critique

    14. the end

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