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100 Words Almost Everyone Mispronounces

Affluent. af-loo-uhnt AdjectiveGenerously supplied with money, property, or possessionsProsperous or rich.. ?I find it interesting that the meanest life, the poorest existence, is attributed to God's will, but as human beings become more affluent, as their living standard and style begin to ascen

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100 Words Almost Everyone Mispronounces

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    1. 100 Words Almost Everyone Mispronounces Trimester Two Vocabulary Week 3 Words

    2. Affluent af-loo-uhnt Adjective Generously supplied with money, property, or possessions Prosperous or rich.

    3. Celtic kel-tik Adjective Of or relating to the Celts, an Indo-European people originally central Europe and spreading to Western Europe, the British Isles, and southeast to Galatia (in Asia Minor) during pre-Roman times.

    4. Conch kongk Noun Any of various marine gastropod mollusks, especially of the genera Strombus and Cassis, having large, often brightly colored spiral shells and edible flesh. The shell of one of these gastropod mollusks, used as an ornament, in making cameos, or as a horn.

    5. Diaspora

    6. Forte fawr-tey Noun Something in which a person excels. The strong part of a sword blade, between the middle and the hilt.

    7. Jejune ji-joon Adjective Not interesting; dull. Lacking maturity; childish.

    8. Mischievous mis-chuh-vuhs Adjective Causing or tending to cause mischief: a mischievous child. Causing harm, injury, or damage: mischievous rumors and falsehoods.

    9. Pastoral pas-ter-uhl Adjective Of, relating to, or portraying shepherds or rural life. Of or relating to a pastor or the duties of a pastor.

    10. Quietus kwahy-ee-tuhs Noun Something that serves to suppress, check, or eliminate. Release from life; death. A final discharge, as of a duty or debt.

    11. Timbre tam-ber Noun The combination of qualities of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds of the same pitch and volume.

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