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Buy Abamune-L tablets also contain the following inactive ingredients: magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium starch glycollate Store in a cool, dry place away from the reach of children. - Medicines must not be used past the expiry date. - If you have been given the Abacavir oral solution, keep it between 20 to 25°C. Do not freeze. - Throw it away 2 months after you first open it.
6/21/2018 Buy Abamune-L Tablets | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store My Account (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/my-account/) Checkout (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/checkout/) Contact Us (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/contact-us/) Track Order (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/track-my-order/) My Cart (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/cart/) Order Status (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/my-account/) Support (h?p://support.alldaygeneric.com/) Type Keyword... (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/) SHOPPING CART 0 items - $0.00 (HTTPS://WWW.ALLDAYGENERIC.COM/CART/) Equivalent Brand Generic Name HOME (HTTPS://WWW.ALLDAYGENERIC.COM) CATEGORY/HIV-HERPS/) HIV & HERPS (HTTPS://WWW.ALLDAYGENERIC.COM/PRODUCT- ABAMUNE-L TABLETS https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/abamune-l-tablets/ 1/8
6/21/2018 Buy Abamune-L Tablets | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/abamune-l-600x600.jpg) FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS ABOVE $250 (On Cart Value) ABAMUNE-L TABLETS $87.50–$235.50 Buy Abamune-L Tablets (Abacavir 600mg and Lamivudine 300mg), Abamune-L tablets are used to slow down the progression of HIV infec?on which can lead to AIDS and other related illnesses. Abamune-L tablets do not cure AIDS or destroy the HIV virus, but rather delay any further damage to the immune system by stopping produc?on of new viruses… https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/abamune-l-tablets/ 2/8
6/21/2018 Buy Abamune-L Tablets | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Pack Size Price Quan?ty 30 Tablet/s $87.50 ADD TO CART 1 60 Tablet/s $165.50 ADD TO CART 1 90 Tablet/s $235.50 ADD TO CART 1 Compare (/Product/Abamune-L-Tablets/?Ac?on=Yith-Woocompare-Add-Product&Id=14314) Add To Wishlist (/Product/Abamune-L-Tablets/?Add_to_wishlist=14314) (h?ps://www.mcafeesecure.com/verify?host=alldaygeneric.com) DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REVIEWS (0) Abamune-L Tablets (Abacavir 600mg and Lamivudine 300mg) ABAMUNE-L TABLETS PRODUCT INFORMATION Abamune-L tablets are used to slow down the progression of HIV infec?on which can lead to AIDS and other related illnesses. Abamune-L tablets do not cure AIDS or destroy the HIV virus, but rather delay any further damage to the immune system by stopping produc?on of new viruses. What is Abamune-L used for? Abamune-L tablets 600mg/300mg is a combina?on of two medica?ons, abacavir and lamivudine which belong to a class of medicines called an?retrovirals. They are used together with other an?retrovirals to slow down the progression of HIV infec?on (human immunodeficiency virus), which can lead to AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and other related illnesses for example, AIDS – related Complex or ARC. How does Abamune-L work? The two medica?ons abacavir and lamivudine combined together help prevent HIV from reproducing. The HIV virus is responsible for acquired immune deficiency syndrome as HIV infec?on destroys CD4 (T) cells, which are important to the body’s immune system. The immune system is what helps fight infec?ons. Abamune-L tablets do not cure AIDS or destroy the HIV virus, but rather delay further damage to the immune system by https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/abamune-l-tablets/ 3/8
6/21/2018 Buy Abamune-L Tablets | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store stopping produc?on of new viruses. Abamune-L tablets do not reduce the risk of passing infec?on to others. It is important that you con?nue to take precau?ons to prevent this from happening as the HIV virus can s?ll be passed on by s**ual ac?vity or by contamina?on with infected blood. What does Abamune-L contain? Abamune-L tablets contain the ac?ve ingredients, abacavir 600mg and lamivudine 300mg, which are nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Reverse transcriptase is a component of HIV required to infect cells so that more virus can be produced, however abacavir and lamivudine prevent transcriptase from func?oning properly. Abamune-L tablets also contain the following inac?ve ingredients: magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium starch glycollate. What are the side effects of Abamune-L? Abamune-L tablets can cause some side effects. If they do occur and some may be serious, seek medical advice from your health professional as you may require medical a?en?on. As Abamune-L tablets contain both abacavir and lamivudine, the side effects reported for each of these have been combined. It has been reported that the most common side effects which could affect at least one to ten in every 100 people include nausea, vomi?ng, diarrhoea, upper abdominal pain, headache, high temperature, lethargy, fa?gue, loss of appe?te, hair loss, joint and muscle pain, abacavir hypersensi?vity and skin rash. Less common side effects which could affect less than 1 in every 100 people include increased liver enzyme produc?on, anaemia (low red blood cell count), neutropenia (low white blood cell count), reduced number of blood cells important for blood clo?ng. You may show symptoms of ?redness or breathlessness if the produc?on of red blood cells is reduced. A reduc?on in your white blood cell count can make you more suscep?ble to infec?on. Rare side effects which could affect less than one in every 1000 people are breakdown of muscle ?ssue, increases of an enzyme called amylase and inflamma?on of the pancreas. Very rare side effects which could affect less than one in every 10,000 people are serious skin reac?ons and severe anaemia. It has been documented that any changes in fat distribu?on are associated with an?retroviral medica?ons, which may include loss of fat from legs, arms and face and also increased fat in the abdomen and other internal organs, breasts and the back of the neck. Changes in the amount of fa?y substances and glucose in the blood have also been reported. Within the first few weeks of commencing treatment with an?-HIV medicines, some people and in par?cular those that have been HIV posi?ve for some ?me, may develop inflammatory reac?ons for example, pain, redness, swelling and high temperature which may resemble an infec?on and may be severe. If you no?ce any changes in your health a?er commencing HIV treatment or become concerned with any new symptoms, then it is advisable you discuss this with your medical professional immediately. If you experience any of the following, call your doctor immediately. Lac?c Acidosis – if you become very sick with accelerated breathing, you may have a condi?on known as this. High acid levels in the blood can cause rapid breathing and be life threatening. This is more common in women than men. If you experience allergic reac?ons soon a?er star?ng Abamune-L medica?on, for example wheezing, any swelling https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/abamune-l-tablets/ 4/8
6/21/2018 Buy Abamune-L Tablets | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store of the lips/mouth, difficulty in breathing, hay fever, hives or fain?ng then call your doctor immediately. Like all medica?ons, there may be other side effects that occur in some people that are not listed or some side effects that are not yet known. How should Abamune-L be taken? Abamune-L tablets should be swallowed whole with a glass of water. You do not have to take this medica?on with food. How much Abamune-L should I take? Take Abamune-L tablets as directed by your medical professional. The normal dose for adults and adolescents is one tablet once daily, however your medical professional may prescribe differently. What to do if I take too much Abamune-L You may need urgent medical a?en?on if you have exceeded your recommended dosage. Even if you display no signs of discomfort or poisoning, it is advisable you call your doctor immediately. Missed dose of Abamune-L If you have forgo?en to take your recommended dose, take it as soon as you remember and then con?nue as you normally would. Do not take more than one tablet to make up for the doses you have missed. How long should Abamune-L be taken for? Abamune-L helps to control your condi?on. It does not cure it, however you will need to take your recommended dosage every day. Do not stop taking your Abamune-L tablets or alter the dose without consul?ng with your medical professional. How should Abamune-L tablets be stored? It is important you keep this medica?on safely out of reach of children. Keep Abamune-L tablets stored in a cool, dry place below 25°C. Related Products https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/abamune-l-tablets/ 5/8
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6/21/2018 Buy Abamune-L Tablets | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/) OUR SERVICES About Us About Indian Pharmacy Contact Us Terms and Condi?ons OUR SUPPORT Guarantee Cancella?on Policy Refunds & Returns An? Spam Policy MY ACCOUNT My Account My Cart Checkout Login PAGE FAQ Important disclaimer Please note that not all medica?ons, including any referenced on this page, are dispensed from our affiliated Indian pharmacy. The medica?ons in your order may be filled and shipped from an approved Interna?onal fulfillment center located in a country other than India. In addi?on to dispensing medica?ons from our Indian pharmacy, medica?on orders are also filled and shipped from interna?onal fulfillment centers that are approved by the regulatory bodies from their respec?ve countries. Medica?on orders are filled and shipped from approved fulfillment centers around the world including, but not limited to, India, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Mauri?us and the United States. The items in your order may be filled and shipped from any one of the above jurisdic?ons. The products are sourced from various countries as well as those listed above. All of our affiliated fulfillment centers have been approved by the regulatory bodies from their respec?ve countries. https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/abamune-l-tablets/ 7/8
6/21/2018 Buy Abamune-L Tablets | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Copyright (C) 2018 alldaygeneric.com (h?ps://alldaygeneric.com). All Rights Reserved. https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/abamune-l-tablets/ 8/8