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Buy Viraday is an antiviral drug that prevents the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV from multiplying in your body. This medication is prescribed for the treatment of HIV which causes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS. Viraday is sold under various trade names. This medicine may also be prescribed for treatments not mentioned here.
2/10/2018 Buy Viraday Tablet | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store My Account (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/my-account/) Checkout (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/checkout/) Contact Us (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/contact-us-2/) Track Order (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/track-my-order/) My Cart (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/cart/) Order Status (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/my-account/) Support (h?p://support.alldaygeneric.com/) Type Keyword... (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/) SHOPPING CART 0 items - $0.00 (HTTPS://WWW.ALLDAYGENERIC.COM/CART/) Equivalent Brand Generic Name HOME (HTTPS://WWW.ALLDAYGENERIC.COM) CATEGORY/HIV-HERPS/) HIV & HERPS (HTTPS://WWW.ALLDAYGENERIC.COM/PRODUCT- VIRADAY TABLET https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/viraday-tablet/ 1/7
2/10/2018 Buy Viraday Tablet | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/viraday-tablet-600x600.jpg) FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS ABOVE $250 (On Cart Value) VIRADAY TABLET $85.00–$162.00 https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/viraday-tablet/ 2/7
2/10/2018 Buy Viraday Tablet | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store Buy Viraday (Emtricitabine 200mg + Tenofovir 300mg + Efavirenz 600mg) online, contains three different an?-retroviral drugs that are effec?ve in treatment of retroviruses (RNA viruses) such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Replica?on of the HIV virus is caused by the ac?on of viral-specific enzyme reverse transcriptase. These drugs inhibit the ac?on of these enzymes. Pack Size Price Quan?ty 30 Tablet/s $85.00 ADD TO CART 1 60 Tablet/s $162.00 ADD TO CART 1 Compare (/Product/Viraday-Tablet/?Ac?on=Yith-Woocompare-Add-Product&Id=5615) Add To Wishlist (/Product/Viraday-Tablet/?Add_to_wishlist=5615) (h?ps://www.mcafeesecure.com/verify?host=alldaygeneric.com) DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REVIEWS (0) Viraday Tablet (h?ps://www.alldaygeneric.com) (Emtricitabine 200Mg+ Tenofovir 300Mg + Efavirenz 600Mg) Uses Viraday is a combina?on medicine used to treat HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) in adults. Each tablet contains a combina?on of three an?retroviral drugs: Emtricitabine 200mg + Tenofovir 300mg + Efavirenz 600mg. Viraday contains three different an?-retroviral drugs that are effec?ve in treatment of retroviruses (RNA viruses) such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Replica?on of the HIV virus is caused by the ac?on of viral-specific enzyme reverse transcriptase. These drugs inhibit the ac?on of these enzymes. How its work? • Emtricitabine belongs to class of medica?on called an?retroviral medicines. It works by inhibi?ng the enzyme needed for DNA synthesis (nucleoside reverse transcriptase) thereby lowering the growth and decrease the amount of HIV in body. https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/viraday-tablet/ 3/7
2/10/2018 Buy Viraday Tablet | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store • Tenofovir is an an?viral drug belonging to class nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs). Its structure closely resembles the natural structure of viral DNA, that helps it to incorporateitself into the viral DNA. By doing so, it blocks the ac?vity of an important viral enzyme reverse transcriptase which is involved in the replica?on of viral DNA, a process essen?al for survival of the virus. • Efavirenz belongs to a class of an?retroviral medica?ons called non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs). It inhibits the replica?on of HIV, thereby reducing the amount of the virus in the blood. Before taking Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz Before taking Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz, take care of all precau?ons men?oned above. Discuss them with your doctor and clear all doubts which you may have about this drug. Also, to ensure that this medicine is safe for you, inform your doctor in advance if you have these condi?ons: liver disease (including hepa??s B or C) or kidney disease, mental illness in the past, osteopenia, or if you use an?psycho?c drugs. How should I take? Take Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz HIV medica?on (Viraday) strictly according to your doctor’s direc?on or according to the instruc?ons on the medica?on label. Do not alter the dosage unless your doctor advises you to do so. Also, do not take this medica?on a?er the prescribed period is over. All medica?ons come with a pa?ent leaflet. Refer the instruc?ons in them for detailed informa?on on that par?cular medica?on. Take Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz combina?on medicine on an empty stomach at bed?me, or as directed by your doctor. HIV is usually treated with a combina?on of drugs. Always take the prescribed drugs as directed by your doctor. Store this medica?on in a cool and dry place. Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz can cause a false posi?ve drug screening test. Inform the laboratory staff where you have your drug test done that your are taking this medicine. Always store Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz in a cool and dry place. If you have Hepa??s B, you may develop liver symptoms even a?er stopping Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz. These symptoms may be seen for months a?er stopping. You may be required to take regular tests to monitor your liver func?on. What if I miss a dose? If you miss a dose of Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz, take it as soon as you remember. Don’t take the missed dose if the ?me to take the next dose is almost up. Taking mul?ple doses near to each other can lead to excess medica?on in your body which can be harmful. What if I overdose? https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/viraday-tablet/ 4/7
2/10/2018 Buy Viraday Tablet | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store In case of an overdose of Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz, get emergency medical a?en?on or call the Dcotor immediately. Overdose can cause uncontrolled muscle movements. Things and Activities to avoid while taking Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz will not help your body get rid of HIV. It will stop the growth and mul?plica?on of the virus. Chances of spreading the HIV will s?ll remain the same through unprotected s**, infected razors, needles or toothbrush. Hence, avoid these ac?vi?es and things. This medica?on may make you dizzy and impact your thinking and reflexes. Be careful while doing ac?vi?es like driving and others which require a high level of mental awareness. Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz Side Effects Some common side effects of Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz are dizziness, trouble sleeping, drowsiness, headache, nausea, vomi?ng, diarrhea, unusual dreams, and concentra?on troubles. You may experience these side effects a?er 1-2 days of star?ng this medicine and usually subside in 2-4 weeks. These side effects can be reduced by Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz on an empty stomach at bed?me. Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz also causes a rash which is common but it may be confused with a rare and serious rash. Let your doctor know immediately if you get a rash. Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz can lead to severe psychiatric problems such as severe depression, confusion, suicidal thoughts, aggression, extreme fear, hallucina?ons, or unusual behavior. Inform you doctor right away if you get any of these side effects while taking Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz, even if you have had them before. Some people may experience deteriora?on of a previous medical condi?on as their immune system recovers, or develop new condi?ons due to overac?ve immune system. Let your doctor known right away if you develop any new condi?on or any of you exis?ng condi?ons worsen. The side effects men?oned above are not the only ones that you may experience or witness due to Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz. If you get any serious side effects due to this medica?on, contact your doctor right away. Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz Dosing Information Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz dosage may depend on a range of factors like age, s**, drug allergies, or seriousness of the condi?on among several other factors. Your dosage will be determined by your doctor a?er examining you properly. Remember to follow your doctor’s advice properly for best results. Interaction with other drugs https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/viraday-tablet/ 5/7
2/10/2018 Buy Viraday Tablet | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store You must not take Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz with other cisapride, pimozide, midazolam, triazolam, ergot medicines like dihydroergotamine, egonovine, ergotamine, or methyergonovine. These drugs can interact with Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz causing dangerous side effects. You must tell your doctor in advance if you are using any of these medicines: an?depressants, blood thinners, cholesterol lowering drugs, certain an?bio?cs and an?fungals, heart or blood pressure drugs, immunosuppressive drugs (used a?er organ transplant), or seizure medicines. However these are not all the possible drugs. There may be other medicines that can interact with Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarat, Emtrictabine and Efavirenz. Inform your doctor about all other medicines which you may be using. Expert advice • Do not take emtricitabine capsule/oral solu?on, if you are allergic to emtricitabine or any other ingredient of capsule/oral solu?on. • Stop taking emtricitabine, if you suffer from deep or rapid breathing, drowsiness, nausea (urge to vomit), vomi?ng and stomach pain. • Do not take emtricitabine, if you have kidney or liver problems; if you are overweight or have diabetes, high cholesterol. Frequently asked questions Emtricitabine Q. What class is emtricitabine? What is emtricitabine and tenofovir? Emtricitabine and tenofovir belongs to class of an?retroviral medicines used for treatment of HIV infec?on Q. What is emtricitabine used for? Emtricitabine is used in combina?on with other medicines to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infec?on. Q. How does emtricitabine work? Emtricitabine works by inhibi?ng the enzyme for DNA synthesis (nucleoside reverse transcriptase) thereby lowering the growth and decrease the amount of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in body. Q. Why emtricitabine is called FTC? FTC is the short form assigned to emtricitabine for common referral term. Q. Is tenofovir/emtricitabine teratogenic? There are no evidence of tenofovir/emtricitabine causing harm during pregnancy. Do consult your doctor before use. Tenofovir Q. Is tenofovir safe during pregnancy/ Is tenofovir teratogenic? Studies of tenofovir in animals do not indicate risk to fetus or any signs of teratogenicity. There are no adequate studies on tenofovir use in pregnant women. Tenofovir should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed as https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/viraday-tablet/ 6/7
2/10/2018 Buy Viraday Tablet | AllDayGeneric.com - My Online Generic Store advised by your doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking tenofovir if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Q. Is tenofovir a NRTI? Yes. Tenofovir is an an?viral drug belonging to class nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs). Q. What is tenofovir/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate used for/ What does tenofovir treat? Tenofovir is an an?viral drug used in combina?on with other drugs in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infec?ons. It may also be used in very limited cases of long-term infec?ons of liver caused by hepa??s B virus. Q. Is Viraday safe/ effec?ve? Viraday is a trade name for fixed-dose combina?on of drugs efavirenz, emtricitabine, and tenofovir. It is safe and effec?ve if used at prescribed doses for the prescribed dura?on as advised by your doctor. Q. How does tenofovir work? Tenofovir is an an?viral drug belonging to class nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs). By the virtue of its structure that closely resembles the natural structure of viral DNA, tenofovir incorporates itself into the viral DNA. By doing so, it blocks the ac?vity of an important viral enzyme reverse transcriptase which is involved in the replica?on of viral DNA, a process essen?al for survival of the virus. Q. Does tenofovir cause hair loss? Hair loss is not a known side effect of tenofovir. Q. Does tenofovir cause lipodystrophy? Tenofovir may cause lipodystrophy (build up or loss of body fat) especially in elderly pa?ents with HIV. Physical examina?on of fat redistribu?on and monitoring of blood levels of lipids and sugar may be advised in elderly. Q. How does tenofovir cause renal toxicity/renal failure? Tenofovir is predominantly excreted by the kidneys. The part of kidneys involved in its excre?on is called the proximal tubule. Studies indicate that tenofovir accumula?on in the proximal tubule due to interac?on with other drugs (eg. ritonavir) or prolonged use is responsible for kidney damage (renal toxicity). The kidney damage may then progress to kidney failure. Q. Does tenofovir cure hepa??s B/ Is viraday effec?ve/does viraday work? Yes. Viraday is effec?ve against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and some cases of hepa??s B. It is safe if used at prescribed doses for the prescribed dura?on as advised by your doctor. Efavirenz Q.Is efavirenz safe during pregnancy? Efavirenz should not be used in pregnancy or by those who plan to become pregnant as it is highly unsafe for the growing baby. Q.Is it safe to use efavirenz during breas?eeding? Efavirenz is not safe for the baby and should not be used by women who are breas?eeding. Related Products https://www.alldaygeneric.com/product/viraday-tablet/ 7/7