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Mastering Possessive Nouns: Rules and Exercises

Understand and practice possessive nouns with rules, examples, and engaging activities. Learn singular and plural possessives and differentiate joint and separate possession.

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Mastering Possessive Nouns: Rules and Exercises

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  1. Possessives

  2. Words that show ownership are called possessive nouns. A noun is possessive if a phrase can be changed to say that an item or idea belongs to someone else. Example:The musket that belongs to Pa was lost. Pa’s musket was lost.

  3. An apostrophe (') is used to show the ownership. Rule To show possessive of singular nouns add 's. Examples:  Nathan => Nathan's faultMama => Mama's medicine bagthe stranger => the stranger's coatDuffy => Duffy's tail

  4. The possessive form can also show an feature or characteristic. Examples:  floor => the floor’s dirt musket => the musket’s barreltable => the table’s legsmedicine bag => the medicine bag’s handle

  5. PracticeWrite the possessive of each item below. Examplethe hat of the boy => the boy’s hat • the wegiwa belonging to Ezra ______________________________ • The shirt belonging to Nathan______________________________ • The collar belonging to Duffy ______________________________

  6. Remember If a singular noun ends in an s you must add an apostrophe and s to make it show possession. Examples the bubbles belonging to molasses => molasses’s bubbles the chain belonging to cross => the cross’s chain

  7. Practice Write the possessive of each item below. Example the dog belonging to James => James’s dog • the ruffle of the dress ______________________________ • the money belong to the business______________________________ • the leaves of the cypress

  8. Activities Activity 2 (Singular Possessives) http://philong.smt.googlepages.com/7.PossessiveAdjectivesandNouns.swf Singular Possessive Nouns http://www.wisc-online.com/objects/index_tj.asp?objID=WCN6702

  9. Plural Possessives Rules 1-2 Rules • To show possession of singular nouns add 's. • To show possession of plural nouns ending in s add an apostrophe (').Examples:piglets => piglets' motherIndians => Indians' homesettlers => settlers' worry

  10. Activities Possessive Noun Play (Two Player Tic Tac Toe with Rules 1 – 3) http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/possessive_noun/ Possessive Nouns (Type in the possessive word) Quiz http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/stonebrink/ESL012/possessives/turtlemc3quiz.swf Exploring for Possessives http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/exploring_possessives/index.html

  11. PracticeWrite the possessive of each item below. Examplethe wigwams of the Shawnees => the Shawnees’ wigwams • the hats of the settlers ______________________________ • the edge of the river ______________________________ • the victims of the government agents ______________________________

  12. Plural Possessives Rule 3 To show the possession of a plural noun not ending in s add 's.Example:oxen => oxen's yokefeet => feet's blisters

  13. Activities Possessives (Slideshow with activities) http://www.topel.com/pdf_files/1-12-09/possessives.swf?TRK=0 Skill Builder (Type in the possessive word) http://www.wisc-online.com/objects/WCN6602/WCN6602.swf Grammar Gold Quiz http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/language_arts/goforgold/content_builder/dswmedia/g3c10/nadia.htm

  14. PracticeWrite the possessive of each item below. Examplethe pets of the children => the children’s pets • the first snow of winter ______________________________ • the innocence of the people______________________________ • the blanket of Job______________________________

  15. Plural Possessives Rule 4 If there is joint possession, use the correct possessive for only the possessive closest to the noun • Ezra and Nathan's friendship grew. • Pa was worried about his son and daughter's safety.

  16. Plural Possessives Rule 5 If there is a separate possession of the same noun, use the correct possessive form for each word. • The Indians’ and the settlers’ excuses were equally false. • The fiddlers' and the singers' families went to the fiddler contest.

  17. Plural Possessives Rule 6 In a compound construction, use the correct possessive form for the word closest to the noun. Avoid possessives with compound plurals. • His father-in-law's wegiwa was made of poplar logs. • The Indian scout’s job was to move the Native Americans to the reservation.

  18. SmartBoard Activity Apostrophes in Possessive Nouns.notebook

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