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Learn about functional dependencies and their example in a movie database relation. Understand superkeys, keys, and relationships between entity sets. Explore rules and principles of functional dependencies.
Functional Dependencies - Example • Let’s consider the relation: • Movie(title, year, length, filmType, studioName, starName). • There are several functional dependencies that we can reasonably assert. title year length title year filmType title year studioName shorthand:title year length filmType studioName • These assertions make sense if we remember the original design: • Attributes title and year form a key for movie objects. • Thus, given a title and a year there is a unique length, filmType and a unique owning studio.
Superkeys • A set of attributes that contain a key is called a superkey. • Note that every superkey satisfies the first condition of a key: • It functionally determines all the attributes of the relation. • However, a superkey need not satisfy the second condition: • Minimality. • Example. In the relation Movie there are many superkeys. • Not only the key: • {title, year, starName} but also any superset of it: • {title, year, starName, length} etc.
Discovering Keys for Relations – E/R to Relations • If the relation comes from an entity set, then the key for the relation is the key of this entity set. Example: • The keys for the Movies and Stars were {title, year} and {name} respectively. These are also the keys for the corresponding relations: • Movies(title, year, length, filmType) • Stars(name, address) • If a relation R comes from a relationship then the multiplicity of the relationship affects the key for R. • If the relationship is many-many, then the keys of both connected entity sets are the key attributes for R. • If the relationship is many-one from ES E1 to E2, then the key attributes of E1 are the key attributes of R, but those of E2 are not. • If the relationship one-one, then the key attributes for either of the connected ES’s are key attributes of R.
year name address title Movies Stars-In Stars name filmType length Owns Studios address Example
(Continued) • Example. Consider the relationship Owns, which is many-one from entity set Movies to entity set Studios. • The key for the relation Owns is title+year, which come from the key for Movies. • Owns(title, year, studioName) • Example. Consider the relationship Stars-in, which is many-many from entity set Movies to entity set Stars. • The key for the relation Stars-in is (title+year)+starName, which come from the key for Movies and the key for Stars. • Stars-in(title, year, starName).
(Continued) • Let’s consider multiway relationships. • The book says: “Since we cannot describe all the possible dependencies by arrows…” • Actually, as demonstrated in the example “Births” we can in fact describe the dependencies between ES’s by arrows & relationships. • If we have expressed all the dependencies between ES’s by proper relationships and arrows then the key of a relation representing a multiway relationship will be: • The key attributes of all ES’s connected with arrowless lines in the relationship. (many sides of the relationship) • If an ES E participates more than one time in the relationship then the relation has distinct attributes representing the key of E for each role.
Rules About Functional Dependencies • Suppose we are told of a set of functional dependencies that a relation satisfies. Without knowing exactly, what tuples are in the relation we can deduce other dependencies. • Example. If we are told that a relation R with attributes A, B and C satisfies the functional dependencies: AB and BC, then we can deduce that R also satisfies AC. • Let (a, b1, c1) and (a, b2, c2) be two tuples that agree on attribute A. • Since R satisfies AB it follows that b1=b2 so the tuples are: (a, b, c1) and (a, b, c2) • Similarly, since R satisfies BC and the tuples agree on B they will agree also on C. So, c1=c2.
The Splitting/Combining Rule • A1A2…AnB1 • A1A2…AnB2 • … • A1A2…AnBm Combining Rule A1A2…AnB1B2…Bm. Splitting Rule
Trivial Dependencies • A functional dependency A1A2…AnB is said to be trivial if B is one of A’s. • For example: title year title is a trivial dependency. • We say that a dependency A1A2…AnB1B2…Bmis: • Trivial if the B’s are subset of A’s. • Nontrivial if at least one of the B’s is not among the A’s. • Completely nontrivial if none of the B’s is also one of the A’s. • Thus title year year length is nontrivial but not completely nontrivial. • The trivial dependency rule is: We can always remove from the right side of an FD those attributes that appear on the left.
Computing the Closure of Attributes • There is a general principle from which all possible FD’s follow. • Suppose {A1, A2, …, An} is a set of attributes and S is a set of FD’s. • Closure of {A1, A2, …, An} under the dependencies in S is the set of attributes B, which are functionally determined by A1, A2, …, An i.e. • A1A2…AnB. • That is A1A2…AnBfollows from dependencies of S. • We denote the closure of a set of attributes {A1, A2, …, An} by {A1, A2, …, An}+. • Since we allow trivial dependencies A1, A2, …, Anare in {A1, A2, …, An}+.
Computing the Closure of Attributes - Algorithm • Starting with the given set of attributes, repeatedly expand the set by adding the right sides of FD’s as soon as we have included their left sides. • Eventually, we cannot expand the set any more, and the resulting set is the closure. • Let X be a set of attributes that eventually will become the closure. First we initializeX to be {A1, A2, …, An}. • Now, repeatedly search for some FD in S: B1B2…BmC such that all of B’s are in the set X, but C is not. We then add C to X. • Repeat step 2 as many times as necessary until no more attributes can be added to X. Since X can only grow, and the number of attributes is finite, eventually nothing more can be added to X. • The set X after no more attributes can be added to it is the: {A1, A2, …, An}+.
Computing the Closure of Attributes - Example • Let’s consider a relation with attributes A, B, C, D, E and F. Suppose that this relation satisfies the FD’s: ABC, BCAD, DE, CFB. What is{A,B}+? • Iterations: • X = {A,B} Use: ABC • X = {A,B,C} Use: BCAD • X = {A,B,C,D} Use: DE • X = {A,B,C,D,E} No more changes to X are possible so X = {A,B}+. • The FD: CFB cannot be used because its left side is never contained in X.
Computing the Closure of Attributes (Continued) • Summarizing: If we know how to compute the closure of any set of attributes, then we can test whether any given functional dependency A1A2…AnBfollows from a set of dependencies S. • First compute {A1, A2,… , An}+ using the set of dependencies S. • If B {A1, A2,… , An}+ then the FD: A1A2…AnB does follow from S. • If B {A1, A2,… , An}+ then the FD: A1A2…AnB doesn’t follow from S.
Computing the Closure of Attributes (Continued) • Example. Consider the previous example. Suppose we want to test whether ABD follows from the set of the dependencies. Yes! Since D{A,B,C,D,E} = {A,B}+. On the other hand consider testing the FD: DA. • First compute {D}+. Initially we have X={D}. Then we can use the given DE and X becomes {D,E}. But here we are stuck, we have reached the closure. • So {D}+ = {D,E} and A {D}+. • Concluding DA does not follow from the given set of dependencies.
Closures and Keys • Notice that {A1, A2,… , An}+ is the set of all attributes if and only if {A1, A2,… , An}is a superkey for the relation in question. • Only then does A1, A2,… , Anfunctionally determines all the attributes. • We can test if A1, A2,… , Anis a key for a relation by checking: • first that {A1, A2,… , An}+ contains all attributes, • and that for no subset S of {A1, A2,… , An}+, is S+ the set of all attributes.