Review 14010124 권변중 경영학과
Previous lesson’s important point: Topic sentence should have clear and specific information.
Writing something to do by using phone Before writing, we have to follow three rules. Rule 1: Sentence should contain the app’s name Rule 2: Sentence should contain what the app does Rule 3: Sentence should contain how to use the app
Example 1 If you want to know how healthy you are, there are ‘cardio’ app to measure your heart rate. This sentence contains the app’s name(cardio) and what the app does(measuring your heart rate). rule 1(O ) rule 2(O) rule 3(X)
Example 2 If you want to remove your pimple in the picture and make yourself pretty, you can edit your photograph with your smartphone by taking these steps. This sentence contains what the app does(editing photograph-removing pimple-) rule 1(X) rule 2(O) rule 3(X)
Example 3 If you want to know specific subway informations ,there is a subway app explaining subway departure and arrival time. This sentence contains what the app does(explaining subway informations-departure and arrival time-) rule 1(X) rule 2(O) rule 3(X)
Why should a topic sentence have clear and specific information? Because the reader has zero knowledge about paragraph.