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Arizona District Three Little League Baseball & Softball. 2010 Player Agent Seminar. Please put cell phones on “Meeting Mode”. Mission Of Little League.
Arizona District Three Little League Baseball & Softball 2010 Player Agent Seminar
Mission Of Little League Little League Baseball, Incorporated is a non-profit organization whose mission is to "to promote, develop, supervise, and voluntarily assist in all lawful ways, the interest of those who will participate in Little League Baseball and Softball." Through proper guidance and exemplary leadership, the Little League program assists youth in developing the qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork and physical well-being. By espousing the virtues of character, courage and loyalty, the Little League Baseball and Softball program is designed to develop superior citizens rather than superior athletes.
The League Objective ARTICLE II - OBJECTIVE SECTION 1 The objective of the Local League shall be to implant firmly in the children of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority, so that they may be well adjusted, stronger and happier children and will grow to be good, decent, healthy and trustworthy citizens. SECTION 2 To achieve this objective, the Local League will provide a supervised program under the Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball, Incorporated. All Directors, Officers and Members shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is secondary, and the molding of future citizens is of prime importance.
Local League Board “Chain of Command” ARTICLE VII - DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE BOARD SECTION 1 Appointments. The Board of Directors may appoint such other officers or agents as it may deem necessary or desirable, and may prescribe the powers and duties of each. Appointed officers or agents shall have no vote on actions taken by the Board of Directors unless such individuals have been elected to the Board by the membership or have been elected to fill a vacancy on the Board. Generally considered the “Executive Board”
The President • ARTICLE VII - DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE BOARD • SECTION 2 • President. The President shall: • (a) Conduct the affairs of the Local League and execute the policies established by the Board of Directors. • (b) Present a report of the condition of the Local League at the Annual Meeting. • (c) Communicate to the Board of Directors such matters as deemed appropriate, and make such suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of the Local League. • (d) Be responsible for the conduct of the Local League in strict conformity to the policies, principles, Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball, Incorporated, as agreed to under the conditions of charter issued to the Local League by that organization. • (e) Designate in writing other officers, if necessary, to have power to make and execute for/and in the name of the Local League such contracts and leases they may receive and which have had prior approval of the Board. • (f) Investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to the Local League and report thereon to the Board or Executive Committee as circumstances warrant. • (g) Prepare and submit an annual budget to the Board of Directors and be responsible for the proper execution thereof. • (h) With the assistance of the Player Agent, examine the application and support proof-of age documents of every player candidate and certify to residence and age eligibility before the player may be accepted for tryouts and selection.
The Player Agent ARTICLE VII - DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE BOARD SECTION 6 Player Agent. The Player Agent shall: (a) Record all player transactions and maintain an accurate and up-to-date record thereof. (b) Receive and review applications for player candidates and assist the President in verifying residence and age eligibility. (c) Conduct the tryouts, the player draft and all other player transaction or selection meetings. (d) Prepare the Player Agent’s list. (e) Prepare for the President’s signature and submission to Little League International, team rosters, including players’ claimed, and the tournament team eligibility affidavit. (f) Notify Little League International of any subsequent player replacements or trades. NOTE: Regardless of the NAME of the position (commissioner, VP-Division – if they have the duties listed as the player agent – they are considered “Player Agents.
League duties concerning player selection, the transfer of players from Minor Leagues and scheduled supervision, should be properly vested in the league’s Player Agent. (2009 Ops Manual, pg 35) Player Agent – Conducts annual tryouts, and is IN CHARGE of player selection, assists the President in checking birth records of the local league and eligibility of players;…supervises and coordinates the transfer of players to or from Minor Leagues according to the provisions of the regulations of LL. (2009 Ops Manual, pg 36) Role of the Player Agent
Role of the Player Agent • Probably the hardest job in Little League. • Have to be strong enough to say NO! • To Parents • To Board Members • To Friends • To Neighbors • To Spouses • If their requests are not: • In accordance to LL Rules and Regulations and/or; • Not in the best interest of the player
Player Agent Registration Promotion Player Registrations Player Tryouts Player Draft / Options Duration of Title Trading • Team Registration / Release of Players • Roster Submission / Changes • Replacements • Tournament Teams • Training and Development - Second Season
“By the Book” Any league may submit a Request for Waiver of Little League Rules and Regulations. A league MUST NOT take any action contrary to LL Rules and Regulations until receiving EXPRESSED, WRITTEN permission through the Charter Committee waiver system.
Waivers of Rules and Regulations • The board votes whether or not to request the waiver. • If the board votes to request the waiver, the President writes a letter, detailing the request. Supporting documents should be attached, and forwarded to the DA. • The DA includes their written opinion and forwards all documents to Region. • Region will present the situation to the Charter Committee for action. • The Charter Committee will inform Region, the DA and the league of it’s decision. (2009 Ops Manual, page 30)
Waivers of Rules and Regulations Any request that does not follow the steps, will be delayed. ALL waiver requests to the Charter Committee must be submitted in writing before the start of the league’s regular season, or June 9, whichever occurs first. (2009 Ops Manual, pg 31)
Seminar will be By the Book Everything discussed today will be based on the Rules, Regulations, Polices and Procedures and League and Player Agent MUST follow. The league board may, through the Wavier process, may ask the Charter Committee FIRST if they wish to go outside these.
A New Player Agent • Needs to meet with the previous player agent to transfer; • Player Rosters • Player Records • Manager/Coach Records • Any worksheets that may be helpful
Pre-Registration • Review last years rosters. • Use the League Age Form (enclosed in packet). • Take last years number of players by league age. • Increase the ages by one year (use the same number for Tee-Ball) • Use percentage of 10’s and 11’s in Majors.
Registrations • Notices and Registration forms MUST include information requiring; • Proof of Residency • It is recommended to have three (3) documents. • One from each category listed on “Proof of Residency Requirements” • Proof of Age • Must be an ORIGNINAL document • Accepted documents are listed with “Proof-of-Age Requirements.
Registrations • Have enough volunteers • Registration forms • Person to verify documents – also have an League Age Chart available. • Person to collect registration fees • Person to hand out information for tryouts, league information, etc. • Suggestion: Have a map blown up and have parent show where they live and/or board member to verify. • Have previous years rosters • Double check returning players and if a player is eligible for a Regulation II (d) Wavier (more on that shortly). • Assign players a number for the draft. Lead with players league age – 1201=12 year old, 1101 – 11 year old.
Some “No” Answers • I want my child to be only in the Minors. • There is no Minors Only allowed. Where the child will be placed is dependent on their tryouts and manager selection. • I want my son to play for Mr. Jones. • Unless Plan A draft is being done in Majors, all other draft methods and levels, will be dependent on how the managers draft. • I want my son to play on the same team as my babysitter’s. • Again same answer – it will depend on how the managers draft.
But I have a RIGHT to say… • No – Parents don’t. • They do have a right to: • Sign their child up to play in LL; • Nominate and elect board members; • Volunteer and/or serve on the board; • Volunteer as a Manager/Coach or umpire (if appointed and nominated); • Remove their child from playing in LL. • That’s it.
Online Registrations • Be sure to have a notice that: • The player will have to provide the proof of age and proof of residency no later than 48 hours before the date of the player selection. (Reg. IV (b) • Failure to provide the information will make the player ineligible to tryout and selected to a team.
After Registrations • Review the Registrations with the league President. • League President MUST certify and be responsible for the eligibility of each candidate previous to player selection. (Reg. IV (c)) • What are the requirements – again – only two (2). • They must be between the ages of 4 and 18, and; • They must live within the boundaries of the league. • ONLY exception is Regulation II (d) Waiver
Regulation II (d) The Board of Directors of the Local League, with approval of the player involved, reserves the right to continue as a player, and individual (1) whose residence changes FROM WITHIN the boundary TO OUTSIDE the league’s boundary or (2) who lives outside the league’s boundaries because of a revision of such boundaries even if the child then resides in the territory of another league.
Regulation II (d) Waiver Process • The President completes the Report of Players Claimed under Regulation II (d) • Be sure to check Baseball or Softball • Be sure to check Level of play. • Address of the Residence when they lived in the boundary • Parent MUST provide three (3) proofs of residency as outlined in Residency Requirements. One from each category. • Current Address. • All documents submitted to DA. • DA, if approved, returns a sign waiver to the league. • Suggestion – Give a copy to the parent WITH all documents.
Regulation II (d) Waiver Q: Can a local league waiver its rights to a player who lives in it’s boundaries to participate in another league? A: A local league DOES NOT have the authority to waive such rights. ONLY THE CHARTER COMMITTEE HAS THE AUTHORITY.
Regulation II (d) Waiver Q: Can a child who does not have residence within that league for the regular season, provided he/she is not eligible for all-stars. A: No.
Regulation II (d) Waiver Q: If a parent signs a notarized statement granting temporary custody of a child to a friend or other family member, can that friend or family member’s residence be used? A: The ONLY acceptable documentation regarding a change of custody is COURT-ORDERED CUSTODY, a decree issued by a judge who has jurisdiction in the matter.
Regulation II (d) Waiver Q: Does the DA have the authority to grant a waiver of a rule or regulation. Example: Could a DA give permission for a local league to register players whose residence is outside the league’s boundaries? A: No – Only the Charter Committee has the authority for any waiver of Rules or Regulations.
Manager/Coach Selection The President, with approval of Board of Directors, shall appoint managers, coaches and umpires annually. A president may manage, coach or umpire provided they do not serve on the Protest Committee NOR serve as tournament team manager or coach. Player Agents shall not manage, coach or umpire in their respective divisions. Vice Presidents may manage, coach or umpire provided they do not serve on the Protest Committee. (Reg. I (b))
Managers/Coaches • The ONLY right a President has to make a decision on their own. • If a president does not nominate a person for manager or coach, the board may not override the decision and approve. • If the president does nominate a person for manager or coach, but the board does not approve, the President may not override the decision and appoint the person to a team.
Player Agents Manage/Coach • If there is only ONE Player Agent OR, a position of Player Agent over all levels, they may not Manage/Coach at ANY level. • Player Agent Majors – May not Manage/Coach in Majors AND should not Manage or Coach in Minors. • Because player transfers between Minors and Majors could be a conflict.
Coaches • A NEW coach SHALL NOT be appointed NOR approved until AFTER the draft to avoid “red-shirting” of players through selective coaching appointments. (2009 Ops Manual, pg 65) • A returning coach may be appointed and approved IF; • The coach has served as a manager or coach in the league (at any level) for the past two years AND; • The coach is returning to the same Major League team as last year. • BOTH MUST APPLY! (2009 Ops Manual, pg 65)
Tryouts • Schedule at least two tryout dates and one rain date. • Tryouts are by AGE not division. • Player Agent will provide managers with a Player Agents list showing at least the names and League Age. • Each candidate should have the opportunity to: • Bat/Bunt • Field Fly Balls • Field Ground Balls • Throw • Run • A total score of 25 points is the highest rating. Candidates scoring 15-25 are considered Major League material. (2009 Ops Manual, pg 59) • Have ONE independent person rating 12 year olds. (Why in just a second.)
Tryouts • Schedule at least two tryout dates and one rain date. • Tryouts are by AGE not division. • Player Agent will provide managers with a Player Agents list showing at least the names and League Age. • Each candidate should have the opportunity to: • Bat/Bunt • Field Fly Balls • Field Ground Balls • Throw • Run • A total score of 25 points is the highest rating. Candidates scoring 15-25 are considered Major League material. (2009 Ops Manual, pg 59) • Have ONE independent person rating 12 year olds. (Why in just a second.)
Returning Major Players • League needs to notify possible Returning Major Players who fail to register: • Mail a letter, Certified Mail – Return Receipt stating they must register by the last tryout date or they will be “released” and may loose the right to return to a major team. • If a player still has not registered by the last tryout, the board MUST; • Release the player and notify them. • If the board fails to do this, and they register AFTER the draft – they MUST be placed on a Major team and the league will have to Request a Waiver for unbalanced teams. (Reg. III (e))
Tryout Attendance • ANY candidate failing to attend at least 50 percent of the spring tryout session, shall FORFIET league eligibility, unless an excuse is presented which is accepted by a majority of the board. (Reg. IV (f)) • So – failing to attend tryouts does not prevent a player from NOT being selected to a Major team – it prevents them from playing at all.
Can we “Close” Registrations? • A Local League should accept registrations until the time of the player selections. Thereafter, registrations may be closed. • HOWEVER, this is not recommended. • Should have a policy in place that: • If a 12 year old, they may be placed on a waiting list, and the first team who loses a player is where that player is assigned – based on date/time the player(s) register and are certified. • Any other player should be placed on a Minor team if under 12, or respective level for the age. Rotation is based on teams number size, then draft rotation.
12 Year Olds All candidates who are league age twelve (12) MUST be drafted to a Major Division team. Exceptions can only be made with WRITTEN approval from the DA, and ONLY if approved by the local league Board of Directors AND the parent of the candidate.
12 Year Old Waiver • I require the league provide me with the ratings from ALL the managers and an independent rating on the player. • A statement from the parents explaining why they are asking the candidate not to play in the major division. • Will not accept “safety” as the primary reason from managers, coaches or the board.
Player Selections The selection of players for the various teams within a league SHALL be in compliance with the Little League Draft Selection System as detailed in the Operating Manual. When a league decides to substitute a selection system for the one advocated by LLBB, Inc. a complete description of the substituted system MUST BE PRESENTED in writing FOR APPROVAL WHEM APPLYING FOR A CHARTER. (Since charters are already submitted, none can be presented now.)
Player Selection Systems • Methods for existing leagues (Majors) • Plan A – Protected returning players • Plan B – All players re-drafted • Plan C – Blind Draft • Method for First Year (Minors and below) • Plan A – Serpentine Draft • Plan B – Managers/Coaches Balance Teams • Plan C – Blind Draft
Player Selection Systems • Expansions • Option 1 – Re-draft players • Option 2 – Manager selects players to be placed on new team. • Option 3 – Number of players placed in a pool based on number of teams expanding. • Option 4 – Pool based on returning team size.
Player Selection Systems • Team Reduction • Board decides what team will be reduced. • Players placed in Primary Draft before regular Draft.
Draft “Options” • Option on sons/daughters and siblings. • Brothers/Sisters in the Draft • Brothers/Sisters of Players Currently on a Team. • Sons/Daughters of Managers • Sons/Daughter of Coaches • Option Draft Rounds
Before the Draft • Player Agent prepares a FINAL Player Agent list of eligible players. • Double check league age! • Player Agent CONDUCTS and is IN CHARGE of the draft. • No other Board Member may FORCE the player agent to allow anyone else attend. • However, it is recommended the Player Agent have assistance, at their choice, to help with the draft. • Secrecy: Players SHALL NEVER be told the position in which they were drafted. (Ops Manual, pg 62)