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SPAWAR Systems Center San Diego. SSC San Diego Logos. JPG image with white background. CGM vector image triangle with PPT text. CGM vector image.
SPAWARSystems CenterSan Diego SSC San Diego Logos JPG image with white background CGM vector image triangle with PPT text CGM vector image Joint Photographics Expert Group (JPG) format and Computer Graphic Metafile (CGM) format images were inserted in this presentation. JPG images are bitmap images. They consist of grids of pixels or dots. CGM images are vector images. They consist of collections of lines and curves. JPG images display well, but as the image is sized up, CGM images will provide a crisper print. Note the text display quality on this page. Print this page to demonstrate the print quality. Center logo Positive and negative images are shown. Where negative images are displayed, the slide background has been colored to allow the white elements to display. The positive JPG images have white backgrounds. The negative JPG images have either blue or black background. The CGM images do not have backgrounds. The images in this presentation may be selected, copied, and pasted into other presentation slides.
SSC San Diego Logos JPG images with white backgrounds
SSC San Diego Negative Logos JPG images with blue backgrounds The background color set to display on this slide matches that shown on the JPG images in the HTML version of the Center Overview.
SSC San Diego Negative Logos JPG images with black backgrounds
SSC San Diego Logos CGM images
SSC San Diego Negative Logos CGM images The background color and shading style on this slide match that shown on the Center Overview PowerPoint Presentation. See slide 10 for more information on using images on shaded backgrounds.
SSC San Diego Negative Logos CGM images
Logos (Black & White) JPG Images with white backgrounds CGM Images
Negative Logos (Black & White) CGM images JPG images with black backgrounds
SSC San Diego Negative Logos Using Shading on the Slide Background Using Shading on the Slide Background When you use shading on a slide background, a CGM vector image may be inserted at any point. But the background on a JPG image must match the shade over which you place the image. Note that the background of the small JPG image at the top right on this slide matches the blue background over which it is placed. The JPG image at left appears further down on the slide where the color is darker. The background no longer matches the background over which it is placed! If your slides will be used primarily for display on the screen and you will be using a fairly large logo on a shaded page, you may also wish to contact D0272 for a special shaded image, or use one of the images shown on the next page. JPG bitmap image with blue Non-shaded background CGM vector image The background color and shading style on this slide match that shown on the Center Overview PowerPoint Presentation.
SPAWARSystems CenterSan Diego SSC San Diego Negative Logos Using a shaded slide background (continued) JPG image with blue background CGM vector image CGM vector image with PPT text added