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The Stage is Set for War. Chapter 29 Section 1. Objective & Do Now. Objective Understand how military buildup, nationalistic feelings, & rival alliances lead to WWI & how the ethnic tensions in the Balkans that helped start the war are boiling over today Do Now:
The Stage is Set for War Chapter 29 Section 1
Objective & Do Now Objective Understand how military buildup, nationalistic feelings, & rival alliances lead to WWI & how the ethnic tensions in the Balkans that helped start the war are boiling over today Do Now: What events can cause the start of a war?
I An Uneasy Peace Grips EuropeA. The Steady Rise of Nationalism • Despite peace organizations in Europe, forces lurked underneath the surface that would lead to war • Nationalism= deep devotion to ones nation In which the country’s well being comes before anything else • -rivals among Europes great powers who seek to overpower one another • Competed for raw materials & markets to sell goods in • GB’s Industrial Rev. Euro’s leader until other began to challenge it (Germ v GB for industrial dominance
Nationalistic rivalries also grew out of land disputes • France bitter over loss of Alsace-Lorraine to Germany • Austria-Hungary & Russia battle for control of the Balkans which contains different ethnic groups • Serbs/Bulgarians/Romanians and others demand independence
B. Imperialism • Euro countries competed for colonies countries at the brink of war • Continuing competition for colonies deeper rivalries & mistrust of one another
C. The Growth of Militarism • Nationalism -> European arms race • Believed that a powerful military was necessary to be a great power • Military focused on ability to quickly mobilize • Mobilize = organize and move troops in case of war • Countries dev. Plans for mobilization • Militarism= glorification of military and keeping an army prepared for war
II Tangled Alliances A. Bismarck Forges Early Pacts • Bismarck (Prussia) believes France is greatest threat to peace in Europe • Goal was to isolate France by denying them allies • Bismarck creates the Dual Alliance = Germany & Austria–Hungary • Triple alliance formed when Italy joins • Takes yet another ally by signing treaty w/ Russia • Bismarck knew the alliances were not stable • Russia & Austria rivals over Balkans
B. Shifting Alliances Threaten Peace • Kaiser Wilhelm II (Germany) forces Bismarck to resign • Wants to assert his power and show Germany’s greatness • Did not renew alliance w/ Russia Russia forming alliance w/ France • This was Bismarcks fear because war w/ France and Russia means war w/ two fronts • Wilhelm begins a large naval buildup to compete w/ GB Gb enlarging its fleet
Triple Entente= GB, France, & Russia • Did not bind GB to fight w/ France and Russia but insured GB would not fight AGAINST them • Two camps emerge in Europe • Triple Alliance = Germany/ A-H/ Italia • Triple Entante= GB/France/Russia
III Crisis in the BalkansA. Europe’s Powder Keg • Balkans home to various ethnic groups • Mixed w/ nationalist feelings & ethnic clashes “powder Keg” of europe • Ottoman Empire declining as Balkan ppl try to free themselves • Some already succeeded (Bulgaria/Greece/Montenegro/Romania) • Russian and A-H want to fill vacuum left by Ottoman Empire • Austri annexed Boznia & Herzegovina Sserbian outrage Russians support Serbians
B. A Shot Rings Throughout Europe • Heir to Hungarian throne Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated in Sarajevo (Bosnia) • Killer = GavriloPrincip • Member of the Black Hand =secret society whose goal was to rid bosnia of Austrian rule • Austria uses murder as excuse to punish Serbia for their resistence in Austria’s takeover of Boznia • Kaiser Wilhelm (Germany) offers his support
Austria gives Serbia ultimatum • End to all anti Austrian activity • Allow Austrian officials into Serbia to investigate assassination • Serbia knew refusal war so they agreed most Austria’s demands while they offer to solve rest at an international conference • Austria rejects and declares war Russia mobilizes troops to Austrian border • Machinery of war set in motion