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PURPOSE OF THIS MEETING. • Introduce JSC Scientists and Engineers to the Commercialization Process at JSC • Begin the Dialogue -- Show How the Technology Transfer and Commercialization Office Can Assist the JSC Organizations and Innovators Commercialize Their Technologies.
PURPOSE OF THIS MEETING • Introduce JSC Scientists and Engineers to the Commercialization Process at JSC • Begin the Dialogue -- Show How the Technology Transfer and Commercialization Office Can Assist the JSC Organizations and Innovators Commercialize Their Technologies
JSC Technology Commercialization to. . . transfer and enable commercialization of NASA-JSC technologies to the private sector to create jobs, improve productivity and increase U.S. competitiveness. MISSION
TODAY’S AGENDA • Introduction to Commercialization at JSC • Incentives for Inventors and JSC Organizations • The Commercialization Process • Commercializing Your Own Technologies • Next Steps • Points - of - Contact
SOME DEFINITIONS • Technology Transfer - The handoff of technological innovation, discoveries, or inventions from one organization to another • Technology Commercialization - Technology transfer that ultimately results in commercially viable products • Dual Technology Development - Industry/Government Cooperative Research & Development. Also know as Pre-competitive R&D. • Space Commercialization (not our job ... yet) •• Space Utilization - Using the unique environment of space to produce commercially viable products •• Space Privatization - Transferring control of some aspect of space exploration and development from the public sector to the private sector
The JSC Office of Technology Transfer and Commercialization OVERVIEW • This small directorate level office was created in March 1994 to coordinate commercialization activities at the Johnson Space Center • The office philosophy is to maintain a small core staff (currently 14 people) of commercialization officers and patent attorneys • Network internally to the technology divisions • Network externally to the commercialization centers, other federal labs and companies on a project by project basis
PROACTIVE COMMERCIALIZATION Industry/Gov't Cooperative R&D Patents & Licensing Proof of Concept Basic R&D NASA Hardware Prototype Government Development Commercial Development Commercial Product
TWO APPROACHES Technology Push • Identify JSC leading edge technologies • Prioritize these technologies based on their market potential • Pursue patent protection of the most commercially viable technologies; or provide consulting assistance to the contractor in patenting and marketing the technology • Aggressively market JSC patents, to obtain license agreements or R&D partnerships • Assist licensees to develop and commercialize the technologies Market Pull • Assist industry in identifying JSC technologies that may have application to their technical problems • Target industries and markets that best match market needs with JSC’s technology portfolio
INCENTIVES toNASA INVENTORS and JSC • Professional Prestige and Publicity for Receiving Patents • Monetary Awards •• $500 upon patent application filing ($250 each for multiple inventors) •• $500 ($250 each for multiple innovators) NASA Tech Briefs publication award for software innovations. •• $150 NASA Tech Briefs publication award for all others. •• Supplemental awards up to $100,000 • Royalties – Stevenson-Wydler & Technology Transfer Acts (1986) •• NASA Inventor receives first $2000 of royalties + 25% thereafter •• JSC receives remaining royalties (NOT Federal Treasury)
DIVISION COMMERCIALIZATION ACTIVITIES CURRENT • Problem Statements (also known as Technology Assistance Requests) • New Technology Reporting (Technical Monitors) NEW • Participation in Cooperative R&D Projects • Participation on Marketing and Licensing Teams
THE INVENTIONDISCLOSURE PROCESS Tech Brief Article? • Invention Disclosure (NASA Form 425) • Patent Rights Questionnaire • New Technology Report - (NASA Form 666A) or equivalent • Background info - reports, presentations, etc. • Technical Merit? • Patentable? • Commercial Potential? Contractor File for Patent? NASA-JSC Tech Transfer & Comm. Office (HA) • Submitted to • Linda Loftin/HA • (x32948) Govt File for Patent? * Contractors have first right of refusal for pursuing patent protection
THE ONE YEAR CLOCK • If a patent is not filed for within one year of public disclosure, the innovation or invention becomes part of the public domain • Examples of public disclosure may include publications, presentations, using the invention for its intended purpose or even open discussions about the invention • Discussions and presentations within the NASA/Contractor community are generally not considered public disclosure • In most cases, nondisclosure agreements must be signed when presenting or discussing innovations or inventions outside the NASA community
COMMERCIALIZATION POINT OF CONTACT Each Division and Contractor Organization Will Have A Commercialization Point-Of-Contact Responsibilities • Provide a primary point-of-contact between the division and the JSC Commercialization Team • Track emerging innovations within the organization and coordinate commercialization planning • Assist inventors in all steps of the innovation & invention process • Coordinate New Technology Reporting and Technical Evaluations for patentability
New Technology Reporting:IDENTIFYING NEW TECHNOLOGIES The Technical Monitor and Contract Officer’s Technical Representative are obligated to verify New Technology Reporting • Assess the Statement of Work for any unique design requirements that may lead to reportable items or inventions • Review monthly and quarterly progress reports for leads • Review the final report • Assist the “New Technology” Representative during contract close-out in verifying that the contractor’s final New Technology Reports and Patent Rights Reports reference all the new technologies or invention disclosures that were generated under contract
NASA Johnson Space Center Texas Business Incubators (JTCC) Texas EXTERNAL ASSISTANCE Mid-Continent Technology Transfer Center Texas Research Triangle Institute North Carolina
COMMERCIALIZATION BY THE CONTRACTOR • JSC encourages the contractor community to commercialize their own technologies • To do this, the company submits a Letter of Intent and a Commercialization Plan • The Commercialization Plan is equivalent to what is expected from potential licensees of govt patented technologies • The Commercialization Plan includes information on: product development schedule, management team, financing, etc. • The JSC Commercialization Office can assist companies in preparing the Commercialization Plan
RECENT JSC INNOVATIONSRotating Bioreactor Cell Culture Apparatus • Produces high-density cell cultures and many cell types that will not otherwise grow outside the body by providing a low-shear, low-turbulence environment. • The bioreactor is composed of co-rotating cylinders with the space between them completely filled with a liquid medium. Winner of the 1992 NASA Inventor of the Year Award and the subject of numerous articles in the technical press.
Recent JSC Innovations: INTELLIGENT COMPUTER AIDED TRAINING (ICAT) • A set of software tools developed to produce artificial intelligence based training software. It is the basis for a number of other JSC projects. It received the 1990 American Association Intelligence Award for Innovative Application of Artificial Intelligence. ICAT is not available from COSMIC because the ICAT architecture has been patented and software licenses are being negotiated.
Recent JSC Innovations:ZEOPONIC PLANT GROWTH SYSTEMS • A plant growth system for use in space that has numerous commercial applications in areas such as horticulture, home gardening, and certain environmental problems. • System uses natural zeolite minerals to provide a root medium. • Synthetic apatite nutrients are added, providing potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium and trace elements. • Provide a slow release of nutrients as they are needed by the plant.
Recent JSC Innovations:C Language Integrated Production System (CLIPS) - Version 6.0 A software system developed to provide cost effective tools for the production of artificial intelligence and expert systems software. It is widely distributed and is presently being used in many applications in government and in private industry. CLIPS is distributed by COSMIC and has over 4000 known users. It has been nominated for the 1994 Space Technology Hall of Fame Award.
WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? • Your Commercialization Point of Contact is Your Primary Source of Information • We'll Be Back - We'd Like to See What Technologies You're Working On • If you Think Your Technology Might Have Some Commercial Potential - Talk to Your Management, Your Commercialization Point of Contact, and Call Us • We'll Start The Dialogue on the Process, Potential Markets, Criteria, Options, and Pros & Cons -- As it Specifically Applies to You and Your Technology
POINTSOF CONTACT Hank Davis, NASA - JSC / HA Tel. 713-483-0474, Fax: 713-244-8452 Internet: hdavis@gp101.jsc.nasa.gov Bob Dotts, NASA - JSC / HA Tel. 713-483-0295, Fax: 713-244-8452 Internet: robert.dotts@jsc.nasa.gov Kyle Fairchild, NASA-JSC / HA Tel. 713-483-4988, Fax: 713-244-8452 Internet: kyle.fairchild@jsc.nasa.gov Ed Fein, Patent Counsel, JSC / HA, Tel. 713-483-4871, Fax: 713-244-8452 Internet: edward.fein@jsc.nasa.gov
Technology Commercialization at the NASA Johnson Space Center a Presentation to JSC Technology Divisions Technology Transfer and Commercialization