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The Science of School Connectedness: Ventura County Data

The Science of School Connectedness: Ventura County Data. Kelly Lara, M.A., VCOE Prevention Coordinator Heidi Christensen, PhD, VCOE Educational Research. Pyramid Mixer. Review the pyramids at the table Select one to discuss briefly

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The Science of School Connectedness: Ventura County Data

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  1. The Science of School Connectedness:Ventura County Data Kelly Lara, M.A., VCOE Prevention Coordinator Heidi Christensen, PhD, VCOE Educational Research

  2. Pyramid Mixer • Review the pyramids at the table • Select one to discuss briefly • Synthesis discussion into a one sentence summary to share

  3. Workbook Purpose • Help members of school communities use their survey data to create supportive school climates that enhance profession outcomes for staff, academic and social-emotional outcomes for students, and involvement outcomes for parents • Assist school communities with closing the achievement gap

  4. Focus and Information • School Climate and why it matters • Assessing data related to Closing the Achievement Gap (CTAG) • Strengths-based approach/framework • Resilience • Focus on HOW, not on WHAT • Addressing the needs of migrant education and special education students • Using the workbook • Sources • Resources • Targeted strategies

  5. School Climate: Three Areas of Focus Related to CTAG • Equity of Expectations and Support • Race: Equity and Respect • Cultural Relevance: Education and Curriculum

  6. Steps to Using the Workbook for Improving School Climate Step 1: Make predictions about what we think the data will show. Step 2: Compare our predictions with the actual data. Step 3: Articulate what we learned.

  7. Ventura County California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) Data: Caring Relationships with Adults at School At your elementary school, estimate the percentage of STUDENTS that says it is truemost of the time or trueall of the time that…. The teachers and other grown-ups at school care about me At your secondary school, estimate the percentage of STUDENTS that says it is very much true or pretty much true that…. A teacher or some other adult at school really cares about me

  8. Ventura County CHKS Data: Caring Relationships Table A3.12 School Protective Factors (Developmental Supports) Caring Relationships with Adults at School *5th graders are asked: Do the teachers and other grown-ups at school care about you? Response options: No, never Yes, most of the time Yes, some of the time Yes, all of the time

  9. Ventura County California School Climate Survey (CSCS) Data: Caring Relationships At your school, estimate the percentage of SCHOOL STAFF that says: Nearly all/most teachers really care about all students.

  10. Ventura County CHKS/CSCS Comparison Data: Caring Relationships Students: At my school, there is a teacher or adult who really cares about me. (Pretty Much True/Very Much True responses) Teachers: How many adults at this school really care about all students? (Nearly All/Most responses) Note: The discrepancy in student and teacher perceptions demonstrated above is not unique to Ventura County. A similar discrepancy is seen when comparing statewide student and teacher survey results.

  11. Ventura County CHKS/CSCS Data:High Expectations from Adults at School At your elementary school, estimate the percentage of STUDENTS that says it is true most of the time or true all of the time that…. The teachers and other grown-ups at school believe that you can do a good job. At your secondary school, estimate the percentage of STUDENTS that says it is very much true or pretty much true that…. A teacher or some other adult at school believes I will be a success. Then estimate the percentage of SCHOOL STAFF that says… Nearly all/most adults at this school believe that every student can be a success.

  12. Ventura County CHKS Data: High Expectations Table A3.12 School Protective Factors (Developmental Supports) High Expectations from Adults at School *5th graders are asked: Do the teachers and other grown-ups at school believe that you can do a good job? Response options: No, never Yes, most of the time Yes, some of the time Yes, all of the time

  13. Ventura County CSCS Data: High Expectations

  14. Ventura County CHKS/CSCS Data:Meaningful Participation at School At your elementary school, estimate the percentage of STUDENTS that says it is true most of the time or true all of the time that…. I help make class rules or choose things to do at school At your secondary school, estimate the percentage of STUDENTS that says it is very much true or pretty much true that…. At school, I help decide things like class activities or ules. Then estimate the percentage of SCHOOL STAFF that agrees or strongly agreesthat… This school encourages opportunities for students to decide things like class activities or rules.

  15. Ventura County CHKS Data: Meaningful Participation at School Table A3.12 School Protective Factors (Developmental Supports) Meaningful Participation at School *5th graders are asked: Do you help make class rules or choose things to do at school? Response options: No, never Yes, most of the time Yes, some of the time Yes, all of the time

  16. Ventura County CSCS Data: Meaningful Participation at School Note: The discrepancy in student and teacher perceptions demonstrated above is not unique to Ventura County. A similar discrepancy is seen when comparing statewide student and teacher survey results.

  17. Ventura County CHKS Data:School Connectedness At your school, estimate the percentage of students that agrees or strongly agrees with these five questions: • I feel close to the people at this school • I am happy to be at this school • I feel like I am a part of this school • The teachers at this school treat students fairly • I feel safe in my school

  18. Ventura County CHKS Data: School Connectedness Table A3.1 School Connectedness

  19. Ventura County CHKS Data:Caring Relationships by Ethnicity and Gender 59% of secondary school students say it is pretty much true or very much true that…. At my school, there is a teacher or some other adult who really cares about me. How do you think that breaks out by ethnic group?

  20. Ventura County CHKS Data: Caring Relationships by Ethnicity (Secondary Only) It is very much/pretty much true that there is a teacher or some other adult who really cares about me.

  21. Ventura County CHKS Data: Caring Relationships with Adults at School* by Gender and Ethnicity Percent of Students Reporting High Levels * Based on CHKS Caring Relationships scale, comprised of three questions.

  22. Ventura County CHKS Data:High Expectations from Adults at School By Ethnicity and Gender 73% of secondary school students say it is pretty much true or very much true that…. At my school, there is a teacher or some other adult who believes I will be a success. How do you think that breaks out by ethnic group?

  23. Ventura County CHKS Data: High Expectations by Ethnicity (Secondary only) It is very much/pretty much true that there is a teacher or some other adult at school who thinks I will be success

  24. Ventura County CHKS Data: High Expectations from Adults at School* by Ethnicity and Gender Percent of Students Reporting High Levels * Based on CHKS High Expectations scale, comprised of three questions.

  25. Ventura County CHKS Data:Meaningful Participation at School by Ethnicity and Gender 15% of secondary school students say it is pretty much true or very much true that…. At my school, I help decide things like class activities or rules. How do you think that breaks out by ethnic group?

  26. Ventura County CHKS Data: Meaningful Participation at School by Ethnicity (Secondary Only) It is very much/pretty much true that I help decide class activities or rules at school.

  27. Ventura County CHKS Data: Meaningful Participation in School*By Ethnicity and Gender Percent of Students Reporting High Levels * Based on CHKS Meaningful Participation scale, comprised of three questions.

  28. Ventura County CHKS Data:School Connectedness by Ethnicity and Gender One-half of secondary school students report high levels of School Connectedness How do you think that breaks out by ethnic group?

  29. Ventura County CHKS Data: School Connectedness by Ethnicity High Levels of School Connectedness

  30. Ventura County CHKS Data: School Connectedness by Ethnicity & Gender Percent of Students Reporting High Levels

  31. Step 3: Articulate What We Learned • Compare predictions with data • Compare student responses with staff • What did we notice? • What did we learn? • What are our next steps? • How can this be used at our school? • For our work today – a one sentence group summary utilizing one of the above prompts • Pop up reporting

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