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The Challenger Explodes Article #1 use white notecards

Explore the Challenger disaster of 1986, detailing the events, causes, and aftermath of this tragic space exploration incident. The text follows guidelines for proper citation and formatting.

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The Challenger Explodes Article #1 use white notecards

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  1. The Challenger Explodes Article #1 use white notecards

  2. Source info for Works Cited chapter out of a book (use italics for book title) type exactly how it is below except add hanging indents & double-spacing Garner, Joe, Ed. “The Challenger Explodes.” We Interrupt This Broadcast. Naperville, Illinois: Source Books, Inc., 2000 106-108. Print.

  3. Garner changing “usually cold” to the phrase below abnormally low temperatures in Florida 106

  4. Garner cannot change a basic fact, so even though this is copied, it cannot be changed January 28, 1986 106

  5. Garner changing 25th shuttle mission to wording below 25th trip for a shuttle 106

  6. Garner directly quoting so we need to use “around copied words” • “first civilian passenger” 106

  7. Garner copying a quote, so put single inside of double quotes ‘“ordinary citizen’” 106

  8. Garner from Concord, New Hampshire 106

  9. Garner directly quoting so we need to use “around copied words” made “a tragic, rather than triumphant, entry into history” 106

  10. Garner the Challenger name came from 1870’s Navy vessel 106

  11. Garner shuttles are reusable spaceships 106

  12. Garner 10 weeks to prep Challenger for this mission 106

  13. Garner NASA had planned 15 launches in 1986 106

  14. Garner total of 7 on board 106

  15. Garner Christa McAuliffe was the regular person on board 106

  16. Garner • McAuliffe= • high school teacher 106

  17. Garner • McAuliffe= • 37-years-old 106

  18. Garner • McAuliffe= • on radio & TV talking about the mission & her training 106

  19. Garner missions B-4 it postponed 4 times 106

  20. Garner 11:39 am liftoff take note of the page # change! 107

  21. Garner lots of people were watching this on TV & in person due to McAuliffe 107

  22. Garner changing “undetectable plume of black smoke” to the phrase below at 59 seconds, black smoke came from lower right booster rocket, but no one had noticed it 107

  23. Garner directly quoting so we need to use “around copied words” “O-ring that sealed the booster rockets had split” 107

  24. Garner speed = 2900 feet per second at full blast 107

  25. Garner flight lasted 74 seconds take note of the page # change! 108

  26. Garner directly quoting so we need to use “around copied words” “burst into flames” 108

  27. Garner “erupting” is the actually word, but we need to change it because the paper will be in past tense, so use [brackets around the part we changed] from the original “erupt[ed] into an enormous fireball” 108

  28. Garner directly quoting so we need to use “around copied words” “no recovery” of the crew by the rescue teams 108

  29. Garner President Reagan changed his speech to discuss this event 108

  30. Garner copying a quote, so put single inside of double quotes President’s quote: “‘…sometimes painful things like this happen. It’s all part of the process of exploration & discovery. The future doesn’t belong to the fainthearted, it belongs to the brave.’” 108

  31. Garner 256-page report 108

  32. Garner cause: defective O-ring seals 108

  33. Garner NASA admitted knowing about the problem but ignored it 108

  34. Garner NASA leader = fired 108

  35. Garner no launch for almost 3 years 108

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