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Attivita’ su analisi dati cosmici (“CRAFT”: B=3.8 T & CRUZET(B=0). Pd meeting, 10 Nov 2008. A.Branca, A.Calderon, A.Gresele, U.Gasparini, A.Meneguzzo (+ F. Cavallo, Bologna). Contributo alla DT “prompt analysis”. Attivita’ strettamente correlate.
Attivita’ su analisi dati cosmici(“CRAFT”: B=3.8 T & CRUZET(B=0) Pd meeting, 10 Nov 2008 A.Branca, A.Calderon, A.Gresele, U.Gasparini, A.Meneguzzo (+ F. Cavallo, Bologna) • Contributo alla DT “prompt analysis” Attivita’ strettamente correlate.. - Studio prestazioni della ricostruzione muoni di ‘alto livello’ (tracce muoni globali, matching con Tracker, risoluzione in momento, allineamenti…) - Misura di fisica: rapporto mu+/mu- Prima esperienza di una“end-to-end analysis” (da P5 a Phys.Lett.) in CMS… • - TOF per HSCP (non trattata qui) • Piani e seggerimenti per possibili ulteriori sviluppi
Intro CRAFT: ~300 M trigger collected so far… statistics is not an issue… • while doing a physics • measurement (e.g. • mu+/mu- ratio in cosmics, • differential spectrum, • TeV muons flux…) • may concentrate on • many different aspects of • reconstruction, trigger performance, sources of systematics errors… http: //malgeril.web.cern.ch/ malgeril/coll_stats/collcosm.html examples: - perform different tracks selection, with loose/tight criteria on track topology/quality - study/keep control of momentum resolution, charge identification - Test stability of results against different runs, triggers, detector data quality…
Prompt DT analysis http: //cmsdoc.cern.ch/cms/MUON/dt/sx5/ [ DPG joint effort…] DT detector performance overview More detailed info by wheels
Example of DT-DQM certified good run Run 67838 good DT calibration, DT local trigger efficiency Missing DDU-trigger data in Wheel+1; data available anyway from trigger DCC
DT local reco: reco segments Run 67838, B=3.8 T 12,7 M triggers 12,35 M “good” segments in MB1 (Nhit(rf)>5 & Nhit(rz)=3 or 4)
Muon reco 16,9 Million of Tracks
Example of mu reco performance study:“2 legs” STA muons Run 67838 12.7 M events analyzed (~ 45% of total triggers) cut associated hits to m tracks DT segment multiplicity StandAlone muons 4,1 M with Nlegs=2 1st leg 1,100,000 STA pairs difference in Z-impact parameter Dz, both legs with Nhit>30 |Dz| < 20 cm spT/pT~36% 2nd leg
Control of Mult.scattering & bending B = 3.8 T F(MB4)-F(MB3) B = 0 (CRUZET4) ? F(MB3)-F(MB2) F(MB2)-F(MB1) F(MB4)-F(MB1) ?
Data vs MonteCarlo Hit/segment/track resolution & efficiency to be x-checked with cosmic MontCarlo… - “B ON” RECO production not yet available… - First comparisons performed @ B=0 (CRUZET4 data) … For more detail see e.g. Ambra’s talk @ muon POG, 13/10/08: http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=42597
1 leg STA tracks vs Tracker tracks spT/pT~18% spT/pT~22% spT/pT~25% Tracker track 1 leg STA Track, Nhit > 60
Charge identification: 1 leg STA vs Tracker 880 out of 27,700 tracks (3.2%)
Mu+/Mu- ratio http: //indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=44067 P.Garcia, CMS Phys.Plenary 6/11/08 Florida, CIEMAT Padova, Bologna More info, today’s talk by Ambra @ Cosmic Muon Analysis meeting: http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=45080 [ I wish also to advertise Stefano’s talks on reco related topics @ todays’ muon POG http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=43177 ]
Mu+/mu- ratio: 1st look Using “one leg” STA Tracks with Nhit > 60 unphysical tail… 25,000 tracks (this corresponds to ~3% of total CRAFT statistics) uncorrected for charge mis-identification
Alignment checks (very preliminary) Alicia No alignment Alignment tag in Official reco
Tools for analysis • CAF (Cern Analysis Facility) almost saturated from processing, • prompt analysis… • Some long good run transferred to Legnaro-T2 • See https://cmsweb.cern.ch/dbs_discovery/ 66615, 66783, 67838
Tools for analysis Analyzer code on: /raid4/data/share/CRAFTanalysis/DAnalyzer.cc Produced rootple on: /raid4/data/share/CRAFTanalysis/rootple Rootples contains: - trigger info (local chamber & DTTF) - DT segment info - muon standalone 2 legs collection - muon standalone 1 leg collection - muon global 2 legs collection - muon global 1 leg collection - Tracker tracks collection