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CSS/Hort431 Plant Genetics Recitation Mendelian inheritance. Heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity. Eating barley can help! A principal active ingredient is Beta glucan, a complex carbohydrate found in soluble fiber Barley can be higher in Beta glucan than any other grain.
CSS/Hort431 Plant Genetics Recitation Mendelian inheritance
Heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity • Eating barley can help! • A principal active ingredient is Beta glucan, a complex carbohydrate found in soluble fiber • Barley can be higher in Beta glucan than any other grain
High beta glucan varieties would be good but…. • Breeding for beta glucan per se is made complicated by quantitative inheritance • The recessive (waxy starch) allele at the GBSS locus has a pleiotropic effect - it increases beta glucan • GBSS is cloned and therefore the DNA sequence differences between waxy (wx) and non-waxy (Wx) be used as a basis for marker assisted selection
Result of the mutation Glucose GBSSI Amylose Amylopectin Starch 90% amylopectin vs. 75% wild type
en ScoScoring alleles at the Waxy locus non-waxy waxy
Hull-less (naked) varieties could make grain processing easier…….. • Breeding for naked seed is not difficult - if you are willing to wait for plants to mature • Nud_ genotypes are hulled; nudnud are hull-less • The Nud gene has not been cloned - yet!
Wx and Nud are on the same chromosome • But they are far enough apart to show independent assortment (no linkage)
1H 2H 3H 4H 5H 6H 7H MWG634 0 MWG077 20 HVM40 23 ABG058 CDO542 0 29 scind02622 BCD1434 1 30 scsnp01648 0 GBM1074 0 0 scssr02306 ABG008 Bmac0316 ABG704 DsT-66 13 31 CDO122 0 0 7 MWG798B 6 MWG618 7 scssr10226 41 35 hvknox3 12 Act8A 9 Dst-27 ABC483 12 GBSS-I 16 45 scssr07759 ABC303 17 RbgMD 12 BCD706 ABG610 13 AW982580 41 24 47 GBM1066 scssr20569 22 MWG837B CDO475 Pox CDO795 31 scind00046 50 44 36 MWG602B MWG089 alm 25 37 scssr03381 DST-46 ABC165C 62 48 JS10A 41 ABG395 Bmac0209 33 ABG380 41 Hot1 Bmac0399 68 50 scind03751 28 GBM1021 55 scssr02503 ABC325 48 45 Ebmac0684 GBM1007 scind04312a 30 GBM1068 67 NRG045A DsT-67 61 69 48 scssr02236 Tef2 36 BCD098 BG299297 70 72 scsnp00460 scsnp04260 62 52 63 scssr25691 72 scssr00334 scind01728 49 GBM1042 HVM31 73 73 ABC255 Ale 63 ABG377 65 75 ABG356 GBM1020 Bmag0211 60 59 75 rob ABC165D 74 Bmag0225 73 GBM1023 Bmag0353 BG369940 77 61 64 scssr02093 scssr15864 87 76 scsnp03343 scind10455 ABC160 90 68 79 Bmag0009 GBM1030 91 91 ABC302 vrs1 96 80 scssr14079 ABG474 MWG808 87 94 scind16991 94 Bmag0125 ABG499 102 98 81 ABG472 ABG388 97 DAK642 scssr15334 96 105 DsT-41 GBM1059 84 scsnp21226 103 103 scsnp00703 scsnp06144 JS10C 100 109 110 MWG503 KFP221 93 MWG820 107 104 MWG2031 srh 111 119 MWG706A 111 GBM1062 Ebmac0701 95 nud 108 123 scsnp00940 126 KFP170 KFP203 MWG652B 112 96 GBM1008 134 lks2 124 MWG882A RSB001A 115 102 GBM1048 135 scind04312b 142 ABC1024 128 MWG2028 150 ABG072 133 113 Hsh 142 scsnp00177 145 GBM1022 136 Bmag0120 ABC261 151 Ebmc0415 ABG004 150 147 114 HVM67 148 0SU-STS1 153 Bmac0040 137 DsT-30 KFP257B 152 152 cnx1 KFP241.1 153 ABG003B 117 157 DsT-32B 138 WG380B 160 scind02281 160 WMC1E8 161 Zeo1 ABG601 127 DsT-28 170 ABC310B 149 165 MWG883 162 MWG912 GBM1019 173 DsT-74 171 Ris44 151 ABG387A Aglu5 MWG798A ABC253 166 169 176 173 scssr04163 Aglu4 Tef3 HVM62 184 MWG514 183 ABG461A 179 MWG720 179 188 MWG877 ABC805 191 WG380A 184 185 GBM1012 DsT-69 202 ABC172 ABG496 MWG949A 203 191 GBM1065 193 scssr08447 E10757A KFP255 215 224 ThA1 scsnp02109 218 228 ABG391 JS10B 229 ABC622 236 DsT-33 239 MWG602A 253 255 scssr03906 Oregon Wolfe Barley Map 187 classical loci
Hooded varieties are better for forage than awned varieties. • Short awns might be preferable to long awns….
LKs2_ = long awn Lks2lks2 = short awn LKs2 interacts with Kap (epistasis) so that the long awn phenotype is not visible when the dominant allele is present at the Kap locus. Kap_ confers the hooded phenotype; kapkap = short-awned. KKLL = hooded – no awns KKll = short awns – no hoods kkLL = long-awned – no hoods kkll = short awns – no hoods Therefore, every hooded DH line must be LL
Nud and LKs2 are on the same chromosome • They are close enough to show linkage
1H 2H 3H 4H 5H 6H 7H MWG634 0 MWG077 20 HVM40 23 ABG058 CDO542 0 29 scind02622 BCD1434 1 30 scsnp01648 0 GBM1074 0 0 scssr02306 ABG008 Bmac0316 ABG704 DsT-66 13 31 CDO122 0 0 7 MWG798B 6 MWG618 7 scssr10226 41 35 hvknox3 12 Act8A 9 Dst-27 ABC483 12 GBSS-I 16 45 scssr07759 ABC303 17 RbgMD 12 BCD706 ABG610 13 AW982580 41 24 47 GBM1066 scssr20569 22 MWG837B CDO475 Pox CDO795 31 scind00046 50 44 36 MWG602B MWG089 alm 25 37 scssr03381 DST-46 ABC165C 62 48 JS10A 41 ABG395 Bmac0209 33 ABG380 41 Hot1 Bmac0399 68 50 scind03751 28 GBM1021 55 scssr02503 ABC325 48 45 Ebmac0684 GBM1007 scind04312a 30 GBM1068 67 NRG045A DsT-67 61 69 48 scssr02236 Tef2 36 BCD098 BG299297 70 72 scsnp00460 scsnp04260 62 52 63 scssr25691 72 scssr00334 scind01728 49 GBM1042 HVM31 73 73 ABC255 Ale 63 ABG377 65 75 ABG356 GBM1020 Bmag0211 60 59 75 rob ABC165D 74 Bmag0225 73 GBM1023 Bmag0353 BG369940 77 61 64 scssr02093 scssr15864 87 76 scsnp03343 scind10455 ABC160 90 68 79 Bmag0009 GBM1030 91 91 ABC302 vrs1 96 80 scssr14079 ABG474 MWG808 87 94 scind16991 94 Bmag0125 ABG499 102 98 81 ABG472 ABG388 97 DAK642 scssr15334 96 105 DsT-41 GBM1059 84 scsnp21226 103 103 scsnp00703 scsnp06144 JS10C 100 109 110 MWG503 KFP221 93 MWG820 107 104 MWG2031 srh 111 119 MWG706A 111 GBM1062 Ebmac0701 95 nud 108 123 scsnp00940 126 KFP170 KFP203 MWG652B 112 96 GBM1008 134 lks2 124 MWG882A RSB001A 115 102 GBM1048 135 scind04312b 142 ABC1024 128 MWG2028 150 ABG072 133 113 Hsh 142 scsnp00177 145 GBM1022 136 Bmag0120 ABC261 151 Ebmc0415 ABG004 150 147 114 HVM67 148 0SU-STS1 153 Bmac0040 137 DsT-30 KFP257B 152 152 cnx1 KFP241.1 153 ABG003B 117 157 DsT-32B 138 WG380B 160 scind02281 160 WMC1E8 161 Zeo1 ABG601 127 DsT-28 170 ABC310B 149 165 MWG883 162 MWG912 GBM1019 173 DsT-74 171 Ris44 151 ABG387A Aglu5 MWG798A ABC253 166 169 176 173 scssr04163 Aglu4 Tef3 HVM62 184 MWG514 183 ABG461A 179 MWG720 179 188 MWG877 ABC805 191 WG380A 184 185 GBM1012 DsT-69 202 ABC172 ABG496 MWG949A 203 191 GBM1065 193 scssr08447 E10757A KFP255 215 224 ThA1 scsnp02109 218 228 ABG391 JS10B 229 ABC622 236 DsT-33 239 MWG602A 253 255 scssr03906 Oregon Wolfe Barley Map 187 classical loci
Wx vs. wx and Nud vs. nud data are from a doubled haploid populationThe expected segregation ratio is……..If it were a backcross?An F2?
Lets get some practical experience in segregation analysis !!!!