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الله. الله. الله. اَلْقُدُّوْسُ. Al- Quddus – The Holy. The one who is free from every attribute which a sense might perceive, or imagination may conceive, or to which imagination may instinctively turn, or by which the conscience may be moved or which thinking demands.
الله الله الله
Al-Quddus – The Holy • The one who is free from every attribute which a sense might perceive, or imagination may conceive, or to which imagination may instinctively turn, or by which the conscience may be moved or which thinking demands. • Lets try to understand: • The beauty of Nabi Yusuf • The brightness of the sun The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah: Gateways into Tawhid
Al-Quddus – The Holy Man’s share in holiness: “In short, the sensory and imaginative perceptions are shared by the animal kingdom. This being the case, it is imperative that he advance beyond them to those things which are the particular characteristics of man. Appetitive, human satisfactions the animal kingdom knows also. Therefore, it is necessary that he free himself from these. The dignity of the seeker is commensurate with the dignity of that which he seeks. The one whose concern is with that which enters the belly will discover that his value is found in that which comes out of it. But the one who has no aspiration at all except for Allah Himself, will have a rank commensurate with his aspiration” “Rather will he desire Allah alone. He will find pleasure only in Allah. His only real desire will be his meeting with Allah, and he will rejoice only in his proximity to Him. If Paradise and all its delights were offered to him, he would not concern himself with them. He will not be satisfied with anything of this world except with the Lord of it.” The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah: Gateways into Tawhid
As-Salam – The Flawless / The Sound The One whose essence is free from imperfection, His attributes from any trace of deficiency and His actions from evil. Since this is the case, there is no perfect, unimpaired state of being in existence except that which is ascribed to and emanates from Him. Difference between Al-Quddus and As-Salam القدوس: المبرئ من جميع العيوب في الماضي والحاضر السلام: لا يطرأ عليه شئ من العيوب في الزمان والمستقبل فإن الذي يطرأ عليه شئ من العيوب تزول سلامته ولا يبقى سليما The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah: Gateways into Tawhid The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah: Gateways into Tawhid
As-Salam – The Flawless / The Sound • Allah is As-Salam in His Essence, Attributes and Actions: • - His life (al-Hayat) is sound and flawless from death, dosing off and sleep. • His Power (al-Qudrah) is sound and flawless from tiredness or exhaustion. • فإذا تأملت الكون ستجد أن السلام كامن في كل بقعة من بقاعه , فالكون يسير وفقا لنظام محكم وثابت لا يعتريه خلل ولا عطب ..الأرض التي نعيش عليها تدور بسرعة كبيرة حول نفسها .. وتدور في نفس الوقت حول الشمس بما يترتب على ذلك من تعاقب الليل و النهار وتعاقب فصول السنة . • ورغم هاتين الحركتين تجد أن الكون سلام من الأعطاب وسلام من الاضطرابات The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah: Gateways into Tawhid The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah: Gateways into Tawhid
As-Salam – The Flawless / The Sound Man’s share No one is described by the terms soundness and Islam except the one from whose tongue and hand the Muslims are safe. The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah: Gateways into Tawhid The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah: Gateways into Tawhid