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DIE INVLOED VAN ORGANISASIES OP WERK / HOW DO ORGANISATIONS INFLUENCE WORK? Leereenheid 7 / Study Unit 7. BSOP 111. DIE GROEI VAN BUROKRASIE / THE GROWTH OF BUREAUCRACY. Meeste werk vind plaas binne groot en komplekse organisasies / Most work takes place inside large, complex enterprises
DIE GROEI VAN BUROKRASIE / THE GROWTH OF BUREAUCRACY • Meestewerkvindplaasbinnegroot en komplekseorganisasies / Most work takes place inside large, complex enterprises • Moderneorganisasies is kompleks in hulvlak van horisontale, vertikale en ruimtelikedifferensiasie / Modern enterprises are complex in their level of horizontal, vertical, and spatial differentiation • Horisontaledifferensiasieverwysna die verdeling van arbeid in komponent take. Bv. By die vervaardiging van motors is sommige van die werkersverantwoordelikvir die sweis van motors en anderwerkers is weerverantwoordelikvir die installasie van windskerms / Horizontal differentiation refers to the division of labour into component tasks. For example, in the automobile manufacturing some workers are responsible for welding the body of the car and others for installing the windshield
DIE GROEI VAN BUROKRASIE / THE GROWTH OF BUREAUCRACY • Vertikale differensiasie verwys van die ontwikkeling van veelvoudige vlakke in die hierargie van die komplekse organisasie. Bv. In ‘n universiteit rapporteer professors aan die departementshoofde, wie rapporteer aan die dekane, wie rapporteer aan die president van van die universiteit, wie dan rapporteer aan ‘n beheerliggaam ./ Vertical differentiation refers to the creation of multiple levels of hierarchy in complex organisations. For example, in a university for instance, professors report to departmental heads, who report to deans of colleges, who report to the president of the university, who reports to either a system-wide president or a governing board.
DIE GROEI VAN BUROKRASIE / THE GROWTH OF BUREAUCRACY • Ruimtelikedifferensiasieverwysna die georgrafieseverspreiding van verskeieaspekte van produksie of verskeieproduksielynetussenverskillendeaanlegte, partykeergeallokeer in verskillendeprovinsies of selfsverskeielande / Spatial differentiation refers to the geographic dispersion of different aspects of production or different product lines among different plants, sometimes located in different regions, or even in different countries Omdatmoderneorganisasies so groot en kompleks is, moetburokratiesestruktureontwikkel word om die organisasies se aktiwiteitetekoordineer / Because modern organisations are so large and so complex, they have had to develop bureaucratic structures to coordinate their activities
Definiering van burokrasie / Defining bureaucracy • Daar is seskaraktereienskappewat ‘n burokratieseorganisasieonderskei van andervorme van sosialeorganisasies / There are six characteristics that distinguish bureaucratic organisations from other forms of social organisation: • Daar is die beginsel van vaste en offisielejurisdiksie areas / There is the principle of fixed and official jurisdictional areas • Daar is die beginsel van kantoorhierargie en/of die vlakke van gesagwaar die hoer vlakketoesighouoor die laervlakke in die organisasie / The principles of office hierarchy and of levels of graded authority mean a firmly ordered system of super- and subordination in which there is a supervision of the lower offices by the higher ones • Die bestuur van modernekantore is gebasseergeskrewedokumente / The management of the modern office is based upon written documents
Definiering van burokrasie / Defining bureaucracy • Kantoor bestuur, of ten minste gespesialiseerde kantoorbestuur gaan gewoonlik eers deur volledige opleiding / Office management, at least all specialized office management – and such management is distinctly modern – usually presupposes thorough and expert training • As die kantoor ten volle ontwikkel is, dan vereis die offisiele aktiwiteit die volle werkende kapasiteit van die werker / When the office is fully developed, official activity demands the full working capacity of the official • Om die kantoor te bestuur moet algemene reels gevolg word, dit is min of meer stabiel, dit is min of meer omvattend en kan aangeleer word / The management of the office follows general rules, which are more or less stable, more or less exhaustive, and which can be learned Net die organisasies wat die karaktereienskappe, of die meeste van die karaktereienskappe het, kan geklassifiseer word as ‘n burokrasie / only organisations that have all or most of these characteristics are appropriately characterised as bureaucratic
Burokratiese beheer / Bureaucratic Control • Burokrasie kan gesien word as die mees onlangse manier wat gebruik word of arbeid te beheer / Bureaucracy can be seen as the most recent version of efforts to control labour • In ‘n burokrasie bepaal die voorman of baas nie meer die prosedures van hoe werk gedoen moet word nie, maar dit word eerder bepaal deur die organisasie se reels en regulasies / In a bureaucracy, procedures are no longer determined by how the boss or foremen says the job should be done, or dictated by the machinery, or by an industrial engineer. Instead organisational rules spell out the procedures
Burokratiese beheer / Bureaucratic Control • Interne arbeidsmarkte / internal labour markets: • Burokrasiee maak baie staat op belonings en dryfvere om werkers te beheer / Bureaucrasies rely heavily on rewards and inducements to control workers • Meeste posisies word intern gevul vanaf die organisasie (interne werwing) / for instance, they fill most positions internally from within the organisation • Interne werwing help om die verwagting te skep van vooruitgang en hierdie verwagting motiveer die werkers / Internal recruitment helps create the expectation of advancement and this expectation provides an important source of motivation for employees Voordele van interne arbeidsmarkte / advantages of internal labour market:
Burokratiese beheer / Bureaucratic Control • Interne werwing verminder ook die kostes om nuwe werkers op te lei in die organisasie se prosedures en organisasie-spesifieke vaardighede / Internal recruitment also reduces the costs of training new employees in company procedures and company-specific skills • Interne arbeidsmarkte is ‘n belangrike manier vir burokrasiee om werkers te motiveer en te kontroleer / internal labour markets are an important way for bureaucracies to motivate and control workers • Interne arbeidsmarkte is ‘n belangrike meganisme om ervare werkers te kultiveer en te behou in ‘n firma / Internal labour markets are an important mechanism for cultivating and retaining experienced employees within a firm • Interne arbeidsmarkte help om die waarde en effektiwiteit van menslike kapitaal binne die organisasie te verhoog en is dus ook ‘n belangrike komponent van organisatoriese effektiwiteit / Internal labour markets help to increase the value and effectiveness of human capital within an organisation and thus can be an important component or organisational effectiveness
Aanpassing van burokrasiee / Customising bureaucracies • Alhoewel alle groot, komplekse organisasies burokraties beheer word, is daar tog belangrike variasies wat voorkom omdat verskillende tipes organisasies verskillende doelwitte het / although almost all large, complex organisations are organised and controlled bureaucratically, important variations occur because different types of organisations have different goals • Bv. Die doel van ‘n departement van natuurlike hulpbronne mag wees om hierdie hulpbronne te bewaar en rekreasie aktiwiteite aan te bied vir die publiek. Die doel van ‘n vervaardigingsmaatskappy is dalk om die maksimum aantal goedere te produseer teen die minimum prys / For example, the goals of a department of natural resources may be to preserve these resources and provide recreational facilities for the public. The goal of a manufacturing establishment may be to produce the maximum amount of goods at the minimum price.
Aanpassing van burokrasiee / Customising bureaucracies • Die suksesvolle bereiking van hierdie doelwitte vereis verskillende organisatoriese strukture / The successful attainment of these goals may require different organisational structures • Bv. ‘n millitere eenheid of bank mag dalk die beste funksioneer met ‘n sterk vertikale hierargie en ‘n argitek- of advertensie maatskappy wat ‘n hoe vlak van kreatiwiteit vereis kan dalk beter funksioneer met ‘n meer verspreide sisteem van outoriteit en groter individuele of groep outonomiteit /for instance, a military unit or a bank may function best with a strong vertical hierarchy. However, a advertising or architectural firm requiring high levels of creativity may function better with a more dispersed system of authority and greater individual or group autonomy
Aanpassing van burokrasiee / Customising bureaucracies • Gebeurlikheidsteorie / Contingency theory: • Organisatoriese struktuur word bepaal deur die omgewing waarmee die organisasie te doen het. Hierdie teorie van organisatoriese struktuur word genoem die gebeurlikheidsteorie / Organisational structure depends on the environment that the organisation faces. This theory of organisational structure is called contingency theory • Bv. As die mark vir ‘n produk van ‘n organisasie hoog varieer, sal die organisasie beter doen met ‘n relatiewe los organisatoriese struktuur / for instance, if the market for a product of a company is highly variable, the organisation will fare better if it has a relatively loose organisational structure • As die mark hoogs voorspelbaar is, is meer rigiede strukture nodig wat dalk effektiwiteit kan verhoog / If the market is highly predictable, more rigid structures are viable an may increase efficiency
Informele werkskulture / informal work cultures • Informele kulture is gebaseer op sosiale verhoudinge wat onstaan tussen die mense wat in die organisasie werk / Informal cultures are based on social relationships that emerge among the people who work in an organisation. • Bv. Twee werkers wat in a firma werk, word dalk vriende. ‘n Derde werker in hulle afdeling mag dalk uitgesluit word uit hierdie verhouding, en sy werkstevredenheid en produktiwiteit kan lei daaronder / For instance, two workers in a firm may become friends and help each other with their work. A third worker in their section may be excluded form this relationship, and his or her satisfaction in work and productivity may both suffer as a result • Hierdie informele kulture het ‘n groot invloed op hoe die burokrasie eintlik funksioneer , en is einlik in kontras met hoe dit funksioneer “op papier” / These informal cultures have a tremendous influence on how the bureaucracy actually operates, in contrast to how it operates “on paper”.
Informele werkskulture / informal work cultures • Vergunningspatroon / Indulgency pattern: • Vergunningspatroon: Die oortreding van reels deur werkers word somtyds oorgesien deur werkgewers as deel van ‘n vanselfsprekende/onuitgesproke ooreenkoms vir groter pogings op ander gebiede / Indulgency pattern: The violation of rules by employees is sometimes overlooked by supervisors as part of an implicit bargain for greater effort on other fronts. This arrangement has been labelled as the “indulgency pattern”. • Bv. Mynvoormanne, wat dit oorsien as hulle werkers ongeskeduleerde dae af vat vir persoonlike redes, omdat hulle dapper pogings gedurende werk opmaak daarvoor / For example, mine foremen overlook the men taking unscheduled days off for personal reasons in exchange for the heroic efforts that they often undertook while on the job • Dit word dikwels geredeneer dat vrouens en minderheidsgroepe meer regverdig behandel word in groot burokrasiee as in kleiner organisasies. Dit word gebaseer op observasie dat formele reels dit moeiliker maak om te diskrimineer / it is frequently argued that women and minorities receive fairer treatment in large bureaucracies than they do in smaller organisations. This argument is based on the observation that formal rules make discrimination more difficult
BEPERKINGE VAN BUROKRASIE / LIMITATIONS OF BUREAUCRACY Beperkinge van burokrasie / limitations of bureaucracy: • Topswaarbestuur / Top-heavy management • Die sentralisasie van beheer in die ekonomie / The centralisation of control in the economy • Verminderdekreatiwiteit / Reduced creativity • Korporatieweverantwoordelikheid / Corporate accountability
BEPERKINGE VAN BUROKRASIE / LIMITATIONS OF BUREAUCRACY • Topswaar bestuur / Top-heavy management: • Die mees belangrikste nagevolg van ‘n burokratiese organisasie is die toename van die proporsie werknemers wat administratiewe werk doen / perhaps the most important consequence of the rise of bureaucratic organisations has been a significant increase in the proportion of employees engaged in administrative work • Die toename in die getal administratiewe werkers verminder ook die proporsie werkers wat direk betrokke is by produksie / This rise in the number of administrative workers has also reduced the proportion of workers directly engaged in production • Administratiewe kostes maak ‘n groot deel uit van die begroting, en hierdie kostes kan selfs meer weer as die kostes van produksie / Administration costs may take up too large a share of the budget, even overshadowing the direct costs of production
BEPERKINGE VAN BUROKRASIE / LIMITATIONS OF BUREAUCRACY • Die sentralisasie van beheer in die ekonomie / The centralisation of control in the economy: • Soos wat firmas groter word en groei, word ‘n groter deel van ekonomiese aktiwiteit beheer deur die topbestuur van ‘n paar groot firmas / As firms have grown larger, a greater share of economic activity has come to be controlled by the top managers of a few large firms • Konglomerate / Conglomerates - Dit is ‘n organisasie wat beheerende aandele in ander organisasies bekom en sodoende ‘n konglomeraat word. Let wel dat die organisasies nie noodwendig in dieselfde bedryf is nie / in the 2000’s many large firms have come to control even larger shares of the economy by acquiring companies in unrelated product lines • Lopende elite – die gesentraliseerde beheer oor die ekonomie deur ‘n paar groot firmas lei tot die ontstaan van ‘n sterk hoe klas / Running elite - the centralised control of the economy by a few large firms also translated into the existence of a powerful upper class
BEPERKINGE VAN BUROKRASIE / LIMITATIONS OF BUREAUCRACY • Verminderde kreatiwiteit / Reduces creativity: • Sentralisasie van beheer vermeerder vervreemding onder die werkers van die organisasie, omdat hulle min se het in die besluite wat hulle lewens beinvloed / Centralisation of control increases alienation among members of the organisation, because they have little say in the decisions that influence their lives • Sentralisasie van beheer het negatiewe gevolge vir die werkers vir die organisasie sowel as vir die organisasie self / the centralisation of control in large organisations can also have negative consequences for the employees of the organisation and for the organisation itself
BEPERKINGE VAN BUROKRASIE / LIMITATIONS OF BUREAUCRACY • Burokratiese rigiedheid – innovasie en kreatiwiteit kan ook verminder word deur oor-konformering aan burokratiese standaarde / Bureaucratic rigidity – innovation and creativity may also be lessened by over-conformity to bureaucratic standards. • In kontras, die kondisies wat innovasie en verandering bevorder / In contrast, the conditions that have been found to promote innovation and change include: • Desentralisasie van mag / Decentralisation of power • Lae vlakke van formalisering / Low levels of formalisation • Regverdige beloning / Equity of rewards • Min klem op volume / Low emphasis on volume • Min klem op sny van koste / Low emphasis on cost cutting • Hoe vlakke van werkstevredenheid / High levels of job satisfaction
BEPERKINGE VAN BUROKRASIE / LIMITATIONS OF BUREAUCRACY • Korporatiewe verantwoordelikheid / Corporate accountability: • Die groot organisasies in die wereld wat die meeste goedere en dienste produseer het baie mag. Omdat hierdie organisasies so groot is en soveel mag het, voel hulle dat dit hul reg is om op ‘n gereelde basis buite wetgewing op te tree / the huge organisations in the world that produce most of the goods and services feel entitled to break or bend the law on a regular basis because of their immense size and power • Algemene onwettige dade kan die volgende insluit / common illegalities include: • Prysvasstelling / Price fixing • Manipulasie van die aandeelpryse / Manipulation of stock prices • Onwettige omgewingsbesoedeling / llegal environmental pollution • Vals en misleidende advertering / False and misleading advertising • Omkopery / Bribery • Belasting ontwyking / Tax evasion • Politiese omkopery / Political payoffs • Produsering en verkoop van onveilige produkte / Production and sale of unsafe products
BEPERKINGE VAN BUROKRASIE / LIMITATIONS OF BUREAUCRACY • Die prys etiket – daar word geskat dat korporatiewe misdaad die publiek tussen $174 biljoen en $231 biljoen kos per jaar. Daar is ‘n dodetal van 14 000 mense ‘n jaar agv industriele ongelukke en ‘n dodetal van 30 000 mense ‘n jaar agv onveilige verbruikersprodukte/ The price tag – corporate crime costs the public between $174 billion and $231 billion annually. Additional casualties due to corporate neglect include 14 000 deaths a year from industrial accidents and 30 000 deaths a year from unsafe consumer products
BEPERKINGE VAN BUROKRASIE / LIMITATIONS OF BUREAUCRACY • “Whistle blowing” – dit is ‘n potensiele manier vir werknemers om korporatiewe misdaad te beveg deur duidelike onwettige korporatiewe aksies te onthul. Sulke aksies word genoem “whistle blowing” / Whistle blowing – one potential way for employees to fight back against corporate malfeasance is by exposing clearly unlawful corporate actions. Such activities are called “whistle blowing” • Owerheidswette beskerm die werknemers van vervolging deur die maatskappy / Federal laws protect employees from retaliation by die company in situations where employees expose illegal company activities • Organisasies het baie mag en finansiele hulpbronne – hulle het baie geld wanneer dit kom by die huur van prokureurs en die maak van hofsake teen werknemers wat volgens hulle opininie hulle reputasie onregverdige skade aangedoen het / Corporations have tremendous power and financial resources – they have deep pockets when it comes to hiring lawyers and pursuing law suits against employees who they claim have unfairly damaged their reputation
BEPERKINGE VAN BUROKRASIE / LIMITATIONS OF BUREAUCRACY • “Whistle blowing” vind gewoonlik net plaas in baie ernstige gevalle en in gevalle waar die werknemer wat die misdaad rapporteer dapper genoeg is om die nagevolge daarvan te dra/ Whistle blowing often occurs only in extreme cases, and then only if someone has the courage to withstand the resulting hailstorm of accusations and counterattacks
DIREKTE WERKNEMER SAMEWERKING / DIRECT WORKER PARTICIPATION • Teorie X: werkers moet gedwing (deur hulle te dreig of af te dank) of omgekoop (deur beloftes van salarisverhogings) word om harder te werk / Theory X: workers need to be coerced (by threat of firing) or bribed (by promises of pay raises) into working harder • Teorie Y: werkers sal meer produktief wees as hulle meer menslik behandel word en meer aandag kry. Werkers word nogsteeds gesien as passief en kan nogsteeds gemanupileer word deur bestuur / Theory Y: workers would be more productive if they received more humane consideration and attention. Worker is a passive object to be manipulated by management • Teorie Z: dit vervang teorie X en Y. Produktiwiteit word bepaal deur werkers se vaardighede en hulle houdings eerder as deur spesifieke prosedures / Theory Z: this theory view productivity as embedded in workers, in their skills, and in their attitudes rather than in specific procedures