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2. About this part of the course. This part is Clinical Finance, which will be further defined in the next lecture.It is not the marriage of theory
1. 1 The Theory of Dynamic Hedging Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Courant Institute of Mathematical Science
Sept 4, 2003
2. 2 About this part of the course This part is Clinical Finance, which will be further defined in the next lecture.
It is not the marriage of theory & practice. Practice comes first & last. This is best called theoretically inspired & enhanced practice.
No (or minimum) theorems, no proofs. The important matter is to be convinced. Why? Because theorems are only as good as the assumptions on which they are built.
3. 3 Some Holes With Existing Theory According to strict theoretical considerations, derivatives do not exist. Markets are fundamentally incomplete, and we have to live with it.
Hakansson’s paradox: if markets are complete we do not need options; if they are incomplete then according to financial theory we cannot price options…
The paradox has not been solved so far in finance theory ?? Finance theory may be total nonsense.
The objective of this course is to make you live with it as well so you do not get a shock when you get out of here.
Ask questions --the real world does not have an owner’s manual.
4. 4 Clinical finance will be further discussed after a brief presentation of the existing theories --so we have enough material to engage in a critique of the current framework.
5. 5 The Theoretical Backbone of Modern Finance This first lecture will focus on the theoretical backbone of modern finance, particularly in what applies to asset pricing
We will explore the origin of the thinking in financial economics
If so little in successful quantitative Wall Street is linked to the financial economics aspect of finance, it is not quite without a reason
6. 6 Neoclassical Economics Adam Smith’s invisible hand
Walras’ auctioneer
Marshall’s partial equilibrium
Arrow & Debreu’s proof of the existence and uniqueness
The central conclusion is the idea of laisser-faire: the government should not interfere with the system of markets that allocates resources in the private sector of the economy
7. 7 Arrow-Debreu General Equilibrium A competitive system with market prices coordinates the otherwise independent activities of consumers and producers acting purely in their self-interest.
Stands on shaky empirical foundations
no information
no adverse selection
no intermediation, no transaction costs
the model might have been reverse engineered, i.e. the correct assumptions were chosen because they led to the adequate solution.
8. 8 Some more attributes “Theoretically Elegant”
9. 9 Enters Uncertainty Arrow is credited with the introduction of uncertainty in the model, thanks to a contraption now called “Arrow” (now “Arrow-Debreu”) securities.
In a 2-period model, it delivers 1 unit of numeraire in a given state of the world, 0 otherwise.
These securities complete the market, i.e. eliminate uncertainty as agents can buy them as insurance.
10. 10 Completeness Definition of a complete market
11. 11 State Prices a.k.a.state contingent claims, elementary securities, building blocks,
These securities, by arbitrage, sum up to 1. Like probabilities, they are exhaustive and mutually exhaustive.
It is important to see that they are not quite probabilities, even when translated into their continuous price & time limit.
This leads to the analog state price density for one period models.
12. 12 Lexicon State price: a security that pays 1 in a state of the world, 0 elsewhere
The price paid today for a state price resembles a density.
Why resemble? Because of the difference between probability and pseudoprobability.
Why pseudoprobability? Something called arbitrage
13. 13 Credits Note: I credit for the exposition of the next three theorems, Rubinstein’s e-textbook (1999), www.in-the-money.com
Note: a brief discussion of the “inverse problem”, i.e. the ability to pull out the state prices from derivatives (Breeden-Litzenberger, 1978)
14. 14 First “Theorem”: Existence Risk-neutral probabilities exist if and only if there are no riskless arbitrage opportunities.
15. 15 Arbitrage opportunities an arbitrage exists if and only if either:
(1) two portfolios can be created that have identical payoffs in every state but have different costs; or
(2) two portfolios can be created with equal costs, but where the first portfolio has at least the same payoff as the second in all states, but has a higher payoff in at least one state; or
(3) a portfolio can be created with zero cost, but which has a non-negative payoff in all states and a positive payoff in at least one state.
16. 16 Second Major Theorem: Uniqueness The risk-neutral probabilities are unique if and only if the market is complete.
Hint: an incomplete market provides many solutions under this framework.
17. 17 Third Major Theorem: Dynamic Completeness Arrow, in 1953, (tr. 1964) showed that, under some conditions, the ability to buy and sell securities can effectively make up for the missing securities and complete the market.
18. 18 Bachelier Aside from minor problems concerning the returns (arithmetic v/s logarithmic, which constitute a very small difference in common practice), Bachelier presented an option pricing tool that reposes on the actuarial distribution. In essence we are using his pricing method supplemented with arbitrage arguments.
19. 19 Keynes’ Arbitrage argument In 1923, Keynes effectively showed that by arbitrage argument, the forward needs to be equal to its arbitrage value, when lending & borrowing are possible.
Covered Interest Parity Theorem:applied to the forward for a currency pair and, by extension, to any security that can be lent and borrowed.
20. 20 Keyne’s Argument Currency 1 has a rate r1
Currency2 has a rate r2
Spot rate S
Forward rate F
F = S (1+r1)/(1+r2)
The Forward has nothing to do with expectations!!!
21. 21 The Importance of Keynes’ Intuition Keynes was the first person in modern times to express the notion that the forward is not an expected future price, but an arbitrage-derived pseudo-expectation.
However it is of required use as an equivalent mean return in an arbitrage framework
Arrow’s state prices are the equivalent probabilitites ?pseudoprobabilities
22. 22 The Essence of Black-Scholes-Merton What Black-Scholes did was not “price” options as we do it today. It merely made option pricing compatible with financial economics.
There are two aspects to BSM
First aspect: the mean of the probability distribution used in their framework is that of the risk-neutral one (the µbecomes the difference between the carry and the financing).
Second aspect: There is no risk premium involved in the process --the package is deemed to be riskless.
23. 23 Assumptions Behind BSM no riskless arbitrage opportunities
perfect markets
constant r
constant and known volatility (comment on the known)
no jumps
24. 24 The Intuition Assuming an economy with no interest rates, the operator has two packages:
L1: short the European call option
L2: long the local sensitivity of the option worth of stock
L1: +C(St,t) -C(St+?t,t+?t)
L2: ? (St+?t -St)
25. 25 It is important to see that L1 and L2 are negatively correlated, that the negative correlation increases as ?t goes to 0
It is important to see that, since the portfolio is delta neutral, there is no corresponding sensitivity of the total package to the asset price returns --therefore the return of the asset price becomes sensitive to the square variations .
Pricing by replication allows the option to be a redundant security.
26. 26 Dynamic Hedging Effect
27. 27 Risk and Insurance Why dynamic hedging separates finance from other disciplines of risk bearing
The option value is no longer the actuarial value of the payoff
28. 28 Food for Thought As an option trader I deem dynamic hedging unattainable --most of the package variance comes from the jumps. We cannot ignore the actuarial aspect of things.
Black-Scholes reposes on a “known” distribution, with known parameters --I do not know much about the distribution
29. 29 The problem of the Normal/Lognormal Blaming Bachelier for having a “normal” not “lognormal” distribution may be unfair since in the real world we use a distribution of some uncharacterized shape
30. 30 Butterfly Buy call Struck at K +?
Buy call Struck at K - ?
Sell 2 calls struck at K
What do we get at expiration?
31. 31 Breeden-Litzenberger The “infinitely small butterfly” scaled by 1/? at the limit delivers 1 at expiration at K and 0 elsewhere
More on that with JG’s part: the butterfly, called elementary securities, are the building block of everything