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What homework do you have? What’s due this week? What’s due next week? Video permission forms! Please write down what you need to do, including this address: http://realitycheck2012.wikispaces.org To reach me, s.mbutler@bvsd.org Visit me at lunch to m ake up work!. What is media?.
What homework do you have? What’s due this week? What’s due next week? Video permission forms! Please write down what you need to do, including this address: http://realitycheck2012.wikispaces.org To reach me, s.mbutler@bvsd.org Visit me at lunch to make up work!
Medium/media … versus mass medium/media Medium: 1.) a means of effecting or conveying something VERSUS 2.) a channel or system of communication, information, or entertainment that reaches large audiences (in the millions-plus range). Media include: Mass Media: - Personal text messages -TV news • Your Facebook - Radio • Personal video posted to - Lady Gaga’s Twitter feed YouTube Mass media are intended for large audiences … the reality genre spans both
How do audiences affect media? • Do you think you have an effect on the mass media? If so, how? Talk to a neighbor
Have You Ever Heard the Word Millennials? That’s You • Born between 1981 and 2000 • Most racially and ethnically diverse cohort of youth in the nation’s history (18.5 percent Hispanic; 14.2 percent black, 4.3 percent Asian, 3.2 percent mixed race; and 59.8 percent white) • Politically progressive • Least religiously observant generation • Trusting of institutions
How do we know these statistics and why do they matter to media?
Your Opinions Matter More Than You Know • http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/video/flv/generic.html?s=frol02s483q70&continuous=1 • I’d like you to write down at least one thing that sticks out to you: quotes, numbers, images, or other things.
Two quotes that stuck out to me: 1.) “Teens are like Africa.” What do you think of this idea of being a group that others seek to colonize? What are the connotations of this? 2.) The narrator said of marketers studying teens: “They study them carefully as an anthropologist would an exotic native culture.”
So What’s the Latest in Media Research of Audiences? • http://bostinno.com/2011/02/02/bluefin-labs-introduces-first-ever-analysis-of-social-media-commentary-and-audience-responses-to-tv-ads/ • The Republican presidential candidates are using it.
What Does this Say about the Reality Genre? Are they a response to Millennials’ desire for authenticity? What about other audiences?
Exit Ticket • What’s one thing you learned about how you affect the media?
One-Pager due Tuesday • Comment on the Reality Genre definition on the Wiki by Wednesday • Video permission forms – please get them in! I am taping! • http://realitycheck2012.wikispaces.org • To reach me, s.mbutler@bvsd.org • Missing releases: Jen, Gracie, Erin, Jaden, Benji, Sassan, Finn, Dylan, Ariana, Alani, Nick, and Alison