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Common Core State Standards

Common Core State Standards. An Information Session for Parents. Why Common Core Standards?. By age 3, children from affluent families have heard 30 million more words than children from parents living in poverty. (Hart and Risley, 1995).

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Common Core State Standards

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  1. Common Core State Standards • An Information Session for Parents

  2. Why Common Core Standards?

  3. By age 3, children from affluent families have heard 30 million more words than children from parents living in poverty. (Hart and Risley, 1995). • Children who have larger vocabularies and greater understanding of spoken language do better in school (Whitehurst and Lonigan). • If children aren’t reading at grade level by third grade, they are four times more likely to leave high school without a diploma (Hernandez, 2011).

  4. Instructional Shifts for Students in ELA • Read as much non fiction as fiction • Learn about the world by reading • Read more challenging material closely • Discuss reading using evidence • Write non fiction using evidence • Increase academic vocabulary

  5. ELA/Literacy Shift 1:Read as much non-fiction as fiction

  6. ELA/ Literacy Shift 2:Learn about the world by reading

  7. ELA/Literacy Shift 3:Read more complex material carefully

  8. ELA/Literacy Shift 4:Discuss reading using evidence

  9. ELA/Literacy Shift 5 :Writing from sources

  10. ELA/ Literacy Shift 6:Academic Vocabulary

  11. Instructional Shifts for Students in Math • Focus: Learn more about fewer, key topics • Build skills within and across grades • Develop speed and accuracy • Really know it, really do it • Use it in the real world • Think fast and solve problems

  12. Mathematics Shift 1:Focus: Learn more lessabout less

  13. Mathematics Shift 2:Skills across grades

  14. Mathematics Shift 3:Speed and accuracy

  15. Mathematics Shift 4:Know it and do it!

  16. Mathematics Shift 5:Real World application

  17. Mathematics Shift 6:Think Fast/ Solve Problems

  18. How will our children be assessed?Information about Assembly Bill 484 • The assessment system for California will be called the MAPP-Measurement of Academic Performance and Progress • AB 484 does not impact the CELDT, CAHSEE, or PFT. These assessments will continue to be administered using previously established requriements

  19. 2013-14 MAPP for Elementary Schools • Smarter Balanced field tests in ELA and math for grades 3-5 • Science CST/CMA for grade 5 • CAPA in ELA and math for grades 2-5 and Science for grade 5

  20. Accountability • For accountability purposes: • Thirty (30) students with valid test scores will now constitute a numerically significant subgroup • Fifteen (15) students who are foster youth will constitute a numerically significant subgroup • The API will now include achievement test results, attendance rates, and 4-year, 5-year, and 6-year graduation rates • The State Superintendent has used the authority to eliminate API scores for the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 school year if determined that transition to new standards-based assessments compromises comparability of results across schools or school districts

  21. Smarter Balanced Assessment

  22. Common Core Resources for Parents http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cc/tl/whatareccss.asp http://www.ccsesa.org/index/sp CommonCoreStandards.cfm http://www.cgcs.org/Domain/36

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