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Effects of thinning on soil and forest floor carbon storage

Effects of thinning on soil and forest floor carbon storage of Pinus densiflora stands in central Korea A-Ram Yang 1 , Yowhan Son 1* , Nam Jin Noh 1 , Sue Kyoung Lee 1 , Wooyong Jo 1 , Choonsig Kim 2 , Sang-Won Bae 3 , Sang-Tae Lee 3 and Jaehong Hwang 4

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Effects of thinning on soil and forest floor carbon storage

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  1. Effects of thinning on soil and forest floor carbon storage of Pinusdensiflorastands in central Korea A-Ram Yang1, Yowhan Son1*, Nam Jin Noh1, Sue Kyoung Lee1, Wooyong Jo1, Choonsig Kim2, Sang-Won Bae3, Sang-Tae Lee3 and Jaehong Hwang4 1Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University,Seoul 136-713, Korea *E-mail: yson@korea.ac.kr 2Department of Forest Resources, Jinju National University, Jinju 660-758, Korea, 3Forest Practice Research Center, Korea Forest Research Institute, Pocheon 487-821, Korea 4Division of Forest Tree Improvement, Korea Forest Research Institute, Suwon 441-350, Korea Figure 1. Location of three P. densiflorastands with different thinning intensities. Table 3. Soil C concentration for P. densiflorastands with different thinning intensities and soil depth. Small letters indicate significant differences among thinning intensities within each study stand (control: Ct, light :L, moderate: M, heavy: H). The values in parentheses are standard error. Figure 2.C storage of soil and forest floor for P. densiflorastands with different thinning intensities(control: Ct, light: L, moderate: M, heavy: H).

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