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Pennsylvania Indians: The Susquehanna Valley. Designed by Mrs. Brooke Walsh bwalsh@warwicksd.org 7 th Grade Language Arts Class. Table of Contents:. Pennsylvania Indians Introduction
Pennsylvania Indians:The Susquehanna Valley Designed by Mrs. Brooke Walsh bwalsh@warwicksd.org 7th Grade Language Arts Class
Table of Contents: • Pennsylvania Indians Introduction • Welcome to a web quest which will take you back to the 1700s when the Delaware Indians lived in the Susquehanna Valley. During this time, the Delaware and other tribes of the area such as the Susquehannock had deteriorating relations with the white settlers. Because our great nation was also being formed, settlers of the area, primarily the Scots-Irish and Germans were preoccupied with not only building the nation, but also defeating the British and cutting ties with their government. Taking on the role of a newspaper journalist, you will be writing a series of four articles focused on the: • Deterioration of the relationship and why this happened • Government leaders and militia groups and their role • Land from which the Indians were cheated • Role the Indians played in this increasingly violent relationship • Focus: What was the role of both the Indians and the settlers of the Susquehanna Valley in land loss and acquisition, and what were some events that further created tension within the groups? • Introduction • Task • Process • Resources • 12 34 • Evaluation • Conclusion • Credits • Teacher Page
Table of Contents: • Pennsylvania Indians Task • After completing the web quest, you will have gathered enough information to as a group, present 4 newspaper articles detailing the chronicles of a major treaty in 1737, the leaders initiating the treaty, a very large massacre in 1763 and the militia group involved, and the land acquisition and loss over 100 years from 1700 through 1800. • In the articles, you will take on different journalistic roles. • Settler who would like to move westward and settle more lands • Write an editorial to persuade other settlers to join your cause, including three solid reasons to move westward. • Indian who would like to continue to roam the region, migrating freely • Write an editorial to persuade other Indians and government leaders to stop encroaching on the land, including three reasons to stop encroachment. • Journalist who reports on the massacres of the settlers • Formulate a summary of an incident in which settlers were massacred. As a settler, you will want to defend the role of a settler, assuming the Indians have done something wrong • Journalist who reports on the massacre of the Indians • Formulate a summary of what happened in Lancaster with the Paxton Boys. As an Indian, you will want to defend the role of an Indian, assuming the Paxton Boys have done something wrong. • Introduction • Task • Process • Resources • 12 34 • Evaluation • Conclusion • Credits • Teacher Page
Table of Contents: • Introduction • Task • Process • Resources • 12 34 • Evaluation • Conclusion • Credits • Teacher Page Pennsylvania Indians Process First you'll be assigned to a team of 4 students. Each student will have their own laptop from the classroom, ensuring they will have the most time necessary to research. Once you've chosen a role as a journalist, you will search for answers on the primary source sites, delving into the rich history of this time. Using your 3 X 5 note cards, take notes specifically related to your topic. Whereas you will be looking at these sites with different goals than that of your group members, it is essential you label your fact cards and source cards, making your bibliography accurate and complete. After our newspaper article lessons, you will have enough information on how to write a news article. Use the organizer from class to efficiently put your information in logical order. Finally, post your group’s 4 articles on our Moodle site, where the class will be able to view them. Choose one article from another group to grade using the appropriate rubric. Use the worksheets listed to evaluate the primary sources you are using.
Table of Contents: • Pennsylvania Indians Resources • Introduction • Task • Process • Resources • 12 34 • Evaluation • Conclusion • Credits • Teacher Page
Pennsylvania Indians: Resources • Resources • 12 34
Pennsylvania Indians: Resources • Resources • 12 34
Pennsylvania Indians: Resources • Resources • 12 34
Table of Contents: Pennsylvania Indians EvaluationYou will be graded individually on their own newspaper articles and as a group on their mini-newspaper. The rubric below will guide you in the quest for your project. • Introduction • Task • Process • Resources • 12 34 • Evaluation • Conclusion • Credits • Teacher Page
Table of Contents: • Pennsylvania Indians Conclusion Throughout this WebQuest, you have learned a plethora of information through primary sources immersed in the rich history of the Pennsylvania Indians of the Susquehanna Valley region. Take it further. Try to answer these questions regarding the migration of settlers into the West. • What implications did westward migration hold for national unity? • • How did the citizens of the early republic think about Native Americans and their place in the developing nation? • • How did Native Americans respond to the westward press of the United States? • • How did the United States respond to the presence of Native Americans on the western frontier? • Introduction • Task • Process • Resources • 12 34 • Evaluation • Conclusion • Credits • Teacher Page
Pennsylvania Indians: Additional Lessons and Links forTeachers • Primary Sources Lesson Plan • Lesson On Captivity within Indian Tribes • British • More British • Native American • Interviews on • Songs • Lesson on Colonial America • Native American Genealogy The Paxton Boys The Walking Purchase Treaties and Truths Music Links • Prerequisite Skills • Students must have or be instructed on the following skills to complete this WebQuest: • Computer Navigation • Components of a Newspaper Article • Critical Thinking • Analytical Skills • Basic Journalism skills Main Menu
Pennsylvania Indians • Credits • Introduction • Task • Process • Resources • 12 34 • Evaluation • Conclusion • Credits • Teacher Page This WebQuest created by Brooke Walsh If you have any questions, please contact me at bwalsh@warwicksd.org Thank you for checking in to the WebQuest!