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War Test Review jeopardy

War Test Review jeopardy. Works on the Test. THE FOLLOWING REVIEW IS NOT A COMPLETE LIST OF QUESTION. PLEASE REFER TO YOUR NOTES Ecstasy of War A New Kind of War Why Soldiers Won’t Talk Dulce Et Decorum Est War is Kind The Ambush The Death of a Ball Turret Gunner

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War Test Review jeopardy

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  1. War Test Review jeopardy

  2. Works on the Test • THE FOLLOWING REVIEW IS NOT A COMPLETE LIST OF QUESTION. PLEASE REFER TO YOUR NOTES • Ecstasy of War • A New Kind of War • Why Soldiers Won’t Talk • Dulce Et Decorum Est • War is Kind • The Ambush • The Death of a Ball Turret Gunner • Fallen Angels 1-3-> Some questions in the Jeopardy game will be from up to chapter 8 • Vocabulary- Will be Matching only • Post-Modern Themes and their applications to the above pieces.

  3. The Death Of The Ball Turret Gunner 
 •  From my mother's sleep I fell into the State, • And I hunched in its belly till my wet fur froze. • Six miles from earth, loosed from its dream of life, • I woke to black flak and the nightmare fighters • When I died they washed me out of the turret with a hose.

  4. Questions that need answers • What is the significance behind awakening from “my mother’s sleep”? • How does one fall “into the State”? • How does “hunching in its belly” tie into “mother’s sleep”? • Explain the what the author means by “my wet fur froze.” What other meanings can “wet fur” have? • What does it mean to “be loosed from the dream of life”? • How do the image of “nightmare fighters” feed back into line 1? • Explain your reaction to the final line. What do you believe the author’s opinion of war is based on your belief? Why? • Which of the two common Postmodern themes best fit this poem?

  5. Death of a Ball Turret Gunner • The poem covers the loss of a man whose death is given little detail or affection, and his life is given even less. • Written in blank verse (no rhyme of meter) • I “fell into the State” • State implies military service • The verb “fell” connotes that the choice was not necessarily a voluntary one. • “Wet fur froze.” compares the narrator to an animal, and speaks literally about the gunner’s wool jacket freezing. • This animalistic idea connotes that the soldier is in some ways an animal riding in the pouch of his mother. Furthermore, it is comparable to the fact that all newborns are covered with a light, downy hair. • The narrator exchanges the womb of his mother to become a child of the State • Whereas a mother’s womb is warm and nurturing, the womb of the State is cold and filled with nightmares. • There are several mentions of sleep and nightmares throughout the poem. This fact implies the dreamlike quality of the narrator’s life. • “Wash me out with a hose.”

  6. The narrator’s life passes without mention; his life passes as if he is in a dream, and his death is inglorious. • The narrator is presented as a born victim experiencing the frustration of a child separated from its mother • Makes a statement on our lack of appreciation of fallen soldiers • Common theme of postmodern literature- life is unappreciated (Richard Cory) • Note that we know nothing of the man’s life outside of war and death. • Only three important events are presented in the life of the soldier: birth, service, death in service • Leads into a dehumanizing concept of the State. The manner of his death is not even mentioned, only the preparation for the next fighter. • The use of water to rinse out the mess is not only practical, but ironic in the sense that water is usually a symbol of rebirth. • If we see the narrator as the child of the State, then this purging resembles that of the abortive process.

  7. Major Issues to Remember • The lack of appreciation of a fallen soldier and life itself (similar to that of Richard Cory) • The comparison of being a child of mother (warm and nurturing) then a child of the State (cold and uncaring). • The dream state of being associated with a soldier inserted into constant violence

  8. Jeopardy

  9. Why does Perry join the army?

  10. To earn money for his family

  11. What is the name of the Vietnamese New Year?

  12. Tet

  13. Who said, “I think I am going to die here”?

  14. Jenkins

  15. How does Jenkins die?

  16. Stepping on a landmine

  17. Why did Perry not fire at the first VC he encountered?

  18. He forgot to load his gun

  19. Who does Perry get into his first firefight with?

  20. U.S. soldiers

  21. What is Perry’s brother’s name?

  22. Kenny

  23. Who believes the only “real thing in life are movies”?

  24. Lobel

  25. What is Captain Stewart’s main concern?

  26. Raising his unit’s body count to earn a promotion

  27. What does Perry’s difficulty in writing home show about how he has changed?

  28. He is losing the identity he had at home

  29. What bothers Perry about the way the fallen VC soldier?

  30. He is treated as a trophy

  31. What is the name of Perry’s immediate commanding officer?

  32. Lieutenant Carroll

  33. Dulce et Decorum Est • What ironic about the title of the poem?

  34. The title disagrees with the context of the poem

  35. What does “Dulce et Decorum est pro patria mori”?

  36. It is sweet and right to die for one’s country

  37. What literary tactic is used in the phrase “guttering, choking, drowning”?

  38. Assonance

  39. War is Kind • What is the tone of “War is Kind”?

  40. Sarcasm

  41. What type of irony is used in the poem?

  42. Verbal Irony

  43. What literary tactic is used in “heart hung humble as a button”?

  44. Alliteration

  45. What archetypal meaning do the colors red and gold carry?

  46. Blood and Gold

  47. Why does Crane choose to end half of the stanzas with “War is kind” and the other half with “A field where a thousand corpses lie”?

  48. To highlight the irony of the poem

  49. The Ecstasy of War • According to Ehrenreich, what does most of war consist of?

  50. Preparation for war

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