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Globally distributed knowledge

Globally distributed knowledge. Frans van den Heuvel Niek Den Teuling Esther Verhoef. Overview. Problem statement Knowledge management strategies Outline Issues & questions Discussion. Problem statement.

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Globally distributed knowledge

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Globally distributed knowledge Frans van den Heuvel Niek Den Teuling Esther Verhoef

  2. Overview • Problem statement • Knowledge management strategies • Outline • Issues & questions • Discussion

  3. Problem statement • What type of knowledge management strategy is best usedfor a certain multinational company?

  4. Knowledge management strategies • How to manage knowledge? • Codification strategy • Tacitness strategy • Focused and unfocused knowledge management strategies

  5. Codification strategy • Intranets • Shared databases • Expert systems • E-mail

  6. Codification strategy • Advantages • Facilitation of flows • Fast and reliable access • Tend to be more efficient and appropriate than earlier forms of codification • Better able to quickly identify and exploit new business opportunities

  7. Codification strategy • Disadvantages • Information overload • Large directories, unread e-mail, junk mail • Costs may be too high (when underlying knowledge becomes old, system maintenance)

  8. Tacitness strategy • Advantages • Keeping knowledge in a ‘fluid state’ • Creativity and original forms of response and coordination • Not easy for competitors to imitate (unlike codified knowledge)

  9. Tacitness strategy • Disadvantages • Problem when key personnel leaves(solution: Cross-specification and team building) • Immobility of organizational knowledge

  10. Focused and unfocused KM strategies • Focused KM • Specializes on specific forms of codification for each type of knowledge. • Unfocused KM • The way knowledge is codified is not the result of a deliberate decision, but a by-product of other decisions.

  11. Focused and unfocused KM strategies

  12. Outline • Why multinational corporations • Advantages / disadvantages • Issues regardingknowledge management • Knowledge management strategies • For eachstrategy: • Advantages / disadvantages • Real-lifeexamples • Formulating a strategyguideline • Conclusion

  13. Issues & questions • What type of strategy would be best for a software company? • In which situation is an unfocused knowledge management strategy preferred over a focused one?

  14. Discussion

  15. Discussion 1 • Subunits with high levels of codification of knowledge experience stronger performance than subunits with low level of codification

  16. Discussion 2 • Subunits with high levels of tacitness of knowledge experience stronger performance than subunits with low levels of tacitness

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