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Orientation for Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship Students 国費外国人留学生 オリエンテーション.
Orientation for Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho)Scholarship Students国費外国人留学生 オリエンテーション
Ample Funding for Successful CandidatesStipend 1,872,000yen + Tuition 535,800yen =2,407,800yen (about $29,225)/yearcf. Pell Grant (US) 2009 avg. $3,607 max. $5,350 “high standards” attendance, completion within the set time, etc.優秀な学生に対する潤沢な学資(高い要求水準)
Advisory Room Office Hours相談室開室時間 留学生センター2階(2F International Student Center) • Consultation available in Japanese, English and Korean. • Contact advisors by Email or phone for appointment outside hours. • (Office hours subject to change.)
アドバイザー(留学生センター)Guidance Counselors (Advisors) ●竹森 直 ・ Tadashi Takemori Advisory Room ISC 2F Tel:029-853-6240 Graduate School for Pure and Applied Sciences (Materials Science) mobile:090-6702-2613 E-mail :takemori@bk.tsukuba.ac.jp ●鄭 仁豪 ・ InhoChung Advisory Room ISC 2F Tel:029ー853ー6766 Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences (Disability Sciences) Tel :029-853-4883E-mail :ichung@human.tsukuba.ac.jp ●島田 直子 ・ NaokoShimada Advisory Room ISC 2F Tel:029ー853ー6240 Health Management Center Tel :029-853-2415 E-mail :shimada.naoko.ga@u.tsukuba.ac.jp
アドバイザー(研究科)Advisors on Campus ● 三木ひろみH.Miki (029-853-2623) Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences (Doctoral program in Physical Education, Health & Sport Sciences) ● 上北恭史Y. Uekita (029-853-7498) Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences (Doctoral program in World Cultural Heritage Studies) ●三波千穂美C. Sannami (029-859-1361) Graduate School of Library, Information & Media Studies (Doctoral program in Library, Information & Media Studies ) ● 張 振亜Z.Y. Zhang (029-853-4712) Graduate School of Life & Environmental Sciences (Doctoral program in Appropriate Technology & Sciences for Sustainable Development) ● 李 頡J.Li (029-853-5521) Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering (Department of Computer Science)
学生区分Classification of Students 1. 正規生 Degree Students ①学群・学類学生 (Undergraduate) ②大学院生(Graduate) 2. 非正規生 Non-degree Students ①研究生 (Research Students) ②科目等履修生 (Credited Auditors) ③特別聴講学生 (Exchange Students) ④特別研究学生 (Exchange Research Students) ⑤日本語研修生(Intensive Japanese Language Course Students)
Graduate Study Programs (大学院課程) 学年 Years 1年 2年 3年 4年 5年 課程 Programs Masters Programs (修士課程) Completion(修了) Initial 2-yrs Doctoral Prog. (博士前期課程) Completion(修了) Entrance Exam. (進学試験) Completion (修了) Continuing 3-yrs Doctoral Prog. (博士後期課程) TransferExam. (編入試験) 5-yrs continuous Doctoral Prog. (一貫制博士課程) Completion (修了)
研究生から正規学生への移行from Research Students to Degree Students(Beware: Dates vary.)http://www.tsukuba.ac.jp/english/admission/grad_exam2010.html 6-8月(Jun.-Aug.)7-10月(Jul.-Oct.) 入学試験 Exam 受験願書提出 Application 合格 Pass 4月(Apr.) 入学 Entrance 12-1月(Dec-Jan)2月(Feb.) 合格 Pass 受験願書提出 Application 入学試験 Exam
Entrance Exam Dates 入試日程http://www.tsukuba.ac.jp/english/admission/grad_exam2010.html Obtain copies of certificate of graduation and academic transcripts from your previous schools beforehand.
Japanese Language Courses (ISC)日本語補講コース Japanese Language Training Program (3-month courses Apr-Jun, Sep-Nov, Dec-Mar, highly recommended as preparation for the entrance exam.) Next Application Date: Nov. 29-Dec. 1 Next Placement Test: Dec. 1
Government Scholarship国費奨学金について 157,000yen/month (doctoral 博士レベル) 156,000yen/month (masters 修士レベル) 154,000yen/month (research student 研究生) 127,000yen/month (undergrad 学群) Subject to change every year 金額は毎年変わる。 High Standards Expected 高い要求基準: - attendance/grade requirements 出席・成績, - conditions for continuation to the next stage 次段階への延長のための条件, - return flight ticket 帰国旅費 Restrictions (study fields, colleges) 転学などの制限
Period of the Scholarship支給期間 Research student 研究生 1.5〜2 years Undergraduate 学部生 4 years (6 years for Medicine) Master’s Level 修士 2 years Doctorate Level 博士 3 years NB: (1) no repeating years 留年は不可 (2) field of study unchangeable 分野変更不可 (3) continuation to the next stage possible only if the study is completed with good grades within the given term 次段階への継続には、所定期間内に 優秀な成績で修了することが必要
Research Students must have enrolled on the graduate course by: (入試合格に時間制限) April 2011 (Science PhD 理系博士後期) April 2012 (Others) Otherwise, the scholarship will not be continued to the graduate course.
Don’t forget to sign the form every month. 奨学金受領のために毎月署名すること。 In order to receive the monthly installment of the scholarship, you must sign a form at ISC desk every month. Otherwise you will lose the scholarship for that month.
Tutorial System(チューター制度) 対象留学生 STUDENT STATUS 期間 PERIOD 学群・学類学生 Undergraduate Student 2年間 2 years 研究生/大学院生/短期交換留学生 Research & Graduate student,Short term Exchange student 1年間 1 year Maintain good contact with your academic advisor and the tutor.
Library Orientation(図書館オリエンテーション)https://www.tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp/portal/guide-gakusei-mokuji_eng.php Mon 18th Oct (English) & Wed 27th Oct (Japanese) 15:15~16:15 at Central Library Meeting Room (2F) Program: video presentation, a tour of the library, guide to finding books and journals Seating capacity: 30 Apply beforehand at the Reference Desk (Central Library 2F) ---oOo--- 日時: 10月 18日(月)(英語)15:15~16:15 10月 27日(水)(日本語)15:15~16:15 場所: 中央図書館集会室(2階) 内容: 図書館案内ビデオの上映、図書館内見学、図書・雑誌の探し方 定員: 30名 申込: 中央図書館 2階レファレンスデスクで事前申し込みを
Educational Computer System教育用計算機システム 入学手続き時に利用カード交付済み。 You are already issued a users ID card.
Plan well ahead:Beware of visa/passport expirationdates (e.g. date of arrival, leaving school etc.).Do not EVER overstay!滞在期限に注意! 21
Immigration Law, Visas, etc. 入国管理関係 1. Beware of the Period of Stay. 滞在期限に注意。 2. Obtain Reentry Permit when traveling abroad. 海外渡航の際には必ず再入国許可を。 3. Visa status conditional on school attendance. 勉学を離れると在留資格を取消される可能性。 4. Always carry the Alien Registration Card 外国人登録証はいつも携帯すること。
Immigration Law and Part-time Job(Non-academic Activities) 1. Part-time Job Not Recommended. 2. Permission from the Immigration Bureau 資格外活動許可を入国管理局から取得する必要 3. Limit: 28 hrs/week 4. Necessary documents ・Passport ・Copy of Alien Registration Card. ・Application Form (available at Regional Immigration Office)
(医療と健康保険制度)Medical Treatment & Health Insurance Medical costs are very high! 1. On-Campus Health Center 保健管理センター 2. National Health Insurance 国民健康保険
Medical Expenses 医療費 Medical Cost10,000 yen • Covered by NHI(国民健康保険) 3,000 yen(payment at the hospital under NHI)
Health Examination(健康診断) Oct 27 (Wed) 13:30 International Student Center 2F 留学生センター2階 - Bring your student ID card, questionnaire and the urine sample! - Receive the urine sample container (Oct 20-22) at the ISC office counter. Collect the sample on the morning of the day. 当日朝に尿採取して学生証とともに持参のこと。 - Make sure to go to the checkup. The record will be necessary for the issuance of a health certificate.
special caution!National Health Insurance Card= equivalent to personal ID(Lending or borrowing one is regarded a dangerous criminal act.) The Student ID card too! (Crooks can take money out on it in your name!) 27
Extending the stay at the Dormitory 1. Single Type ● Applicant:priority given to new students (including Kenkyusei) ● Term:rental period is one academic year ● Application for the next academic year: ① See the Bulletin board of the Dormitory Office ② Application Period (THREE DAYS! during next month) 来年度宿舎利用申請は宿舎の掲示に注意
Family Type Dormitory 家族用宿舎 Qualification: Degree Students (正規生のみ) Research Students can apply only after passing the entrance exam. Rental period: 1 academic year Application: (1) Nov. - Dec.: Students who have passed the exam in Sept. or Oct. (2) Feb: Only for Students who passed the exam in Feb. *Family members must already be in Japan and have completed Alien Registration at the time of application. 申請時に家族が外国人登録を済ませていることが必要
Off-Campus Housing 1. Rent(water, gas, electricity not included.) 家賃 1) Single-type Apartment 35,000 - 50,000yen per month 2) Family-type Apartment 45,000 - 65,000yen per month • 2.Other expenses at the time of contract敷金礼金Key money : One month rent • Deposit : Two months rent • Agency’s charge: One month rent • The agency requires a guarantor (保証人が必要) • when making a contract with the house owner
Comprehensive renters insurance for Foreign Students studying in Japan留学生住宅総合補償 “Ryugakusei Jutaku Sougou Hosho” By JEES www.jees.or.jp ●compensation against damages by fire etc. ● co-signatory as guarantor Fee = ¥ 9,000 for 2 yrs Apply at the ISC admin office
Support Association for International Students筑波大学留学生後援会http://www.intersc.tsukuba.ac.jp/02current/support_sais.htm 1) guarantor in a contract with the landlord - You need to have purchased the “Comprehensive renters insurance for Foreign Students studying in Japan (2yrs)” - Many real estate agencies accept the arrangement. 多くの不動産で保証人として認めてくれる。 2) small temporary loans 3) Provides financial support to cover emergency costs. Inquiries : ISC admin Office 問い合わせは留学生センター事務室へ
Traffic Safety(Pedestrians and Cyclists) Look Right→ 右を確認→ 35
Traffic Safety( Cars and Motorcycles) 1) Driving License 有効な運転免許証 Must have a valid driving license with you. (Check the validity of the international license directly with the police. International driving licenses are valid only within ONE year of arrival.) 2) Insurance 自動車保険は必須 Compulsory Insurance “Voluntary” Insurance (necessary) 3) Vehicle Owner Registration 車両登録 Register vehicles properly with Rikuun-kyoku ( District Land Transport Bureau )
In case of a traffic accident !! • The Four Basic Steps(基本4動作): stop → rescue → safety → notify • Call an ambulance (dial 119), and report to thePolice (dial 110) immediately !! • 警察は110番、救急車は119番 • Obtain the contact numbers of the parties involved. 相手の連絡先を聞いておく。 • Report to your academic adviser or tutor. • 指導教員に連絡。