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International Lunar Research Park

Embark on a journey towards a permanent lunar presence with the International Lunar Research Park proposal. Discover the critical need for lunar research and operations, including resource utilization, environmental challenges, and scientific exploration. Engage with a coalition of stakeholders—from grassroots organizations to large corporations—to shape the future of lunar endeavors. This innovative concept involves a Government-Industry-Academia Consortium, funding mechanisms, and existing research collaborations to drive progress in lunar activities. The International Lunar Research Park offers a platform for global collaboration and advancement in lunar sciences. Join the initiative today!

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International Lunar Research Park

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  1. International Lunar Research Park A Moon Society Proposal

  2. International Lunar Research Park The path to a permanent Lunar presence is daunting.. • Few countries can reach it .. • USA, Russia, Japan, India, ESA, China • Only 1 has safely landed and returned humans • Launch costs are outrageous .. • Delta II cost apprx. $60M • Est. payload to the Lunar surface ~ 1,700 pounds • ~ $30,000 per pound payload to Lunar surface What’s the driver & why the Moon ?

  3. International Lunar Research Park WHY THE MOON ?

  4. International Lunar Research Park Much needs to be proven for self-sustainment • Lunar resource utilization.. • Water collection, oxygen generation • Metal extraction, raw material generation • Fabrication and assembly • Lunar surface operations • Environmental – static, dust, radiation • Recycling & Life Support • Navigation, communication • Lunar Sciences • Astronomy, Geology…

  5. International Lunar Research Park EVERYBODY wants to be involved • Grass roots organizations.. • International groups – NSS, Moon Society, etc • Local groups – LRS, L5, PASA, OASIS, etc • Academia • Science and engineering colleges worldwide • (Small universities currently have little access) • Corporations • Large corps want to exploit new markets • Small corps want to support the big corps

  6. EVERYBODY wants to be involved International Lunar Research Park

  7. International Lunar Research Park

  8. International Lunar Research Park A Coalition of Interested Parties, with a common purpose • Perform Research on Topics of Joint Interest • ISRU, Operations, Science • Virtual, Terrestrial and Lunar • Share the burden of Lunar Operations • Government grants, Industrial Partner Membership • Non-Profit and Academic “Brain Power” • Thousands of FREE labor hours per year • Provide a means for World Wide Access • Universities, Non-Profits, Corporations

  9. THE RESEARCH PARK CONCEPT • A Government-Industry-Academia Consortium • Industrial partners & Academic membership Fees • Graduated membership fee scale • Tier 1 companies (Boeing, etc) £200K -> $300K • Tier 2 suppliers (SMEs) £ 30K -> $ 45K • Government funded infra-structure • Buildings, roads, etc • Government partial funding for major projects • Distinct Governing Body • Executive Board – Tier 1s + Govt. + Universities • Technical Board – Tier 1s + 1 Rep from Tier 2s

  10. THE RESEARCH PARK CONCEPT • Project Funding • Government aided grants • Large projects (competitive grants) that cross industry lines (OEMs, operators, suppliers) • Cost match required • Core Projects • Funded with membership fees • Voted on by Technical Board • Partner Directed Projects • Paid for completely by Partner funds • Contracted Work • Paid for by outside organizations (Tech Board approved)

  11. THE RESEARCH PARK CONCEPT • Existing Research Consortiums • Advanced Manufacturing Park, UK • World’s foremost research park • Site for 26 companies & major R&D organizations • AMRC, TWI, CTI, Dormer, etc. • Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, UK • Launched 2000, 50+ partners worldwide • IUCRC • Industry / University Cooperative Research Center • Now known as the Center for Friction Processing • Advanced Forming Research Centre, UK • Launched June, 2009, Glasgow Scotland

  12. The Advanced Manufacturing Park – Sheffield, England Morrisons, Gas Station Aston Hotel AMRC FoF C.T.I. T.W.I. AMRC1 Dormer Tools Incubation Tech Ctr. Evolution Ctr.

  13. The Advanced Manufacturing Park – Sheffield, England

  14. Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre – Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre • Founded by Boeing with University of Sheffield • Early Partners – Rolls-Royce, Messier Dowty • 1 center focused on Industrial R&D for Aerospace • Now 50+ Industrial Partners, 4 Research Centers • Machining, Composites, Assembly, IMP-C • Goal: Put parts on airplanes: • Lighter, Faster, Cheaper, Greener Industrial driven, Government supported, Jobs & wealth for the region & for Partners

  15. Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre – Sheffield

  16. Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre – Sheffield Micro Lab

  17. Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre – Sheffield

  18. Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre – Sheffield

  19. Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre – Sheffield

  20. Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre – Sheffield Boeing Boeing RTI Metals AMRC Messier Dowty AMRC Carpenter Steel Rolls-Royce Cincinnati Machines Starrag Heckert Dassault-Catia University of Sheffield AMRC Mori Seiki Machines ALCOA

  21. Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre – Sheffield • UK & EU Grants & Competitive Contract R&D: • £ 100M ($150M), including £ 25M Nuclear AMRC Funding Stream since 2000 • Membership Fees: • £ 10M Tier 1s, £ 3M Tier 2s ($ 20M) • £ 22M in donated equipment and software Tier 1s ($ 33M) • £ 7M equipment and services Tier 2s ($ 10M) Total Income over 10 years: £ 142M = $ 213M

  22. Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre – Sheffield • Intellectual Property Control • Extensive Collaboration Agreement covers: • Background IP (from Partrners) & restrictions • Proprietary & confidential Partner information • For CORE projects, New IP owned by host University • For ILRP, New IP owned by consortium ? • For Partner funded projects, New IP owned by Partner • Similar for Contracted R&D • Government funded rules set by Govt. contract

  23. THE OTHER BIG EXAMPLE If NASA had not built the ISS backbone, ESA, Canada, and Japan would not be there.

  24. How do we get there ? • Three major phases • Virtual, Terrestrial, and Lunar • Virtual – • Loose IP Control (data gathering) • Minimal funding (free brain power) • Proposal writing • Government socializing of funding & projects • Terrestrial – • Government & Industrial partners • Tighter IP control

  25. THE FIRST STEPS • Start planning, Communicating & Organizing • The VIRTUAL International Lunar Research Park • PLANNING • Road Mapping of R&D topics • Cataloging & Gathering existing research • Communicating • Finding members and interested parties • Universities, Corporations, Non-Profits • Organizing • The VIRTUAL ILRP Web Site • Collaboration agreements

  26. THE FIRST STEPS • PLANNING • Road Mapping of R&D topics • Resource utilization, surface operations, Sciences • Outline Government Proposals • Cataloging & Gathering existing research • NASA R&D, Lunar Planetary Institute • Technical Societies & Academic works • Initial plans for Terrestrial and Lunar steps • Facilities, Hardware, IT, Communications • Site selection studies

  27. THE FIRST STEPS • COMMUNICATING - Finding members and interested parties • Non-Profits - Moon Society, NSS, L-5, etc. • Key Universities • US - Wisconsin, MoST, Wash U STL, U of Houston • International • Strathclyde, Sheffield • India, Japan, etc. • University of LUNA & Kepler Space University • Key Corporations • Major Aerospace, Metals, Glass, Chemistry • Terrestrial mining, Austere Operations (North AK) • Governments – US, UK, EU, India, Japan

  28. THE FIRST STEPS • ORGANIZING • The VIRTUAL ILRP Web Site • Collaboration agreements • Set up Executive and Technical Boards • Knowledge Management & IP Control • Business Operations – Legal, Accounting what else ?

  29. THE SECOND STEPS The TERRESTRIAL International Lunar Research Park • Planning, Communicating & Organizing • Recruit, Recruit, Recruit • Infrastructure • Building & Facilities & Physical Security • Computer Network & Security • Flight & Remote Operations facility • Plans for future Lunar communications network • Lunar Site Selection & Infrastructure planning • Launch & Deployment planning what else ?

  30. THE LUNAR FACILITY • Space port • Power generation, Stored Power • Site preparation • Initial peripheral roads • Warehousing • First Aid, hospital • Shared facilities such as: • waste treatment • shared food production • assembly hall, recreation facility • Fleet of vehicles of some variety for rent or lease what else ?

  31. Where’s the Money come from ? • The money’s out there…

  32. FINAL THOUGHTS • Space Solar Power is a key driver • Clean Power from Space • RECYCLING is KEY to self sustainment • Green technologies developed during Terrestrial phase • Potential to migrate to Earth systems & products • Other new technologies could benefit Earth • Bio-leaching, Poor Ore technologies • LUNAR SETTLEMENTS • Ala “Plymouth” mini-series • Plus hotels, restaurants, farms, mechanics, etc.

  33. International Lunar Research Park A Moon Society Proposal

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