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Psychology 305B: Theories of Personality Lecture 13

Psychology 305B: Theories of Personality Lecture 13. Scoring Your “RSQ” 1. Sum the following items: Score 1: 3, 7 (reversed), 8, 10, 17 (reversed) Score 2: 5 (reversed), 6, 11, 15 Score 3: 1, 4, 9, 14 Score 4: 2, 5, 12, 13, 16

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Psychology 305B: Theories of Personality Lecture 13

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  1. Psychology 305B: Theories of Personality Lecture 13 Psychology 305

  2. Scoring Your “RSQ” 1. Sum the following items: Score 1: 3, 7 (reversed), 8, 10, 17 (reversed) Score 2: 5 (reversed), 6, 11, 15 Score 3: 1, 4, 9, 14 Score 4: 2, 5, 12, 13, 16 2. For each score, compute the average. That is, divide the sums for scores 1 and 4 by 5, and the sums for scores 2 and 3 by 4. Psychology 305

  3. Term PaperDue Date: April 6, 2010 • Purpose: To gain further experience in the application of personality psychology . • Format: A “psychobiography.” Use one or more theories of personality (e.g., the five factor model of personality, evolutionary theory, psychoanalytic theory) to describe, analyze, and interpret the life, attitudes, and/or behaviour of a specific individual. Psychology 305

  4. You may choose any individual as the subject of your paper—for example, a historical or contemporary leader, an infamous figure, a celebrity, a fictional character, a friend, a family member, or yourself. Examples: Mother Teresa, Barack Obama, Joseph Stalin, Kurt Cobain, Michael Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor, Spiderman. Psychology 305

  5. For personal figures, you may rely entirely on material presented in class and your textbook. For public figures, you should cite biographical resources. You are welcome to use additional resources related to the personality theories that you choose. Psychology 305

  6. Length: 8-12 pages, doubled spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins. Note that this does not include the title page or reference section. • Weight: 20% of your final grade in the course (80% content, 20% style). • Instructions regarding the use of TurnItIn will be provided in class closer to the due date of the paper. Psychology 305

  7. Lecture 13 Questions That Will Be Answered In Today’s Lecture • Neoanalytic Perspective on Personality, continued • 6. How are Erikson’s 8 stages exemplified in the film Wild Strawberries? • 7. According to Horney’s theory, what are (a) the safety need, (b) basic hostility, (c) basic anxiety, and (d) neurotic needs? • 8. What personality types did Horney propose? Psychology 305

  8. How are Erikson’s 8 stages exemplified in the film Wild Strawberries? Dr. Isak Borg and his housekeeper, Agda. Psychology 305

  9. Dr. Borg and his daughter in-law, Marianne. Psychology 305

  10. Dr. Borg and his young travel companions: The “modern” Sara, Anders, and Viktor. Psychology 305

  11. The “past” Sara, who Dr. Borg once loved. Psychology 305

  12. Dr. Borg and his mother. Psychology 305

  13. Dr. Borg’s wife, Karin, after an encounter with her lover. Psychology 305

  14. Other noteworthy characters from the film: • Dr. Borg’s brother: Sigfrid. • Dr. Borg’s aunt: Aunt Olga. • The couple who was involved in a car accident with Dr. Borg: Mr. and Mrs. Alman. • Dr. Borg’s son: Evald. • We meet Dr. Borg in the last of Erikson’s 8 stages of personality development: Old Age Psychology 305

  15. Old Age • 61 years of age – death. • Crisis: Integrity vs. despair. • Successful resolution: Occurs when older adults feel a sense of emotional integration or satisfaction with the choices they have made and the life experiences they have had. • Basic strength: Wisdom (a detached but active concern with life in the face of death). Psychology 305

  16. What can we conclude about Dr. Borg with respect to the 7 preceding stages of personality development? 1. Infancy • First year of life. • Crisis: Basic trust vs. mistrust. • Successful resolution: Occurs when infants develop confidence in their caregivers to consistently meet their basic needs. • Basic strength: Hope (the enduring belief that one’s needs, desires, and wishes will be satisfied). Psychology 305

  17. 2. Early Childhood • Second year of life. • Crisis: Autonomy vs. shame and doubt. • Successful resolution: Occurs when toddlers acquire a sense of independence stemming from their self- control. • Basic strength: Willpower (the determination to exercise free choice as well as self-restraint). Psychology 305

  18. 3. Preschool • 3 – 5 years of age. • Crisis: Initiative vs. guilt. • Successful resolution: Occurs when young children feel that they can take action to pursue their desires or urges. • Basic strength: Purpose (the courage to pursue valued goals without fear of punishment). Psychology 305

  19. 4. School Age • 6 – 11 years of age. • Crisis: Industry vs. inferiority. • Successful resolution: Occurs when children feel that they can master tasks of the “tool world” (i.e., tasks associated with the practical work-related world, including tasks at school). • Basic strength: Competence (the belief that one has the dexterity and intelligence required to complete meaningful tasks). Psychology 305

  20. 5. Adolescence • 12 – 19 years of age. • Crisis: Identity vs. identity confusion. • Successful resolution: Occurs when adolescents develop an integrated and consistent self-view (i.e., one that is seen similarly by oneself and others). • Basic strength: Fidelity (the ability to be true to oneself and to significant others despite contradictions in value systems across roles and relationships). Psychology 305

  21. 6. Young Adulthood • 20 – 35 years of age. • Crisis: Intimacy vs. isolation. • Successful resolution: Occurs when young adults feel that they can merge with another individual without losing their personal identity. • Basic strength: Love (a mutual devotion with another individual that is greater than any antagonism between the identities of each individual in the partnership). Psychology 305

  22. 7. Adulthood • 36 – 60 years of age. • Crisis: Generativity vs. stagnation. • Successful resolution: Occurs when adults feel that they are able to guide, nurture, and contribute to the development of the next generation. • Basic strength: Care (a broad concern for others that extends beyond the narrowness of self-concern). Psychology 305

  23. According to Horney’s theory, what are: (a) the safety need, (b) basic hostility, (c) basic anxiety, and (d) neurotic needs? • Horney’s view of personality development differs from Freud’s view in 1 broad way: In contrast to Freud who emphasized the role of sexual factors in personality development, Horney emphasized the role of social factors in personality development. • Consistent with her emphasis on social factors, Horney believed that people are not motivated by sexual instincts, but are motivated by a desire for love and a need for security. Psychology 305

  24. Safety Need • A need for security (or freedom from fear) that is universally experienced by children. • According to Horney, the need is satisfied among children whose parents demonstrate “genuine love.” • In contrast, the need is not satisfied among children whose parents dominate, reject, overprotect, or overindulge their children. Psychology 305

  25. Basic Hostility • Contempt that develops among children whose safety need is not satisfied. • The child’s contempt is directed at his or her parents but is rarely expressed as overt rage. Instead, it is typically repressed. Psychology 305

  26. Basic Anxiety • Apprehension that develops among children who repress their basic hostility for their parents. • “An insidiously increasing, all-pervading feeling of being lonely and helpless in a hostile world.” (Horney, 1937) Psychology 305

  27. Neurotic Needs • Strategies that are used by individuals to minimize their basic anxiety. • Horney referred to these strategies as “needs” because individuals who experience basic anxiety compulsively use them in an effort to minimize their apprehension. Psychology 305

  28. Horney identified 10 neurotic needs: 1. The need for affection and approval. 2. The need for a dominant partner. 3. The need for power. 4. The need to exploit others. 5. The need for prestige. Psychology 305

  29. 6. The need for admiration. 7. The need for achievement. 8. The need for self-sufficiency and independence. 9. The need for perfection. 10. The need to have narrow limits to life. Psychology 305

  30. What personality types did Horney propose? • Horney divided the 10 neurotic needs into 3 subsets. She theorized that each subset drives the attitudes and behaviours of a distinct “neurotic” personality type. • The 3 neurotic personality types that Horney proposed are: the compliant personality type, the aggressive personality type, and the detached personality type. Psychology 305

  31. Horney maintained that, in the person who is not plagued by basic anxiety (i.e., who is not neurotic), the tendencies to be compliant, aggressive, and detached are expressed as circumstances warrant. • In contrast, in the person who is plagued by basic anxiety (i.e., who is neurotic), only one tendency is dominant and expressed in all circumstances, whether or not the attitudes and behaviours consistent with that tendency are appropriate. Psychology 305

  32. Questions That Were Answered In Today’s Lecture • Neoanalytic Perspective on Personality, continued • 6. How are Erikson’s 8 stages exemplified in the film Wild Strawberries? • 7. According to Horney’s theory, what are (a) the safety need, (b) basic hostility, (c) basic anxiety, and (d) neurotic needs? • 8. What personality types did Horney propose? Psychology 305

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