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The Life and teachings of muhammad

The Life and teachings of muhammad. Describe the religion of Arabs before Muhammad. What source provides historians with information about the life of Muhammad? When and where was Muhammad born? Describe the early life of Muhammad. Who became the wife of Muhammad?.

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The Life and teachings of muhammad

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  1. The Life and teachings of muhammad • Describe the religion of Arabs before Muhammad. • What source provides historians with information about the life of Muhammad? • When and where was Muhammad born? • Describe the early life of Muhammad. • Who became the wife of Muhammad?

  2. The life and teachings of muhammad • What changes in Mecca concerned Muhammad? • What happened to Muhammad in a cave at the age of 40? • What do you call a person who receives messages from God? • The messages Muhammad received from God formed the basis for what? • What do you call a follower of Islam?

  3. The life and teachings of muhammad • The messages Muhammad received are collected in what? • What was a basic part of the Islamic religion taught by Muhammad? • What religions can this be compared to? • How does this differ from previous Arab’s religious beliefs? • What is the name of the important shrine in Mecca?

  4. The life and teachings of muhammad • What do you call a journey to a sacred place? • Identify several reasons why Muhammad’s teachings upset many Arabs. • What did the people of Mecca eventually do? • What was Muhammad’s reaction? • What does Medina mean in Arabic?

  5. The life and teachings of muhammad • What is the word used to describe Muhammad’s departure from Mecca? • What did Muhammad’s house in Medina become? • What happened in the year 630? • When did Muhammad die? • What happened after his death? • How does this impact our world today?

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