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OVERVIEW OF ACA Health Insurance Marketplace is the new way to find health coverage that fits everyone’s budget and needs. With one application, patrons can see all of the health plan options and enroll. They can compare plans based on price, benefits, quality, and other important features before making a choice. They’ll also find out if they can get lower costs on their monthly premiums for private insurance plans. They can find out if they qualify for lower out-of-pocket costs. The Marketplace will also tell them if they qualify for low-cost, or free, coverage available through Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) subsidies.
OVERVIEW OF ACA Starting October 1st, 2013, the Health Insurance Marketplace, also known as the health insurance "exchange" began Open Enrollment. Plans and prices are available. Coverage starts as soon as January 1, 2014. Open Enrollment ends March 31st, 2014. To receive coverage by January 1, enrollment must be completed by December 23rd.
OVERVIEW OF ACA For Nebraska, the Marketplace website, HealthCare.govis the primary site for delivering information to patrons about their health coverage options. For Spanish speaking consumers, CuidadoDeSalud.gov is also available; the site also has 12 other language options.
OVERVIEW OF ACA Patrons are now able to apply online, by mail, phone, or in-person – just like taxes, online is preferred. If patrons apply online--again, just like taxes--they will find out much sooner about their acceptance. Starting in 2014, if consumers do not have some type of health insurance, they might pay a tax penalty, which is why getting assistance if necessary is so important.
WHAT CAN LIBRARIES DO TO HELP PATRONS? • Stay informed by attending webinarsor viewing archived sessions. All librarians and front line service associates should attend or view at least one. • Add a widget or badge to your website directing patrons to the Health Insurance Marketplace. • If you have research databases/websites available through your library’s website, add Healthcare.gov and other websites. • Print out and provide Fact sheets to patrons • Get Ready to Enroll in the Marketplace • Things to Think about When Choosing a Health Plan
ADDITIONAL IDEAS… Partner with community organizations (like AARP, the local health department, Community Action, etc.) to schedule and present Affordable Care Act and Health Insurance Marketplace programs in the library or other community locations. Print out patron handouts and post announcements about the programs by doors and on the library website. Make the information easy to find on the website. Create A “One-Stop-Shopping” display of announcements and handouts, including contact information for local area navigator organizations and health center counselors.
ADDITIONAL IDEAS… Post basic information sheets in the library’s public computer areas. Consider having a librarian (or two) get training as an Application Assistor, or a Certified Application Counselor. Take brochures, fact sheets, and other materials to other events in the community, including public service radio announcements and newpaper articles about public forums. Customize handouts with your library’s logo.
NAVIGATOR ORGANIZATIONS IN NEBRASKA • Ponca Tribe of Nebraska Niobrara (402) 857-3391 • Community Action of Nebraska • Northeast Pender (402) 385-6300 • Eastern Omaha (402) 453-5656 • Southeast Humboldt (402) 862-2411 • Lancaster/Saunders Lincoln (402) 471-4515 • Blue Valley Fairbury (402) 729-2278 • CentralLoup City (308) 745-0780 • Mid Nebraska Kearney (308) 865-5675 • Northwest Chadron (308) 432-3393 • Western Gering (308) 635-3089
HEALTH CENTERS • Health Centers: • PANHANDLE COMMUNITY SERVICES – Gering • (308) 635-3089 • EAST-CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT – Columbus • (402) 563-9224 • NORFOLK COMMUNITY HEALTH CARE CLINIC, INC. – Norfolk • (402) 644-7314 • PEOPLE'S HEALTH CENTER – Lincoln • (402) 476-1640 • CHARLES DREW HEALTH CENTER, INC. – Omaha • (402) 457-1200 • ONEWORLD COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS, INC. – Omaha • (402) 734-4110
INSURANCE COMPANIES • Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska • (402) 458-4816 • Website • Coventry Health Care-Nebraska • (402) 498-9030 • Website • CoOportunity • (866) 217-6111 • Website • Health Alliance Midwest Inc. (a managed care company from Urbana, Ill.) • (877) 933-8454 • Website
PATRON ASSISTANCE First, remember that questions about health care are like taxes, legal issues and unemployment: we help patrons find the information without giving them advice. Second, as leading providers of Internet access and computer literacy training for people who lack computer and Internet resources at home, libraries can anticipate higher demand for computer services.
PATRON ASSISTANCE (Continued) • Patrons can get help with Enrollment in several ways: • Online chat – Healthcare.gov • Call 1-800-318-2596, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. • (TTY: 1-855-889-4325) • Navigators -- Unbiased individuals or organizations trained to help consumers, small businesses, and their employees as they look for health coverage options through the Marketplace, including completing eligibility and enrollment forms. Their services are free to consumers. • Certified Application Counselors – very similar to Navigators, but through community health centers or other health care providers. • Application Assistors – Can assist with enrollment, but not as extensively trained • Insurance agents and brokers can also help you with your application and choices.
WEBSITES Healthcare.gov – Insurance Market/Exchange CMS.gov/Healthcare Marketplace-- Under “Get Official Resources”: further reading, printable fact sheets, logos and widgets Nebraska Department of Insurance ACA – Information for consumers, health care providers, agents and navigators, companies, and small businesses. American Library Association -- includes an outline of ACA, the role of libraries and a list of resources.
Examples of Public Forums for Healthcare Information The League of Women Voters of Lincoln-Lancaster County and AARP Nebraska Omaha Public Library Community Health Endowment of Lincoln AARP Small Business Administration-Nebraska Office Nebraska Department of Insurance
CONTACT Mary Sauers Government Information Services LibrarianNebraska Library CommissionThe Atrium Suite 1201200 N StreetLincoln, NE 68508-2023 (402) 471-4017 mary.sauers@nebraska.gov