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FANRPAN Initiatives International Conference on “The Changing Global Landscape in Rural Development: Critical Choices for Results-Oriented Research in Southern Africa” 24 – 26 November 2010,Pretoria, South Africa Ian Mashingaidze. policy@fanrpan.org www.fanrpan.org.
FANRPAN Initiatives International Conference on “The Changing Global Landscape in Rural Development: Critical Choices for Results-Oriented Research in Southern Africa” 24 – 26 November 2010,Pretoria, South Africa Ian Mashingaidze policy@fanrpan.org www.fanrpan.org
Food, Agriculture and Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) • Aim • To promote appropriate agricultural and natural resources policy in order to reduce poverty, increase food security and enhance sustainable agricultural development in the SADC region • Vision • A food secure southern Africa free from hunger and poverty • Mission • To promote evidence based policy development in the Food Agriculture and Natural Resources sector • How • facilitating linkages and partnerships between government and civil society • building the capacity for policy analysis and policy dialogue in southern Africa • Create capacity to demand evidence for policy development
1. The Household Vulnerability Index (HVI) The challenge of multiple vulnerabilities faced by rural communities, e.g. HIV/AIDS, climate change • Measuring household vulnerability • Evidence to inform policy development and response interventions HVI tool • A tool to assess household vulnerability on the basis of the five livelihoods assets (human, financial, natural, physical and social) • Measures the vulnerability of households and communities to the impact of diseases and shocks such as HIV/AIDS, erratic weather patterns and poverty • A total of 15 variables (called dimensions) are assessed, and a statistical score is calculated for each household. • The result, the HVI, is used to classify households into 3 categories: low ,moderate and high vulnerability • HVI tool pilot in Lesotho, Swaziland and Zimbabwe (2009 – 2010)
Roll out of HVI tool • Lesotho: UNICEF to use HVI to target 60,000 of the 200,000 OVCs in the country for social protection (cash grants, bursaries, nutrition support, etc.) • FANRPAN: to use HVI data for modelling climate change impact scenarios. Results to be used to generate evidence-based policies and programmes to assist vulnerable households to manage the risk and vulnerability associated with climate change • Support academia and research institutes to engage in policy analysis • Stimulate policy makers to demand research evidence to inform policy processes
2. The Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development • Objective: to build joint African-European multi-stakeholderpartnerships in agricultural research for development contributing to achieving the MDGs • End poverty and hunger • Universal education • Gender equality • Child health • Maternal health • Combat HIV/AIDS • Environmental sustainability • Global partnership
Benefits of PAEPARD to stakeholders Beneficiaries of the partnerships • African non-research (private sector, NGOs, Farmer associations)/African research scientists • European non-research/European research scientists Benefits • Opportunities for partnership • Capacity building relevant to the stakeholder sectors • Information on calls for proposals • Knowledge and information sharing
Expected results from PAEPARD project • Facilitation of impact-oriented and entrepreneurial ARD partnerships for agricultural research, training and innovation • Information and knowledge exchange • Advocacy on alignment of priorities to resource allocation for African and European ARD • European universities/research institutions respond to African agenda • European and African initiatives linked to regional , e.g. CAADP, EU Strategy for Africa and African priorities
3. Supporting CAADP Processes Strengthen civil society and non-state actor engagement in policy dialogue, analysis and implementation of the CAADP process Objectives • Facilitating multi-stakeholder consultative dialogues on CAADP • Enhance understanding and engagement of non-state actors in the CADDP agenda • Produce progress reports on milestones and country indicators, CAADP implementation debates, advisory notes to government
CAADP implementation status • National Compacts signed (Africa 22, of which COMESA 7) • Compacts to be signed by end of 2010 • Seychelles • Sudan • Zambia • Zimbabwe • Other member states progressing