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MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE FORESTRY AND FISHERIES GENDER DEVELOPMENT IN AGRICULTURE Presentation: 17-18 September 2003. Background. Cambodia is predominantly rural economy largely based on agriculture;
Background • Cambodia is predominantly rural economy largely based on agriculture; • Approximately 85% of the population is living in the rural areas with agricultural activities as their main source of income; • Agriculture represents the major share of GDP (39%);
Background • Amount 2.16 million regular households in the country, approximately 25.7 percent are headed by women. • 70% of Cambodia’s population are employed in agricultural production, • The majority of the poor (79%) are those with household heads employed in agricultural sector.
Background • It is recognized that the progress of agriculture, whereas women labour is significant important. • MAFF does not have a clear gender policy, is limited guidance regarding the address of gender issues across the organization. • There are differences funded project by donor to MAFF and its line departments and institutes that have gender concerns determined.
Gender Policy Framework in Agriculture Sector • Integrating woman into all sub-sector development activities • To ensure an equitable sharing (between woman and men) of opportunity, resources and information for sustainable development. • Capacity Strengthening to both Government officer and woman’s farmers to over come the major problems affecting women in agriculture.
Actual Gender Development In MAFF • Mainstreaming gender sensitive of MAFF has taken into account by donor funded projects include: - Cambodia Australia Agricultural Extension project phase 2 (CAAP II), - Agricultural Productivity Improvement Project (APPIP-WB), - Women Irrigation and Nutrition (WIN-FAO), etc…
Actual Gender Development In MAFF The strategy framework for gender in agriculture sector include: • To perform the capacity of gender working, • To establish policy framework, • To strengthen woman capacity, both, women official and women farmers.
Conclusion • MAFF is considered and on going gender sensitive and mainstreaming to apply into overall sub-sector development activities including: Program and Projects Development for sustainable development in Agriculture. • Continue capacity strengthening to capable formulate a comment strategic plan, to help women in a competitive ways to create job opportunities for more income to reduce poverty and Country economic development.