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POSC 1000 Introduction to Politics

POSC 1000 Introduction to Politics. Unit Six: Political Systems Russell Alan Williams. Unit Six: Political Systems. Required Reading: MacLean & Wood, Chapter 6. Outline: Introduction Unitary Systems Confederal Systems Federal Systems Canadian Federalism. 1) Introduction:.

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POSC 1000 Introduction to Politics

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  1. POSC 1000Introduction to Politics Unit Six: Political Systems Russell Alan Williams

  2. Unit Six: Political Systems Required Reading:MacLean & Wood, Chapter 6. Outline: • Introduction • Unitary Systems • Confederal Systems • Federal Systems • Canadian Federalism

  3. 1) Introduction: • While states can be dived along presidential/parliamentary/hybrid systems, there is also a wide range of practices relating to the “power” of central governments • Experience has suggested problems with “centralization” in some settings . . . . • “Centralization”: Concentration of power in a single body of government. • In practice there are three systems of government relating to centralization: • Unitary, Federal and Confederal

  4. All states have central and local/regional governments • But . . . powers of local/regional governments vary • Determined by constitutions • Question: How do different governments relate with one another? • Is the central government “supreme” • Are there power struggles?

  5. 2) Unitary Systems: “Unitary Systems”: Political system that concentrates power within the central government • Local/regional governments very weak • Examples? • Iceland, New Zealand, Netherlands, Japan • Britain? • Benefits? • Uniform national policies • Local authorities do what they are told • Efficiency • Mobility

  6. Drawbacks: • Poor at responding to needs of citizens at local level =“Delegated Authority”: Some powers may be formally delegated in a unitary system to local governments, based on functions being better provided at that level. • E.g. Central governments usually “charter” towns or cities to take responsibilities for certain issues • Powers of those jurisdictions are outlined in central government legislation

  7. Drawbacks: • Poor at dealing with “political economy” of different regions – geography often creates different interests =“Decentralization”: Some powers may be formally transferred to a lower level of government – with more independence and control over policy • E.g. Paraguay – New constitution in 1992 – A “decentralized”unitary state • Created elected governors and councils to replaces ones appointed by central gov. • Central government still controls most issues, but local governments more responsive

  8. Drawbacks: • Poor at dealing with regionally concentrated ethnic/linguistic/national differences =“Devolution”: A wide range of powers may are transferred to a regional government – representing a different nation • E.g. Scotland and Wales have new “national assemblies” within the United Kingdom • Both also send MP’s to Westminster • In Unitary states, powers granted by Devolution are still subject to central authority – they can be taken away . . . .

  9. 3) Confederal Systems: “Confederalism”: Political system in which power is divided between central and regional governments. • In confederal states, real power rests at the regional level – central governments have “pooled” powers granted to them under limited circumstances • E.g. look after issues on behalf of regional governments – National defence, foreign relations etc. • “Real World” examples???? • United States (18th century) • The “European Union”: Union of 27 states. Has parliament, and has control over foreign policy, economic affairs and more . . . .

  10. 4) Federal Systems: “Federalism”: System of governance in which power and responsibilities are formally divided between central and regional governments. • Local/regional governments = “States”, “Provinces”, “Lander” • Regional governments’ powers are “constitutional” – they cannot be changed without their consent = divided sovereignty • Separate “jurisdictions” • Regional governments have important independent sources of revenue • Examples: U.S., Canada, Australia and Germany

  11. Most “federations” are products of “political expediency”. Federalism was necessary to state formation . . . . • Example: United States • Example: Canada Results in different dynamics from unitary states – regional governments (states and provinces) are indivisible, but the same may not be true of the central government . . . .

  12. Like Unitary States, “Federations” can be more or less centralized . . . depends on political factors: • “Centralized Federalism”: Central Government retains most real power • Can be constitutionally driven . . . . But also maybe a pattern that emerges due to financial strength of central governments

  13. Like Unitary States, “Federations” can be more or less centralized . . . depends on political factors: • More decentralized federations? • Switzerland? Canada???

  14. Benefits? • Regional accommodation! • Problems? • Inefficiency – duplication of services • Mobility problems • Uneven policies . . . Some provinces have more $$$$$$$ than others . . . .

  15. Duplication of authority and services • E.g. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) • Canada, US, Mexico are all federations – some areas of trade and economic policy involve four levels of “government” • “Multilevel governance” is much more complex, time consuming and can be inefficient . . . .

  16. Benefits? • Regional accommodation! • Problems? • Inefficiency – duplication of services • Mobility problems • Uneven policies . . . Some provinces have more $$$$$$$ than others . . . .

  17. 5) Canadian Federalism: Canadian federalism is constitutionally-entrenched. Provinces have powers the federal government cannot change • Constitution Act (1867) assigned specific jurisdictions to federal and provincial governments and some jurisdictions to both . . . . • E.g. “Concurrent Powers”: Shared jurisdictions where both governments have significant authority • Direct Taxation, Immigration, Agriculture etc. • Division of Powers: The constitutional division of responsibilities between provinces and the federal governmentin Canadian Federalism • VERY POLITICAL – Federalism, and struggle over provincial and federal “rights” dominates politics and public policy in Canada

  18. Federal government also has powers of: • “Reservation”: Lieutenant Governor can send provincial legislation to federal cabinet for approval • “Disallowance”: Federal cabinet can (in theory) veto provincial legislation • In theory, Federal government should have had most power, but things have not really worked out that way . . . . Canadian federalism has gone through periods of centralization and decentralization

  19. Canadian federalism has a problem: • Federal government was assigned most of the “important” responsibilities (in the 19th century) • Federal Gov’t has most of the money – power to tax and raise revenues is clearer • In the “real world” provinces have most of the spending responsibilities (health, education and social services) but limited money = When combined with high levels of regionalism, ethnic nationalist tensions, etc. Canadian federalism has had to evolve

  20. Canadian Federalism – Phases: • Early years: British JCPC (Canada’s Supreme Court until 1949) interprets the Canadian constitution “weirdly” – supports provincial rights • Transfers new powers to provinces at expense of federal government – provincial jurisdiction grows

  21. Canadian Federalism – Phases: • “Cooperative Federalism”: Governments cooperate and coordinate policies regardless of jurisdictions – effective centralization • After World War II, public wants bigger social programs – provincial jurisdictions, but provinces have no money – solution: the “power of the purse” • Federal government intrudes in provincial jurisdiction, creating national programs (E.g. Medicare) • Provinces get “Conditional Grants” to deliver the programs • “Unconditional Grants”: Federal “transfers” to provinces to support their activities • E.g. transfer payments, equalization etc.

  22. Canadian Federalism – Phases: • “Executive Federalism”: A more conflictual style of federalism where provinces have tried to achieve greater autonomy from federal control • Political executives of provinces and federal governments meet to negotiate national policy goals • Federal financial problems have weakened ability to influence provinces since 1980s • Provincial governments’ jurisdictions seem to have grown • E.g. Trade, finance, climate change . . . .

  23. Problems with Canadian federalism: • Duplication . . . . • Provincial variation in programs and mobility . . . . • Ambiguity about jurisdiction creates constant bickering over programs • Provinces are not all equal . . . Some provinces have valuable natural resources and some do not . . . Many of them are going “broke” in the era of “Executive Federalism” • Demands for “Equalization”!

  24. Federal Government “transfer payments” to provinces • General CHST transfers to support programs • “Equalization”: A system of additional transfers to provinces that lack tax base to afford equivalent programs to “better off” provinces • Principle of Constitution Act (1982) • Transfers to “have not” provinces

  25. Finacial challenges of Canadian federalism: Example – Newfoundland • NL Gov’t Revenue comes from: • Provincial taxes +CHST +Equalization +Oil Revenue (Atlantic Accord) =$$$$$$$ • NL briefly had more revenue per person than any province in Canada • However . . . New program 2007(!)

  26. Financial challenges of Canadian federalism: Like the other attempts to manage Canadian federalism, equalization has generated political controversy and tension – illustrates drawbacks of federalism????

  27. For next time: Unit Seven: Elections and Political Parties (March 4, 6, 11 and 13) • Required Reading: • MacLean and Wood, Chapter 7.

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