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KVI – Groningen Fundamental Interactions Klaus Jungmann

KVI – Groningen Fundamental Interactions Klaus Jungmann RECFA Meeting, Amsterdam, 23 September 2005. AGOR. KVI – Groningen Fundamental Interactions Klaus Jungmann RECFA Meeting, Amsterdam, 23 September 2005. AGOR. 22 scientists ~20 students ~ 100 people total.

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KVI – Groningen Fundamental Interactions Klaus Jungmann

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  1. KVI – Groningen Fundamental Interactions Klaus Jungmann RECFA Meeting, Amsterdam, 23 September 2005 AGOR

  2. KVI – Groningen Fundamental Interactions Klaus Jungmann RECFA Meeting, Amsterdam, 23 September 2005 AGOR 22 scientists ~20 students ~ 100 people total  8 MЄ annual running budget

  3. KVI – Groningen Fundamental Interactions Klaus Jungmann RECFA Meeting, Amsterdam, 23 September 2005 AGOR • Science • Education: • International Research School FANTOM • (NL,F,B,D,S) study weeks e.g. on • Neutrinos in Physics and Cosmology

  4. KVI – Groningen Fundamental Interactions Klaus Jungmann RECFA Meeting, Amsterdam, 23 September 2005 AGOR Up to recentlty: Continued Funding Future: 2007 - 2013 • ScientificPrograms • AGOR • TRImP • Interacting Hadrons • Nuclear Structure and its • Implications for • Astrophysics • Atomic Physics • Nuclear Geophysics • ScientificPrograms • AGOR • TRImP • ScientificPrograms • AGOR • TRImP • Astroparticle Physics • ScientificPrograms • AGOR • TRImP • Astroparticle Physics • Collaboration with GSI • Accelerator Physics • Atomic Physics • Nuclear Structure • Nuclear Astrophys. • PANDA • ScientificPrograms • AGOR+ irradiation • TRImP • KVI Partnership Program

  5. KVI – Groningen Fundamental Interactions Klaus Jungmann RECFA Meeting,Amsterdam, 23 September 2005 AGOR • TRImP • Trapped • Radioactive • Isotopes: • microlaboratoriesfor • fundamental • Physivs • Users Facility Scientific FOCUS on: Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions CP / T - violation b-decays EDM searches

  6. TRImPTrappedRadioactiveIsotopes:microlaboratoriesfor FundamentalPhysics Theory Nuclear Physics Atomic Physics Experiment Nuclear Physics funding: people (scientists): G. Berg, U. Dammalapati, S. De, S. Dean, P. Dendooven, O. Dermois, M.N. Harakeh, R. Hoekstra, K. Jungmann, A. Mol, R. Morgenstern,C.J.G. Onderwater, A. Rogachevskiy,O.Scholten, M. Sohani,R. Timmermans,E. Traykov, L. Willmann, H.W. Wilschut + many more colleagues providing support project  program 2001 2013

  7. Gravitation Gravitation Electro - Electro - Magnetism Magnetism Magnetism Magnetism Maxwell Electricity Electricity ? ? Physics within the Standard Model Glashow, Salam, t'Hooft, Veltman,Weinberg Weak Weak Electro - Weak Electro - Weak Standard Model Standard Model Strong Strong Grand Grant Unification Unification not yet known? not yet known? Fundamental Interactions – Standard Model Physics outside Standard Model Searches for New Physics

  8. Some Questions related to TRImP Physics • Origin of Parity Violation in Weak Interactions •  details of b-decays • Na, Ne, Ca isotopes • (nature prefers lefthandedness) • Dominance of Matterover Antimatter in Universe ? • CP - Violation, Time Reversal Symmetry, Parity Violation •  permanent Electric Dipole Moments ? • Ra isotopes • Deuterons

  9. TRImP Low Energies & Precision Measurement High Energies & Direct Observations Possibilities to Test New Models 

  10. TRImP Scalar [Axial vector] [ ] [ ] b+ ne New Interactions in Nuclear b-Decay In Standard Model: Weak Interaction is V-A Vector [Tensor] b+ In general b-decay could be also S , P, T ne • R andDtestboth Time Reversal Violation • D most potential • R scalar and tensor (EDM, a) • technique D measurements yield a, A, b, B

  11. TRImP New Interactions in Nuclear b-Decay In Standard Model: Weak Interaction is V-A 21Na (Berkeley) Scielzo,Freedman, Fujikawa, Vetter PRL 93, 102501-1 (2004) a exp = 0.5243(91) a theor = 0.558(6) In general b-decay could be also S , P, T } b-branching? 38mK (TRIUMF) A. Gorelov et al. PRL 94, 142501 (2005) a exp = 0.9978(30)(37) a theor = 1

  12. TRImP 6 Radium Permanent Electric Dipole Moment EDMsviolate - Parity - Time Reversal -CP Symmetry Advantageover “best“ atom so far (199Hg) - close states of opposite parity  several 10 000 enhancement possible - some nuclei strongly deformed  may give nuclear enhancement

  13. molecules: 1.610-27 • • 199Hg Radium potential Start TRIP de (SM) < 10-37 Some EDM Experiments compared New 2004 from muon g-2: d (muon) < 2.810-19 after E.Hinds

  14. TRImP Possible Sources of EDMs

  15. TRImP Facility AGOR cyclotron Magnetic separator D Q Q D Production Target Q MeV Q Q Nuclear Physics D Q Magnetic Separator D Production target Ion Catcher Q keV Q Atomic Physics eV RFQ Cooler meV Ion catcher (thermal ioniser or gas-cell) AGOR cyclotron MOT RFQ cooler/buncher MOT Beyond the Standard Model TeV Physics Particle Physics neV MOT Low energy beam line

  16. Degrader selection 21Na 80 kcps / 25pnA 21Ne Focal plane dE detector: dE-TOF L. Achouri et al.

  17. TRImP Theory Nuclear Physics Atomic Physics Experiment Nuclear Physics laser lab separator

  18. TRImP Key Issues and Experiments • TRImP will be auser facility • open to outside users (first users from France already in 2004!) • KVIwill concentrate first on • CP/ T violation – electroweak tests • *b- decay (20,21Na, 19Ne, 39Ca) • * electric dipole moments (Ra, d ) •  applications • * ALCATRAZ (rare Ca isotope detection)

  19. TRImP The ALCATRAZ Experimenta precursor for TRImP(R. Hoekstra, R. Morgenstern et al.)  Early Spin Off 10-12 sensititivity reached  working towards 10-14 41Ca

  20. TRImP Key Issues and Experiments • TRImP will be auser facility • open to outside users (first users from France already in 2004!) • KVIwill concentrate first on • CP/ T violation – electroweak tests • *b- decay (20,21Na, 19Ne, 39Ca) • * electric dipole moments (Ra, d ) •  applications • * ALCATRAZ (rare Ca isotope detection) • OUTSIDE USERS • *21Na branching ratio (France)  completed • * 19Ne lifetime (USA)  completed • * d-EDM ring experiment  on its way • (USA, Russia, Italy, Germany …) * 12N, 12B b-decays into 3 a(Scandinavia)  LOI * single ion parity experiments (USA)  discussed • …

  21. TRImP AGOR is Indispensable for TRImP at KVI • Precison experiments require time to develop: AGOR & KVI ideal ( compare ISOLDE @ CERN or AD @ CERN ) • Various upgrades and adaptations • New Beams • e.g. 208Pb • new sources (metals) • improved transmission • ….. • High Power ( 100W…1 kW) • new extraction • beam stops • beam monitoring • ….. •  S . Brandenburg &Co

  22. (g-2)m: Result after a long series of precision measurementsand theory effort including KLOE- Measurement am- 11 659 000 ∙ 10-10 (g-2)machallenge for theory muon g-2 Spin precession in (electro-) magnetic field charged particle EDM Spin precession in (electro-) magnetic field

  23. d d d muon g-2 Spin precession in (electro-) magnetic field charged particle EDM Spin precession in (electro-) magnetic field

  24.  G. Onderwater et al. Searches for EDMs in charged particles: Novel Method invented Motional Electric Fields exploited • International Collaboration • (USA, Russia, Japan, Italy, • Germany, NL, …) • 3 possible sites discussed: • BNL, KVI, Frascati • Limit dD <10-27 …10-29 ecm • Can be >10 times more • sensitive than neutrondn R0 1..2 m

  25. TRImP Goals of TRImP @KVI • A facility is created for KVI scientists and outside users • (the first groups are already active, proposals P01,P02,P03,P04 ) • Study fundamental interactions using stored (radioactive) • isotopes General Time Lines • Project started 2001; setup facility until end 2005 • Exploitation of facility until 2013 (also in new FOM strategic plan from 2004) • TRImP became a managed program in July 2001 Facility Setup is more or less on Schedule

  26. Opportunities for low energy • Fundamental Symmetries and Interaction research • TRImP Facility ready for first users

  27. Thank YOU !

  28. P C T matter anti-matter time   time mirror image from H.W. Wilschut The World according to Escher anti-particle particle e+ e-

  29. Generic EDM Experiment Preparation of “pure“ J state Interaction with E - field Analysis of state hcontains all physics – “e cm” values by themselves not very helpful • mx= eħ/2mx Determination of Ensemble Spin average Polarization Spin Rotation Electric Dipole Moment: d = x c-1 J Spin precession : e dJ hJ Example:d=10-24 e cm, E=100 kV/cm, J=1/2 e 15.2 mHz

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