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Summary "R & D Plans 1". Patric Muggli Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich. Plans for development of facilities with schedule 5 year perspective (level of approved support: funded/proposed/idea ) Motivation and objectives Acceleration goals (summary table ) Application goals
Summary "R & D Plans 1" Patric Muggli Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich • Plans for development of facilities with schedule • 5 year perspective (level of approved support: funded/proposed/idea) • Motivation and objectives • Acceleration goals (summary table) • Application goals • Possibilities for open access • Expectations for network Disclaimer 1: all slides with nice graphics and useful information shamelessly stolen from original talks Disclaimer 2: everything else is the opinion of the convener Disclaimer 3: convener may change his mind at any time without notice Disclaimer 4: I have 30min. I need to simplify! Sorry!
Four “drivers” for photon sources • Storage rings • Linacs • Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs) • Plasma-based (LWFA, betatron)
>50 storage ring-based photon sources In the context of this workshop: • Storage rings cannot operate at short, x-ray wavelengths, produce short pulses, because: • Too high an emittance • Flat, unequal emittances beams • Too long for short, coherent photon pulses • Low peak current
Too high an emittance • Favors • Many dipole magnets • Small dynamic aperture • Large rings • pm-rad difficult but possible
Flat, unequal emittances beams • Use undulator insertion device for emittance transformation that preserves exey <ex+ey (ex>ey) to get round beam • Too long for short photon pulse
Linacs: • Great LCLS success • Mushrooming everywhere • Possibility of operating at higher charge for larger photon flux • Quest for single spike coherent pulse: • Seeding with high harmonic of a laser • Echo, successful experiments @ SLAC • Operation at very low charge (<1pC?)
Parameters between storage rings and linacs: large average current (SR) and short bunches (linac) Challenge: injector for CW operation, SC system.
Challenges and possible progress with all photon source drivers, including plasma-based ones!
France Many (collaborating) institutions
Number of institutions, “satellite”, laser systems (ILE, LAL, LCFIO, LLR, LOA, LPGP, LULI, LUMAT, CPhT, IRAMIS, IRFU, CEA – Saclay, SOLEIL) ➤ LOA «Salle Jaune» ~2x60TW after upgrade ➤ CEA/IRAMIS «UHI100» up to 100TW ➤ LASERIX (2J, 40fs), dedicated for X-ray laser facility, also LUIRE pump laser New kids on the block …
Elements of a plasma based collider: Conventional + Plasma Plasma + Plasma
HEP orientation with quality beams at two main facilities Other physics/applications at satellite facilities
Italy Program for RF-gun beam injection in LWFA, TS scattering, PWF with bunch train
Aim at: 250TW, 25fs, 10Hz Preliminary LWFA results
Main objectives: -injection of photo-injector bunch in FLAME-driven LWFA -Thomson scattering
Italy PWFA oriented
Drive laser manipulation and velocity bunching, emittance compensation for bunch current manipulation
Echo-like experiment Train of bunches for large transformer ratio experiments, i.e., large energy gain 5GV/m, 3 bunches, 100pC/bunch, lp=300µm (ne≈1016cm-3)
International Germany (of electrons!!!!!!)
Motivation: a single LHC p+ bunch has enough energy (Joules) to produce a TeV, ILC-like electron bunch in a single PWFA!
No short p+ bunches => rely on self modulation! Measure bunch modulation, injected low energy e- gain energy 10m, Epeak~1GV/m
LoI to be submitted to CERN in June Experiment in 2015? Launch program for 50-1000GeV electron bunches from a single PPA!
Summary of Summary France: LUIRE (ILE – ENSTA) : 2011 15J / 30fs 1 shot/min 0.5 PW 1 shielded experimental area electron & proton acceleration, x-rays APOLLON (ILE – 2014) 150J / 15fs 1 shot/min 10 PW 1023 W/cm2 Large shielded experimental area Long focal length programShort focal length program • Electron acceleration • Ultrahigh intensities (ultra relativistic) • Betatron x-ray sources • Ion acceleration (e.g. RPA) • Undulators to generate x-ray beams • High-harmonic generation on solids • High-harmonic generation in gases • Ultrashort sources • Flying mirror in gases • "Solid" flying mirror • HED physics Some emphasis on HEP applications (injection, staging, single shot diagnostic, stability, etc.) Linac available for injection (~5MeV) Italy: FLAME: 250 TW, 30fs, 10 Hz system, contrast >1010, pointing <2µm at focal spot Shielded experimental area Linac for external injection into LWFA and Thomson scattering Linac for large transformer ratio PWFA FEL, imaging Very complete facility
Germany (Munich) Imaging: Thomson, LWFA-FEL, Treatment: LWFA e- and ion acceleration
Germany (Munich) and … SPS, 450GeV, 1011p+ to accelerated externally injected e- to 1GeV in 5-10m Submit LoI June 2011 Submit proposal 2012 Start of experiment in 2015 Long term program to accelerate electron bunch to 50-1000GeV in a single PWFA
Trends: Larger lasers: 100TW -> 1PW -> 10PW -> higher energy Higher rep. rates: 1/min. -> 1Hz-> 10Hz More (laser, particle) beam lines More injection (“all optical” or from rf-sources) More diverse experiments: few LWFA (HEP), more photons (b-tron, FEL, Compton), more p+ source, more PWFA -> more applications in the longer term Longer plasmas -> guiding More stability More reproducibility Desire for more dedicated facilities needed to make rapid progress toward LWFA-FEL and PLIC (plasma-based linear collider)? • Plans for development of facilities with schedule • 5 year perspective (level of approved support: funded/proposed/idea) • Motivation and objectives • Acceleration goals (summary table) • Application goals • Possibilities for open access • Expectations for network (I suggest to circulate a empty table to fill to gather all requested parameters) Thank you to all speakers!