1. Joint work with Josh Berdine, Byron Cook,
and Mooly Sagiv
2. Heap analysis for multithreaded programs
3. Enumerate interleavings using a sequential heap analysis Conventional approach [Yahav 2001]:
4. Idea
5. Example
6. Example
7. Example
8. Example
9. Example
10. Example
11. Example
12. Example
13. Example
14. Example
15. Example Lock protects the part of the heap reachable from a set of variables also protected by the lock: entry points
Reasonable guess: variables that are accessed only when the lock is held
Can be determined by correlation analyses: Locksmith, Eraser, ...
16. Example
17. Example
18. Example
19. Example
20. Example
21. Example
22. Example
23. Example
24. Example
25. Example
26. Example
27. Example
28. Example
29. Example
30. Example
31. Example
32. Example
33. Example
34. Example
35. Example
36. Example
37. Abstract interpretation
38. Abstract interpretation with state separation
39. Local functions [Calcagno+ 2007]
40. Abstract interpretation with state separation
41. Soundness
43. Concurrent separation logic [O’Hearn 2004]
44. Aren’t we computing proofs in CSL? Resource invariants computed by the analysis aren’t precise
Analysis’s underlying logic is different from CSL: has no conjunction rule and no precision restriction
We define the logic and the analysis and prove them sound together
Can get conjunction rule back if heuristics for heap splitting are semantically robust
45. What about dynamically-allocated locks? Unbounded numbers of locks – a finite number of invariants
Abstract domain extended with elements representing locks with a given invariant
Concurrent separation logic extended appropriately
Details in [APLAS’07]
Joint work with Noam Rinetzky
46. What about dynamic thread creation?
47. What about fine-grained concurrency? Thread-modular analysis works well on programs with coarse-grained synchronisation
Fine-grained synchronisation:
Allow abstract states to describe different views of the same global heap
Uses conjunction rule to compute transfer functions
Next talk!
Apply rely-guarantee reasoning on the shared part of the heap
Uses RGSep – combination of rely-guarantee and separation logic
Ongoing work by Vafeiadis and Yang
48. Thread-modular heap analysis Scalable
unlike enumerating interleavings
Sound and precise in the presence of deep heap update
unlike most race-detection analyses
Handles ownership transfer
unlike ownership type systems
Fully automatic
unlike systems based on VC generation