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Web Application Security

DPT Security Day [27.06.2009]. Web Application Security . Ivan Markovic <ivan.markovic@netsec.rs>. Web Application Security. Web aplikacije … - Zasto su opasne ? - Zastita [ siguran kod , firewall, enkripcija ] - Gde nastaje problem ?

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Web Application Security

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  1. DPT Security Day [27.06.2009] Web Application Security Ivan Markovic <ivan.markovic@netsec.rs>

  2. Web Application Security Web aplikacije …- Zastosuopasne ?- Zastita [sigurankod, firewall, enkripcija]- Gdenastaje problem ? - Uobicajnimetodinapada [Cross site scripting & SQL injection]- Uobicajnimetodizastite [ugradjenefunkcije, magic_quotes, waf]

  3. Web Application Security Nestandardnimetodinapada: 1. HTTP polluting2. ClickJacking3. Javascript Obfuscation 4. Blind SQL injection5. SQL Column Truncation Vulnerabilities

  4. Web Application Security Nestandardnimetodinapada: 1. HTTP polluting --- Query String --- Injection triggered by query string delimiters --- Impact: Override existing hardcoded HTTP parameters, Modify the application behaviors, Access and potentially exploit uncontrollable variables, Bypass input validation checkpoints and WAFs rules

  5. Web Application Security 1. HTTP polluting [Servers behaviour]

  6. Web Application Security 1. HTTP polluting [Examples] ModSecurity- HPPed! While the following query is properly detected /index.aspx?page=select 1,2,3 from table where id=1 Using HPP, it is possible to bypass the filter /index.aspx?page=select 1&page=2,3 from table where id=1 - This technique could potentially be extended to obfuscate attack payloads

  7. Web Application Security 1. HTTP polluting [Examples] - HPP Client Side is about injecting additional parameters to links and other src attributes - Suppose the following code:<? $val=htmlspecialchars($_GET['par'],ENT_QUOTES); ?> <a href="/page.php?action=view&par='.<?=$val?>.'">View Me!</a> - There's no XSS, but what about HPP ? - It’s just necessary to send a request likehttp:/host/page.php?par=123%26action=edit - To obtain <a href="/page.php?action=view&par=123&amp;action=edit">View Me!</a>

  8. Web Application Security 1. HTTP polluting [Examples] MS IE8 XSS Filter Bypass - HPPed ! - IE8 checks for XSS regexp in the query string parameters, as well as it searches for them in the output - When there's a .NET application, multiple occurrences of a parameter are joined using “,” - So param=<script&param=src=”....”> becomes <script,src=”...”> in HTML - As you can imagine, it bypasses the IE8 XSS filter

  9. Web Application Security 2. ClickJacking - Vulnerability that interact with functions on other websites- How it works ?

  10. Web Application Security 2. ClickJacking- How it works ?

  11. Web Application Security 2. ClickJacking- Vulnerability that interact with functions on other websites- How it works ? - Why is dangerous-- Phishing-- Local system access-- Click fraud

  12. Web Application Security 3. JavascriptObfuscation Ways to make a string - Make JavaScript with no alphanumeric chars that could execute: alert(1) on Firefox

  13. Web Application Security 4. Blind SQL injection- Kakofunkcionise- Primeri-- Trazenjeistihvrednosti-- Izvalacenjepodatakakarakterpokarakter-- Pogadjanjetablica

  14. Web Application Security 5. SQL Column Truncation Vulnerabilities - By default MySQL will truncate strings longer than the defined maximum column width and only emit a warning. Those warnings are usually not seen by web applications and therefore not handled at all. - Potentional risk [example]:* The application is a forum where new users can register * The administrator’s name is known e.g. ‘admin’ * MySQL is used in the default mode * There is no application restriction on the length of new user names * The database column username is limited to 16 characters * There is function isAlreadyRegistered(SELECT * FROM user WHERE username= ?)* Vulnerable function: if (isPasswordCorrect($username, $password)) { $userdata = getUserDataByLogin($username); ... }

  15. STAY SECUREWeb Application Security Ivan Markovic <ivan.markovic@netsec.rs>

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