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Input/Ouput and Exception Handling. Exceptions. An exception is an object that describes an unusual or erroneous situation Exceptions are thrown by a program, and may be caught and handled by another part of the program
Exceptions • An exception is an object that describes an unusual or erroneous situation • Exceptions are thrown by a program, and may be caught and handled by another part of the program • A program can be separated into a normal execution flow and an exception execution flow • An error is also represented as an object in Java, but usually represents a unrecoverable situation and should not be caught
Exception Handling • Java has a predefined set of exceptions and errors that can occur during execution • A program can deal with an exception in one of three ways: • ignore it • handle it where it occurs • handle it an another place in the program • The manner in which an exception is processed is an important design consideration
Exception Handling • If an exception is ignored by the program, the program will terminate abnormally and produce an appropriate message • The message includes a call stack trace that indicates the line on which the exception occurred • The call stack trace also shows the method call trail that lead to the attempted execution of the offending line • The getMessage method returns a string explaining why the exception was thrown • The printStackTrace method prints the call stack trace • See Zero.java
Exception Handling public class Zero { // Deliberately divides by zero to produce an exception. public static void main (String[] args) { int numerator = 10; int denominator = 0; System.out.println (numerator / denominator); System.out.println ("This text will not be printed."); } } Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at Zero.main(Zero.java:8)
The try Statement • To process an exception when it occurs, the line that throws the exception is executed within a try block • A try block is followed by one or more catch clauses, which contain code to process an exception • Each catch clause has an associated exception type and is called an exception handler • When an exception occurs, processing continues at the first catch clause that matches the exception type • See ProductCodes.java
The finally Clause • A try statement can have an optional clause following the catch clauses, designated by the reserved word finally • The statements in the finally clause always are executed • If no exception is generated, the statements in the finally clause are executed after the statements in the try block complete • If an exception is generated, the statements in the finally clause are executed after the statements in the appropriate catch clause complete
Exception Propagation • An exception can be handled at a higher level if it is not appropriate to handle it where it occurs • Exceptions propagate up through the method calling hierarchy until they are caught and handled or until they reach the level of the main method • A try block that contains a call to a method in which an exception is thrown can be used to catch that exception • See Propagation.java • See ExceptionScope.java
Exception Handling >java Propagation Program beginning. Level 1 beginning. Level 2 beginning. Level 3 beginning. The exception message is: / by zero The call stack trace: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at ExceptionScope.level3(ExceptionScope.java:54) at ExceptionScope.level2(ExceptionScope.java:41) at ExceptionScope.level1(ExceptionScope.java:18) at Propagation.main(Propagation.java:17) Level 1 ending. Program ending.
The throw Statement • A programmer can define an exception by extending the Exception class or one of its descendants • Exceptions are thrown using the throw statement • Usually a throw statement is nested inside an if statement that evaluates the condition to see if the exception should be thrown • When an exception is thrown, method terminates immediately • Execution continues with an exception handler
Example public class BankAccount { public void withdraw(double amount) { if (amount > balance) { IllegalArgumentException exception = new IllegalArgumentException("Amount exceeds balance"); throw exception; } balance = balance - amount; } . . . }
Checked Exceptions • Two types of exceptions: • Checked • The compiler checks that you don't ignore them • Due to external circumstances that the programmer cannot prevent • Majority occur when dealing with input and output • For example, IOException • Unchecked: • Extend the class RuntimeException or Error • They are the programmer's fault • Examples of runtime exceptions: NumberFormatException IllegalArgumentException NullPointerException • Example of error: OutOfMemoryError
Checked Exceptions • An exception is either checked or unchecked • A checked exception either must be caught by a method, or must be listed in the throws clause of any method that may throw or propagate it • A throws clause is appended to the method header • The compiler will issue an error if a checked exception is not handled appropriately
Unchecked Exceptions • An unchecked exception does not require explicit handling, though it could be processed that way • The only unchecked exceptions in Java are objects of type RuntimeException or any of its descendants • Errors are similar to RuntimeException and its descendants • Errors should not be caught • Errors do not require a throws clause
I/O Streams • A stream is a sequence of bytes that flow from a source to a destination • In a program, we read information from an input stream and write information to an output stream • A program can manage multiple streams simultaneously
I/O Streams • The java.io package contains many classes that allow us to define various streams with particular characteristics • Some classes assume that the data consists of characters • Others assume that the data consists of raw bytes of binary information • Streams can be further subdivided as follows: • data stream, which acts as either a source or destination • processing stream, which alters or manipulates the basic data in the stream
Data Streams Processing Streams Input Streams Output Streams Character Streams Byte Streams I/O Streams
Character vs. Byte Streams • A character stream manages 16-bit Unicode characters • A byte stream manages 8-bit bytes of raw binary data • A program must determine how to interpret and use the bytes in a byte stream • Typically they are used to read and write sounds and images • The InputStream and OutputStream classes (and their descendants) represent byte streams • The Reader and Writer classes (and their descendants) represent character streams
Data vs. Processing Streams • A data stream represents a particular source or destination such as a string in memory or a file on disk • A processing stream (also called a filtering stream) manipulates the data in the stream • It may convert the data from one format to another • It may buffer the stream
The IOException Class • Operations performed by the I/O classes may throw an IOException • A file intended for reading or writing might not exist • Even if the file exists, a program may not be able to find it • The file might not contain the kind of data we expect • An IOException is a checked exception
Standard I/O • There are three standard I/O streams: • standard input – defined by System.in • standard output – defined by System.out • standard error – defined by System.err • System.in typically represents keyboard input • System.out and System.err typically represent a particular window on the monitor screen • We use System.out when we execute println statements
Writing Text Files • To write to a file, construct a PrintWriter objectPrintWriter out = new PrintWriter("output.txt"); • If file already exists, it is emptied before the new data are written into it • If file doesn't exist, an empty file is created • Use print and println to write into a PrintWriter: out.println(29.95); out.println("Hello, World!"); • You must close a file when you are done processing it:out.close();Otherwise, not all of the output may be written to the disk file • When the input or output file doesn't exist, a FileNotFoundException can occur
Reading Text Files • Information can be read from and written to text files by declaring and using the correct I/O streams • The FileReader class represents an input file containing character data • The FileReader and BufferedReader classes together create a convenient text file output stream • See CheckInventory.java • See InventoryItem.java
Reading Text Files • Simplest way to read text: use Scanner class • To read from a disk file, construct a FileReader • Then, use the FileReader to construct a Scanner object FileReader reader = new FileReader("input.txt"); Scanner in = new Scanner(reader); • Use the Scanner methods to read data from file next, nextLine, nextInt, and nextDouble
A Sample Program • Reads all lines of a file and sends them to the output file, preceded by line numbers • Sample input file: Mary had a little lamb Whose fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went, The lamb was sure to go! • Program produces the output file: /* 1 */ Mary had a little lamb /* 2 */ Whose fleece was white as snow. /* 3 */ And everywhere that Mary went, /* 4 */ The lamb was sure to go! • Program can be used for numbering Java source files
fileio/LineNumberer.java 01:import java.io.FileReader; 02:import java.io.FileNotFoundException; 03:import java.io.PrintWriter; 04:import java.util.Scanner; 05: 06:publicclass LineNumberer 07:{ 08:publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) 09:throws FileNotFoundException 10:{ 11: Scanner console =newScanner(System.in); 12: System.out.print("Input file: "); 13: String inputFileName = console.next(); 14: System.out.print("Output file: "); 15: String outputFileName = console.next(); 16: 17: FileReader reader =newFileReader(inputFileName); 18: Scanner in =newScanner(reader); 19: PrintWriter out =newPrintWriter(outputFileName); 20:int lineNumber =1;
fileio/LineNumberer.java (cont.) 21: 22:while(in.hasNextLine()) 23:{ 24: String line = in.nextLine(); 25: out.println("/* "+ lineNumber +" */ "+ line); 26: lineNumber++; 27:} 28: 29: out.close(); 30:} 31:}
File Dialog Boxes Continued
File Dialog Boxes (cont.) • JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); FileReader in = null; if (chooser.showOpenDialog(null) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File selectedFile = chooser.getSelectedFile(); reader = new FileReader(selectedFile); . . . }