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INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR EDUCATION OF PEOPLE WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENT. ICEVI serves as a catalyst to provide a better tomorrow to persons with visual impairment throughout the world. THE MISSION.
ICEVI serves as a catalyst to provide a better tomorrow to persons with visual impairment throughout the world
THE MISSION • Founded in 1952, the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) is a global association of individuals and organisations that promotes equal access to appropriate education for all visually impaired children and youth so that they may achieve their full potential.
OUR GOALS • To ensure access and full participation in education for all visually impaired children and youth by 2015. • To promote and assist in building of local capacity to develop curricula, to provide training and to identify and provide equipment and materials to children and youth with visual impairments and their parents, teachers and others in their communities. • To collaborate with and make use of networks to ensure that substantially more visually impaired children and youth receive quality and comprehensive education. • To ensure that ICEVI initiatives are based upon current evidence of best practice. • To provide information on ICEVI and its services through all possible and appropriate media to all target groups.
STRUCTURE OF ICEVI • The basic structure of ICEVI is a regional one and its members are primarily members of a region. The ICEVI has been divided into seven region viz., • Africa • East Asia • Europe • Latin America • North America/Caribbean, • The Pacific and • West Asia • Each region is headed by a Chairperson and Deputy Chairpersons supported by a Regional Committee.
THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FIVE Principal Officers President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Treasurer and Immediate Past President SEVEN Regional Chairpersons THREE Representatives of founding members American Foundation for the Blind, Perkins School for the Blind and Royal National Institute of the Blind. THREE INGO Partners International Agency for Prevention of Blindness, Deafblind International and the World Blind Union EIGHT INGDO Members Asian Foundation for the Prevention of Blindness, CBM, New York Institute for Special Education, Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted, ONCE, Perkins School for the Blind, Sight Savers International and Vision Australia
The Principal Officers conduct the business of the organisation between General Assemblies and work with the Regions to implement the goals. The Executive Committee is supported by a full-time Secretary General.
OUR PUBLICATIONS • ICEVI’s biannual magazine “The Educator” is available in inkprint and Braille in both English and Spanish and is also posted on our website www.icevi.org • A Japanese language version is available in electronic format on the website. • ICEVI also publishes a biannual electronic newsletter that is currently distributed to 4000 individuals and organizations in 170 countries. • Individuals and organisations working for persons with visual impairment may advertise in the columns of The Educator.
WHAT IS THE EDUCATION FOR ALL CHILDREN WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENT (EFA-VI) GLOBAL CAMPAIGN? A program of the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) acting in partnership with the World Blind Union (WBU) to ensure that girls and boys with blindness and low vision enjoy the right to education
MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS ADDRESSEDThe GLOBAL campaign addresses the following Millennium Development Goals • Achieving universal primary education, • Promoting gender equality and empowerment of women, • Developing a global partnership for development
WHO ARE SERVED BY THE CAMPAIGN? The campaign is focusing on early intervention for all preschool and school age girls and boys with visual impairment. The term “visual impairment” includes blind and low vision children; children who are deafblind; and multiply disabled visually impaired children
GUIDING PRINCIPLES TO THE CAMPAIGN • Creating a demand for education • Working within the framework of the general and special education systems of the country • Ensuring appropriate support services for children with visual impairment in the general education system • Formulating alternative educational approaches for children with specific needs such as those who are deafblind and multiply disabled
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS • Increased enrolment rates • Reduction in drop-out rates • Access to support services • Performance of children with visual impairment