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Myths on the Management

Department of Organisation and Pharmacy Management Basics of Managament in Pharmacy. Myths on the Management. -. Myths on the Management . Recipes on taking control of business firms, health care units, pharmacies , production sites, wholesalers, pharma companies... ?

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Myths on the Management

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  1. Department of Organisation and Pharmacy Management Basics of Managament in Pharmacy Myths on the Management -

  2. Myths on the Management • Recipes ontaking control of business firms, health care units, pharmacies, production sites, wholesalers, pharma companies... ? • Theory or a common sense ? • Is an enterprise a living organism ? • How to improve performance ? • Are people a mystery of organisational structure ? • Strategy and vision vs reality ? • Is a change an opportunity ?

  3. Basics of Managament in Pharmacy MARKETING Flow of lectures and expected outcomes 12.03.2012Margeting I. Pharmaceutical market and its stakeholders. Customer Related Management. Targeting and Segmentation. SWOT analysis, differentiation and competetivness. 19.03.2012Marketing II. Marketing strategy, strategic planning. Life cycle management. Marketing mix and action plan. 26.03.2012Marketing III. Communication and business ethics. -

  4. Basics of Managament in Pharmacy • LITERATURE • Mandatory • Presentations on Marketing I., II., III. – outcomesoflectures • Recommendedliterature • Baker . J.: Marketing Strategy & Management, PalgraveMacmillan 2007, pp 577 Kotler P., Keller K.L., Brady M., Goodman M., Hansen T.: Marketing Management, PearsonEducation Ltd.2009, pp 877(selected chapters) • Report ofthethird WHO ConsultativeGroup on the Role ofthepharmacist, Vancouver, Canada, 27 – 29 August 1997. Availableat: hhtp//www.who.int/medicine/

  5. „Seven-star pharmacist“ (1/6) • GoodPharmaceuticalPractice • Progressfrom a traditional role to the „7-plus-one“ competency profile ofpharmacist by WHOVancouverCosultancy -1997, FIP Council, Vienna - 2000 • *Care–giver:thepharmacistprovidescaringservices (e.g. clinical, analytical, technological, regulatory) atthehighestquality.Thepharmacistmustbecomfortable in interactingwithindividuals and populationandmustviewhis(her) practiceasintegratedand continuoswiththoseofthehealthcaresystemandotherpharmacists. • *Decision-maker: theappropriate, efficacious and costeffectiveuseofresources (e.g. personnel, medicines, chemicals, equipment, procedures, pracices) shouldbeatthefoundationofhis (her) work. Achievingthisgoalrequires • theability to evaluate, synthetize and decide.

  6. „Seven-star pharmacist“ (2/6) • *Communicator: the pharmacist is an ideal position between physician and patient. As such he or she must be knowledgeable and confident while interacting with other health care professionals (HPs) and the public. Communication involves verbal, non-verbal, listening and writing skills. • *Leader: the pharmacist faces a multidisciplinary team or situations and interactions with other HPs – he (she) is obliged to assume a leadership position in the overall welfare of the community. Competent leader is able to make decision, communicate and manage effectively. • * Manager: the manager must effectively manage resources (human, physical, fiscal) and information, he (she) is able effectively interact /cooperate whether with an employer or • the members of a health care team. • Competency profile of the 21st century manager (see next)

  7. „Seven-star pharmacist“ (3/6) • *Life-long-learner : it is no longer possible to learn all one must learn in school in order to practice a carrer as a pharmacist. The concepts, principles and commitment to life-long-learning must begin while attending pharmacy study and must be supported throughout the pharmacist´s carrer. • *Teacher: the pharmacist has a responsibilty to assist with the education and training of future generations of pharmacists. It is also an opportunity for the practitioner to gain new knowledge and to fine-tune existing skills. • *Innovator: thinking „out of the box“, creative, he (she) has a sense for enterprising.

  8. 21st CENTURY Manager(4/6) • New challengesformanager– impactofglobalisation, lesshierarchy – lesslayers in organisationalstructures, more on networking,, new technologies • Matrix – new structuralconcept • Equalmanagerialposition • Proactivity, initiatives, advancedcommunication .... „ENGAGEMENT“ • Internacionalisation • Multidisciplinaryaspect • Decisionmakingdriven by long term sustainability and valuepropositions • „WIN-WIN“ strategytowardsmeetingcommonstakeholders´ and society (asthewhole) objectives

  9. 3 SKILLS every 21st CENTURY Manager NEEDS (5/6) • New challengesformanager– impactofglobalisation, lesshierarchy – lesslayers in organisationalstructures, more on networking, new technologies • SKILL 1. Codeswitchingbetweencultures • To work wellwithforeigncolleagues • and how to avoid a risk offeelinginauthentic • and incompetent Ref.: Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb 2012, pp 139 – 143.

  10. 3SKILLS every 21st CENTURY Manager NEEDS (6/6) • SKILL 2. Wielding digital influence • As companies become less hierarchical, the effective use of online networks will be crucial to success. • SKILL 3. Dividing attention deliberately • Brain is built to multitask role, that evokes its multi-inspiring capacity. • Positive distraction that relieves stress and boosts

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