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YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Erhan AKDOGAN, Ph .D. Yıldız Technical University Mechanical Engineering Faculty Mechatronics Engineering Department Besiktas -ISTANBUL-TURKEY e akdogan @ yildiz .edu.tr.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Erhan AKDOGAN, Ph.D. Yıldız TechnicalUniversity MechanicalEngineeringFaculty MechatronicsEngineeringDepartment Besiktas-ISTANBUL-TURKEY eakdogan@yildiz.edu.tr

  2. Yildiz Technical University is one of the seven government universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911.It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country as well.

  3. Our university has 10 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 25,000 students.

  4. Faculties • Electrical-Electronics, • Faculty of Civil Engineering • Mechanical Engineering • Chemical-Metallurgy • Arts & Science • Education • Naval Architecture and Maritime • Architecture • Art & Design • Economic and Administrative Sciences

  5. Mechatronics Engineering • Project will be performedunderthecontrol of thisdepartment. • Thisdepartmentstartedteachingactivities in 2008. It has 10 lecturersand 7 researchassistants. • Researchinterests of thedepartment • Robotic • Nanomaterials • Intelligent Controlapplications • Biomechatronics

  6. Thankyou

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