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Augment. Augment. by Ed.ward. Augment. by Alan Cleaver. Augment – (v) / [awg-ment] increase; add to. by commons.wikimedia.org. Fervor. by coolcal2111. Fervor. by allesok. Fervor. Fervor – (n) / [fur- ver ] glowing ardor; intensity of feeling. by DVIDSHUB. Gregarious.
Augment by Ed.ward
Augment by Alan Cleaver
Augment – (v) / [awg-ment] increase; add to. by commons.wikimedia.org
Fervor by coolcal2111
Fervor by allesok
Fervor – (n) / [fur-ver] glowing ardor; intensity of feeling by DVIDSHUB
Gregarious by Ankur P
Gregarious – (adj) / [gri-gair-ee-uhs] Sociable, very friendly. by midiman
Tenacity by familymwr
Tenacity by Matt Erasmus
Tenacity by lee_ciaran
Tenacity – (n) / [tuh-nas-i-tee] firmness; persistence. by mariachily