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Seasonal Patterns and Mollusk reproduction. Ashlyn Giddings. Mollusca. Variety of reproductive strategies and life cycles Mostly dioecious with some species hermaphroditic External or internal fertilization (UCMP , 2006; UCMP, 2001). (Cob, 2013).
Seasonal Patterns and Mollusk reproduction Ashlyn Giddings
Mollusca • Variety of reproductive strategies and life cycles • Mostly dioecious with some species hermaphroditic • External or internal fertilization (UCMP, 2006; UCMP, 2001) (Cob, 2013)
Difficulties in Studying Seasonal reproduction in the ocean • Difficulty in witnessing spawning events • Individual seasonal reproduction may be obscured at the population level (Eckelbarger, 1995) • Seasonal patterns can vary with location, even within a species (Lourenço et al, 2012) (Wikipedia, 2007a)
photoperiod • Photoperiod is the length of daylight • Can be a seasonal indicator in species in the euphotic zone (Hodgson, 2010) • Photoperiod can influence juvenile survival (Koueta, 2003) • Example: Sepia officinalis L. (Koueta, 2003) (Wikipedia, 2007b)
Water temperature • Warmer water = reproduction (Hodgson, 2010; Wayne, 2001) • Examples: Aplysiacalifornica(Wayne, 2001) (Wikipedia, 2004)
Food Availability • Food availability triggers oogenesis or signals that conditions are optimal for larval development (Eckelbarger, 1995) • Example: Aulacomyaater(Hodgson, 2010) (WoRMS, 2013)
Evolutionarily conserved • Ancestral breeding patterns may be conserved independent of local conditions (Hodgson, 2010) • Deep sea species likely retain seasonal patterns in reproduction (Eckelbarger, 1995) • Example: Helcion spp. (Hodgson, 2010) (Poppe, 2003)
Human impacts • Climate change- increased temperature can have deleterious effects on Mollusks (Kirby et al, 2008) • Plasticizers (Phthalates and Bisphenol A)- Mollusks appear very sensitive (Oehlmann et al., 2009) • Estrogenic chemicals (Bisphenol A, etc) stimulate egg production at low doses/inhibit at higher doses (Jobling et al., 2003) (Wikipedia, 2006)
Sources • Cob, G. Taxonomy. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/nature-online/species-of-the-day/collections/our-collections/glaucus-atlanticus/taxonomy/index.html 2013-04-20 • Eckelbarger, K. , L. Watling. 1995. Role of phylogenetic constraints in determining reproductive patterns in deep-sea invertebrates. Invertebrate Biology 114(3): 256-269 • Hodgson, A. 2010. Reproductive seasonality of southern African inshore and estuarine invertebrates – a biogeographic review. African Zoology 45(1): 1-17 • Jobling, S. D. Casey, T. Rodgers-Gray, J. Oehlmann, U. Schulte-Oehlmann, S. Pawlowski, T. Baunbeck, A.P. Turner, C.R. Tyler. 2003. Comparative responses of molluscs and fish to enviromental estrogens and an estrogenic effluent. Aquatic Toxicology 65(2): 205-220 • Kirby, P.R., G. Beaugrand, J.A. Lindley. 2008. Climate-induced effects on the meroplankton and the benthic-pelagic ecology of the North Sea. Limnology and Oceanography 53(5): 1805-1815 • Koueta, N., E. Boucaud-Camou. 2003. Combined effects of photoperiod and feeding frequency on survival and growth of juvenile cuttlefish Sepia officinalis L. in experimental rearing. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 296(2): 215-226 • Lourenço, S., A. Moreno, L. Narciso, Á. F. González, J. Pereira. 2012. Seasonal trends of the reproductive cycle of Octopus vulgaris in two environmentally distinct coastal areas. Fisheries Research. 127–128: 116-124
Sources • Oehlmann, J., U. Schulte-Oehlmann, W. Kloas, O. Jagnytsch, I. Lutz, K.O. Kusk, L. Wollenberger, E.M. Santos, G. C. Paull, K. J. W. Van Look, C. R. Tyler. A critical analysis of the biological impacts of plasticizers on wildlife. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 236(1526): 2047-2062 • Poppe, G. 2003. Helcion (Helcion) pectunculus. http://www.gastropods.com/7/Shell_15697.shtml 2013-04-20 • WoRMS. 2013. Aulacomyaatra. http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=image&pic=65426 2013-04-20 • University of California Museum of Paleontology (UCMP), 2001. The Bivalvia. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/taxa/inverts/mollusca/bivalvia.php 2013-04-20 • University of California Museum of Paleontology (UCMP), 2006. The Cephalopoda. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/taxa/inverts/mollusca/cephalopoda.php 2013-04-20 • Wayne, N. 2001. Regulation of seasonal reproduction in mollusks. Journal of Biological Rhythms 16(4): 391-402 • Wikipedia 2004. File:Aplysia californica.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Aplysia_californica.jpg 2013-04-18 • Wikipedia 2006. File:Mudsnail2.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mudsnail2.jpg 2013-04-20 • Wikipedia 2007a. File:Octopus vulgaris 3.JPGhttp://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Octopus_vulgaris_3.JPG 2013-04-20 • Wikipedia 2007b. File:Kalamar.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kalamar.jpg 2013-04-20